Long-Covid symptoms help

Posted by covidsurfer81 @covidsurfer81, Jul 23, 2023

Hi everyone.

I’ve been suffering from I’m pretty sure are the effects of Long Covid, but I’ll try to give as much details as possible, as I’d really appreciate any advice it insight on how long this is all going to last for me.

Here goes.

Roughly 6 weeks ago, I fell very ill with the usual onset of symptoms: Fever, headache, cough, body aches, loss of taste/smell, etc.
I took a Covid test and it was surprisingly negative. My working theory is that I was actually positive and the test just registered a false negative.

After roughly two weeks, the flu-like symptoms resolved, however, I was left with horrendous body aches, debilitating fatigue, brain fog, itchy rash/hives on fingers and hands, loss of appetite, occasional irregular heartbeat here and there, and personality changes.

The symptoms fluctuate from me almost feeling normal again and go right back to leaving me bed ridden. It’s like an endless rollercoaster of nonstop symptomatic hell.

I can’t work or really do too much of anything, so I’m pretty much relegated to laying around the house and googling to try and find some answers as to when this nightmare will possibly come to an end.

If anyone either was or is in my position, I’d gladly appreciate any insight or speculation as to when this may fully resolve.

Thank you and I hope to hear from at least a few of you out there.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


The article below describes my life now. I used to work a full time job, exercise, walk 3 miles per day and care for my elderly Dad with Alzheimer’s etc…. I feel It might be helpful for people to post ‘specifically’ the supplements they use that actually have made some improvements in THEIR symptoms. I have a whole cabinet dedicated to a bunch of supplements that have NOT made an improvement. I don’t think by any means this is a ‘one size fits all’ situation
I am super overly sensitive to medications so I’ve had to try a lot of different things.
The ones I currently take that I feel could be making a small difference in my life.

VITAMIN C 500 mg
Vit D3
And a good quality multi vitamin.

I tried the Zyrtec/Famotadine ..still take the Zyrtec because it helps me sleep a bit but after getting some testing done was told that I don’t have a histamine problem.
Keep in mind I also have EBV reactivation with my long Covid, I have been sick since 4/2020 and I’m still debilitated. My most debilitating symptom I must say is fatigue. Dysautonomia, tachycardia, insomnia ….
‘Wired but Tired’ to list a few.

Take a moment to read this… it may or may not describe you. I only wish all the people (left) in my life would take a moment out of their busy, fulfilling lives to read this so that no one else says to me “ Yeah, I’m tired too” before they run off to enjoy their night out with friends.

I wish everyone here the best. I pray that someday soon we’ll all be recovered and living our best lives. Much Love 💗.


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Your mention of Epstein Barr Virus reactivation got me attention.

I had mononucleosis when I was 15 (I’m 42 now) and am beginning to wonder if this is what is going on with me.

How would one be able to find out out for sure if that’s the case? What blood test should I ask to be done specifically?



Your mention of Epstein Barr Virus reactivation got me attention.

I had mononucleosis when I was 15 (I’m 42 now) and am beginning to wonder if this is what is going on with me.

How would one be able to find out out for sure if that’s the case? What blood test should I ask to be done specifically?

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No conventional Doctor was able to figure this out. I went to many. I ended up with an Integrative Doc and they ran lots of bloodwork. I too had mono in High School. My GP says I’m ‘depressed’ and that’s why I’m like this. I have a response to that comment but will refrain from posting it.

Long Covid can reactivate EBV.

To detect a reactivation.

I can’t seem to get my numbers below 600.
“Rollercoaster of nonstop symptomatic hell” accurately describes it. I feel ridiculously bad today.
I hope you find your answers. I’m here if you have other questions.
I wish I could tell you when it will resolve. Good luck my friend.


Hi mca,
Has the supplements you listed helped you immensely? Not sure if you're dealing with high anxiety, as mine is odd the charts since Covid (twice) but is there anything you recommend, even in the way of Rx for anxiety/depression? Thx


Here's my story, I had COVID late Jan 23. Very mild case only felt bad for a few days. Towards the end of Feb I just didn't seem to feel like my old self. (64) Chalked it up to being overworked. I noticed my blood pressure was going up even with my meds. Visit to doctor usual blood work was good except very low vitamin D. Ok we can take care of this high doses of D3 and increased BP meds. By April my vitamin D level improved but I didn't. My symptoms were adding up. Fatigue, weak legs and arms. My hands and face started tingling. Dizziness, my eyes burnt and blurry vision. The worst was BRAIN FOG!! I couldn't concentrate at work or just doing task at home. Back to doctor he was lost! Tried over the counter supplements , Vitamin D was in normal range. A week ago he put me on Hydroxyzine antihistamine I seem to be 50 percent better!!! I'm hoping I continue to improve!!!


Hi mca,
Has the supplements you listed helped you immensely? Not sure if you're dealing with high anxiety, as mine is odd the charts since Covid (twice) but is there anything you recommend, even in the way of Rx for anxiety/depression? Thx

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Doctor put me on Hydroxyzine which is a antihistamine and also used for anxiety. I am feeling much better in a weeks time!!!


The article below describes my life now. I used to work a full time job, exercise, walk 3 miles per day and care for my elderly Dad with Alzheimer’s etc…. I feel It might be helpful for people to post ‘specifically’ the supplements they use that actually have made some improvements in THEIR symptoms. I have a whole cabinet dedicated to a bunch of supplements that have NOT made an improvement. I don’t think by any means this is a ‘one size fits all’ situation
I am super overly sensitive to medications so I’ve had to try a lot of different things.
The ones I currently take that I feel could be making a small difference in my life.

VITAMIN C 500 mg
Vit D3
And a good quality multi vitamin.

I tried the Zyrtec/Famotadine ..still take the Zyrtec because it helps me sleep a bit but after getting some testing done was told that I don’t have a histamine problem.
Keep in mind I also have EBV reactivation with my long Covid, I have been sick since 4/2020 and I’m still debilitated. My most debilitating symptom I must say is fatigue. Dysautonomia, tachycardia, insomnia ….
‘Wired but Tired’ to list a few.

Take a moment to read this… it may or may not describe you. I only wish all the people (left) in my life would take a moment out of their busy, fulfilling lives to read this so that no one else says to me “ Yeah, I’m tired too” before they run off to enjoy their night out with friends.

I wish everyone here the best. I pray that someday soon we’ll all be recovered and living our best lives. Much Love 💗.


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Hugs to you all!


I apologize…. Here is a free version of the article.


I have been trying to recover since February. The main thing I learned is listen to your body!! Really listen! I would try to go go go and then crash and be worse off than before! It truly can be awful but I am getting better finally . I have two good doctors , am taking supplements religiously and listening !! No one has a silver bullet and it is a pretty serious thing not getting much press. Once again is it because the majority of long Covid sufferers are women? That could be true ! Anyway patience , kindness to oneself, and helping your body with REST and lots of water . Body aches are helped with tumeric and magnesium, Tylenol . Tiredness ? Just give in ! I have actually left in the middle of a therapy session as I could not bear being upright any longer. Time is being robbed from me But what can one do?? Just hang in there! I truly believe you can do it!!!

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There are lots of people who have healed themselves. Feel free to track my comments (if there's a way to do that), or go further back in the forums. It's very possible. Your doctors won't have the answers... Anti-inflammatory diet + low histamine diet -- both very strictly are absolutely key. Plus B-3 (niacinamide, non-flushing, 500mg x 3 daily); the B-3 is the precursor for your body to make NAD again. NAD is needed for absolutely all bodily functions.

You can also research MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome); the diet/protocol/symptoms are similar. I wish you ALL the very best, truly. There ARE answers out there. Look beyond your "typical" doctors, because they certainly do not have the answers.


There are lots of people who have healed themselves. Feel free to track my comments (if there's a way to do that), or go further back in the forums. It's very possible. Your doctors won't have the answers... Anti-inflammatory diet + low histamine diet -- both very strictly are absolutely key. Plus B-3 (niacinamide, non-flushing, 500mg x 3 daily); the B-3 is the precursor for your body to make NAD again. NAD is needed for absolutely all bodily functions.

You can also research MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome); the diet/protocol/symptoms are similar. I wish you ALL the very best, truly. There ARE answers out there. Look beyond your "typical" doctors, because they certainly do not have the answers.

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Thanks for the encouragement! I do have a doctor who has been filling me with B vitamins D vitamins some special other things and Finally I HAD A GOOD WEEKEND! almost normal . I do love my doctors they have been wonderfully believing in my problem ! No poo pooing and thinking it is all in my mind! I have a used to be cardiologist who has become an integrated health guru ! Maybe I will be able to visit my sister soon!! A TRIP! It has been so long!!!

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