Pill In Pocket For A-Fib

Posted by Krav Maga @kravmaga, Jun 25, 2023

Does anyone in the group do pill in pocket for A-Fib.
If anyone does pill in pocket,
What drug do you use ie: flecainide, prophaenone etc. ?
What dose do you take?
How often do you have an A-Fib episode?
Do you do pill in pocket every time you have an episode?
What is your success rate?
Thank you in advance for any feedback.

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I have paroxysmal AFib that has been controlled with two ablation procedures. However, on some days I experience lots of PACs and other palpitations that affect me adversely. When that happens, I take a low dose of nebivolol -usually half a 2.5 mg tablet. This calms my heart and improves the way I feel. I keep a nebivolol tablet with me wherever I go. Nebivolol used in this way doesn't cause me adverse side effects, such as excessive tiredness, which are often the result of other beta blocker meds such as metoprolol.

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Thank you for your reply.
Glad to hear you are having good outcomes.


I am aware of a vagal and adrenal A-Fib.
I feel for me and i too am paroxysmal, I have a little of both.
Sounds to me with your GI issues its a lot of vagal for you since vagal nerve is related to digestion..
Yes we are all different what works for one does not work for another.
I am a very disciplined person doing boxing, martial arts etc. I try to attack or game plan a situation. If you have read any of my other posts I express so much frustration with A-Fib because there is at least for me NO game plan to work on it it seems to have a mind of its own. Sometimes its one trigger at other times another. So frustrating. Or as I always lament no rhyme or reason to it.

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@kravmaga I sympathize. I do have both vagal and adrenal. I can sort of feel things build up. In addition to treating GI and eating early, I also take a Klonopin if stressed or if I feel a certain something in my chest. But who knows, every time it happens it is a surprise and I can only hope that the little things I do can continue to keep the episodes far apart.


How do you know when you are having AFib episodes? My Holder monitor indicated so but all subsequent tests have been normal? And it is not noticeable to me. Does that watch work? How expensive is it?


Don't think there is a pill to stop AFIB. The atriums and ventricles are out of sync so blood pools in the left atrium which could cause a stroke. You either take blood thinners or have the Watchman installed. You could also have an ablation if it is constant. My cardiologist told me I would not feel an AFIB. I do get early heart beats on occasion which I feel. My blood pressure monitors detect irregular heart beats and also my Kardia Mobile device.


I feel mine, dramatically. I have worn month long monitors and my perceptions were on target. Perhaps because my torso is small, but also because I get a heart rate above 180. I also check on the Kardia.


@lawsonsa do you take those meds every day or only when you have afib?

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Only when I have Afib


I would love to hear from someone in my position. I have had 3 ablations over the past 2 years for fast afib. I have had 12 cardioversions over the past 4 years or so. My last ablation was in January 2023. My last cardioversion last Friday. As a result my anxiety level is through the roof. What is the solution. Has anyone found one. Is it now time for some surgical intervention. I am due to see my cardiologist on 28th and will see what he says. In the meantime I would love to hear from someone in my position.


Ask your cardio about the medicine Tikosyn. I've been on Tikosyn for about 8+ years and have had no afib other than two bouts in 2021 after getting Moderna shots. I blame the shots and have had no problems since.


Ask your cardio about the medicine Tikosyn. I've been on Tikosyn for about 8+ years and have had no afib other than two bouts in 2021 after getting Moderna shots. I blame the shots and have had no problems since.

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Also known as dofetilide, it works well for me

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