Reclast Infusions: Side-effects & Recovery time

Posted by cindydee @cindydee, Mar 20, 2018

I just had a reclast infusion last week and have had serious side effects. I had the worst flue like aching for 5 days then my lefty arm became full of inflammation in the wrist, elbow and shoulder which caused extreme pain and I lost the ability to straighten my elbow. Ultrasound showed huge amounts of fluid throughout the arm. The right arm is now starting to have the same symptoms. The pain is excruciating. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Neither the ER doctor nor the Dr. who prescribed the procedure knew what to do to ease the symptoms. Both arms from fingertips to shoulder are swollen and neither elbow will straighten. Anyone else have adverse reactions to the reclast infusion? If yes, how long did it last?

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I have had 6 migraines with scotoma after receiving my first Reclast infusion. I am 2.5 months post infusion and had another migraine today. I had migraines in the past but prior to this had not had one for 5 years at least. Has anyone had this issue?

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A migraine victim, I have not had one since getting Reclast a week ago. However, I have continuously had what I call a Covid headache. It is a line of pain in the front of my skull over my right eye. I had Covid 3x with the unique headache.


A migraine victim, I have not had one since getting Reclast a week ago. However, I have continuously had what I call a Covid headache. It is a line of pain in the front of my skull over my right eye. I had Covid 3x with the unique headache.

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I'm so sorry about your headaches. I too had Covid with subsiquent multiple headaches then migraines so I'm wondering if the Reclast has negatively affected my immune system. I did not have covid during all the pandemic time until after the Reclast infusion. May I suggest that you look for a Long Covid Clinic. I found one near me and scheduled a consult. If my symptoms (fatigue, cough, migraines, lack of stamina) decrease, I will make room for another.
I found a definite improvement increasing my water intake to 60 ounces a day which seems to give me the energy I need to increase my walking distance.
Best to you.


I had reclast last Friday and woke up Sunday with pain in bones, joints and muscle. Also been having headaches. I am very tired. I have a hematoma from the injection and I feel there must of been some leaking from the IV. It is very painful. The swelling has gone down, but it all the way up to the side of my elbow. They didn't tell me to drink a lot of water. I feel that would of helped not have these side effects. My pain is better today, but still there.


I'm still achy and it's day 5 after the reclast fusion. I am very tired and feel lightheaded. I just don't feel good.


Had my 2nd reclast infusion 2 was ago. This time I have side effects that I hope subside. Pain in my upper back, neck. Movement limitation and over all despair. The first infusion showed increased bone density, no new fractures. That's good. I'm hopeful.



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I have had four prolia injections and then my doctor took me off of it and now a year later my bone density has gotten much worst. I was told if you take prolia you have to take it for the rest of your life.
My new endocrinologist has put me on fosamax to see if I can handle it as I have a long history of reflux and 20 years ago I had a severe reaction to fosamax. The hope is to get me on recast. It all makes me very nervous.


Hi Everyone! I'm new to this group. Just read a bunch of your posts, and it looks like I am in the right place.
I've had two Prolia injections several years ago, which left me with severe bone pain that lingered for months as well as horrible itching on my hands and fingers that became so bad that no amount of washing, alcohol, cortisone cream, Benadryl, or even bentonite clay, could vanquish. I was ripping my skin off constantly.

Of course, without treatment, even with all the exercise I do, the osteoporosis came back.

I had my first Reclast infusion five days ago. Within twelve hours I had severe flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, aches, headache, blurred vision, fatigue, dry throat, etc.). It's five days later and I still have a violent headache and blurred vision. No NSAID cuts the headache. I am praying it goes away soon, because the pain makes it next to impossible to function, and I'm as cantankerous as the Wicked Witch of the West.
I'm sorry you all have been having such intense issues, as well, but glad to know I am among friends.


Hi Everyone! I'm new to this group. Just read a bunch of your posts, and it looks like I am in the right place.
I've had two Prolia injections several years ago, which left me with severe bone pain that lingered for months as well as horrible itching on my hands and fingers that became so bad that no amount of washing, alcohol, cortisone cream, Benadryl, or even bentonite clay, could vanquish. I was ripping my skin off constantly.

Of course, without treatment, even with all the exercise I do, the osteoporosis came back.

I had my first Reclast infusion five days ago. Within twelve hours I had severe flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, aches, headache, blurred vision, fatigue, dry throat, etc.). It's five days later and I still have a violent headache and blurred vision. No NSAID cuts the headache. I am praying it goes away soon, because the pain makes it next to impossible to function, and I'm as cantankerous as the Wicked Witch of the West.
I'm sorry you all have been having such intense issues, as well, but glad to know I am among friends.

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The first time I took Reclast I had flu-like symptoms for about 10-14 days. I took tylenol (NSAIDS upset my stomach) and that took care of it. My further treatments with Relcast also had flu symptoms but the time decreased to about 2-3 days. Again I just took tylenol and I felt okay and could function. I know everyone had different reactions. Sorry yours are giving you trouble. But, hopefully, the symptoms will diminish.


First Reclast infusion this past Monday. Hard to tell if I had a reaction, because - at age 70 - aches/pains are normal, despite (and sometimes because of!) exercise, stair climbing, walking. But no real flu-like symptoms as some reported. Infusion lasted 1/2 hour. I was on Actonel 5 awful years back in the early 2000s. Burned my throat no matter how much water I drank with the pill. My bone loss is not terrible, just a slow decline. Hoping Reclast will slow it down.

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