PD will be curable with cortisol article

Posted by robjohn @robjohn, May 26, 2019

I just ran across this article while researching a blood test that showed my cortisol is very low. PUBLIC RELEASE: 25-APR-2017
Parkinson's disease will be curable with cortisol

Does anyone know more about this?

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I am following on behalf of my wife who has Parkinson. Hers is a little unusual in that she has difficultly walking, but has no upper extremities shaking.

I have been trying to get her an appointment with a doctor at Mayo Scottsdale. She is registered and has a patient number and her medical files have been sent in
Not sure if the next step. Any advice would be appreciated.

I am also a patient at Mayo for my heart. I have a left ventricular assist device LVAD

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Hello @billfh and welcome to the Parkinson's support group on Mayo Connect. I don't have an answer to your question about the reason for your wife's delay in getting an appointment. I would, however, encourage you to call and inquire about that.

My diagnosis with PD is similar to your wife's. After many years, I have had no shaking/tremors but did have problems with walking, gait and balance. After I began medication, I was able to walk without so many problems.

Has your wife begun medication yet?

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