Anyone know about daridorexant (Quviviq) for insomnia?

Posted by chuckiepoo1 @chuckiepoo1, Oct 25, 2022

I just very recently read about a new insomnia sleep medication by the company Idorsia. It is QUVIVIQ( daridorexant). I asked my PCP about it and he had not heard of it but did find it through his resources. Has anyone had any experience with this new drug? Also wondering, since it is new or relatively new whether most insurances will pay for it.

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Hello @chuckiepoo1, I couldn't find any members who have posted about Daridorexant for insomnia but did see the press release for it's approval and shared the link below. You will notice that we modified the title so that hopefully members with experience can share with you.

-- Daridorexant Approved for Adults With Insomnia:
I thought you also might be interested in this article on the drug that contains some information on the costs:
-- Quviviq: Side effects, cost, alternatives, uses, and more:
Are you able to discuss the cost with your health insurance company?

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I have tried just about all the drugs for insomnia. Quviviq is the latest. I do not get any of the nightmares some patients have complained of but after 3 weeks plus of trying it, I know I will not be renewing the Rx. It just doesn’t work for me. I have other drugs that I make cocktails of to try to get to sleep which work for a few hours, then I’m up for several hours and then I take some more of my drug cocktail for a couple more hours of sleep. It seems as if nothing really works for me. I am retired so I am lucky I don’t have to get up to go to work but I dislike spending so much time trying to sleep.


I have tried just about all the drugs for insomnia. Quviviq is the latest. I do not get any of the nightmares some patients have complained of but after 3 weeks plus of trying it, I know I will not be renewing the Rx. It just doesn’t work for me. I have other drugs that I make cocktails of to try to get to sleep which work for a few hours, then I’m up for several hours and then I take some more of my drug cocktail for a couple more hours of sleep. It seems as if nothing really works for me. I am retired so I am lucky I don’t have to get up to go to work but I dislike spending so much time trying to sleep.

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Hello @lisaschultz327, Welcome to Connect. I'm sorry to hear that none of the drugs or insomnia have been able to provide any relief for your chronic insomnia. I know you are not alone and thought you might find these references helpful.

--- Patients With Treatment-Resistant Insomnia Taking Nightly Prescription Medications for Sleep: A Retrospective Assessment of Diagnostic and Treatment Variables:
--- Insomnia treatment: Cognitive behavioral therapy instead of sleeping pills:

I used to snore a lot at night and had many nights that I was restless and did not sleep well. During a meeting with my cardiologist for another condition, he asked me if I snored and when I told him I did, he scheduled me for an overnight sleep study. The result of the sleep study was that I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea and now use a CPAP machine. It did take me about a year of using and getting used to the CPAP before I started seeing the benefit of better sleep but I'm glad the cardiologist asked the question and setup the sleep study.

Have you thought about having a sleep study done to see if that might help with a treatment?


Hello @lisaschultz327, Welcome to Connect. I'm sorry to hear that none of the drugs or insomnia have been able to provide any relief for your chronic insomnia. I know you are not alone and thought you might find these references helpful.

--- Patients With Treatment-Resistant Insomnia Taking Nightly Prescription Medications for Sleep: A Retrospective Assessment of Diagnostic and Treatment Variables:
--- Insomnia treatment: Cognitive behavioral therapy instead of sleeping pills:

I used to snore a lot at night and had many nights that I was restless and did not sleep well. During a meeting with my cardiologist for another condition, he asked me if I snored and when I told him I did, he scheduled me for an overnight sleep study. The result of the sleep study was that I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea and now use a CPAP machine. It did take me about a year of using and getting used to the CPAP before I started seeing the benefit of better sleep but I'm glad the cardiologist asked the question and setup the sleep study.

Have you thought about having a sleep study done to see if that might help with a treatment?

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Hi, I’ve had one and do have sleep apnea. I did not like the machine (one of the more recent small ones). I just had a pacemaker installed and am wondering if Inspire would work for me in light of my heart disease.


Hi, I’ve had one and do have sleep apnea. I did not like the machine (one of the more recent small ones). I just had a pacemaker installed and am wondering if Inspire would work for me in light of my heart disease.

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I don't think a pacemaker automatically prevents you from getting the Inspire device but I'm also not sure if they work for everyone that has sleep apnea.

"Having a pacemaker does not necessarily disqualify you from getting the Inspire treatment."
--- What is Inspire Sleep Apnea Treatment and Does It Work?:


I suffer from insomnia and have tried EVERYTHING. I am currently on day 27 of Quvivique, and no it doesn’t work for me. I’m very disappointed in this drug. It’s very costly and requires prior authorization and it’s probably the most ineffective sleep aid I have ever tried. In my opinion, balsa snd lunesta are the best. At least for me.


I have tried several others and found Belsomra the best until I started having side effects with that too. Also had pretty vivid and disturbing nightmares. Switched to Quiviviq and it works well. Found 50 mg much better than 25 mg. Neurologist prefers me to take 25 mg, but it just doesn't work as well. I'm sure new CPAP does not help either. Luckily my insurance covers but has a very high copay. I found the "copay assistance program" from Quiviviq and that pays most of the copay. I think I will pay only $25 but not sure as I just started this assistance program. The first month was only $10, but I know it goes up a bit. Wish I knew of it sooner! Search for quiviviq copay assistance program for the link.

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