Really bummed out (calcium test score)

Posted by cantbelievethis @cantbelievethis, Jul 7, 2023

I am 70 years old and swim 3-4 times per week. I don't smoke or drink. I have been so grateful for my good health. There is a family history of cardiac disease and I have had routine screenings over the years. I have taken routine stress tests over the year and they came back alright. Also have had a test done on neck over the years(carotid artery) a few times to see if there is any clogging (routine) and it came back ok. A couple of other routine screenings. I am not sure what but I know we did things. We recently did a calcium score test as a screening and my score came back 580. I am sad beyond words. I am also angry at myself and blaming myself even though I can't figure out how this happened. And that is not helping! I was so pleased with my health. Now this. I am heartbroken. p.s. Doctor is starting me on Lipitor, aspirin each day and I will be going for a stress test. Any words of support or encouragement would be appreciated. I am having a hard time coping with this since I thought I was so healthy. Thank you.

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@cantbelievethis I was as bummed out as you. 70 with a score of 642. I thought i had a few months to live but now I see that as ridiculous. Educate yourself as many here are telling you. Read books, and study up. A few pieces of advice from someone who did all that. You need to go to a cardiologist and have a nuclear stress test etc. Mine told me blood flow was normal and not to worry. He also put me on the gold standard for high cholesterol care (I’ve read a lot). A statin yes but also a PSK9 inhibitor like Praluent or Repatha. Both are injectables you take twice a month but they will knock down your overall cholesterol and LDL cholesterol like you wouldn’t believe. Take heart (pun intended). Go to a cardiologist, educate yourself, get on some good drugs and make lifestyle changes …. You will live a long life my friend.


Statins harden the soft plaque. It is the soft kind that if it loosens into the blood stream can block blood flow to the heart.


Thank you so much for this kind and supportive reply. I appreciate it. I mean that! I took lipitor years ago and stopped taking it due to side effects. A long time ago. When this new doctor, a cardiologist picked it, I didn't say anything. I wanted to "comply". Maybe I should have spoken up. I will try it again and see what happens. God bless you.

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There are several lipitor type drugs. Maybe, you would have no side effects with another statin...good luck !


@cantbelievethis I was as bummed out as you. 70 with a score of 642. I thought i had a few months to live but now I see that as ridiculous. Educate yourself as many here are telling you. Read books, and study up. A few pieces of advice from someone who did all that. You need to go to a cardiologist and have a nuclear stress test etc. Mine told me blood flow was normal and not to worry. He also put me on the gold standard for high cholesterol care (I’ve read a lot). A statin yes but also a PSK9 inhibitor like Praluent or Repatha. Both are injectables you take twice a month but they will knock down your overall cholesterol and LDL cholesterol like you wouldn’t believe. Take heart (pun intended). Go to a cardiologist, educate yourself, get on some good drugs and make lifestyle changes …. You will live a long life my friend.

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@writer418 First, I wanted to tell you that reading your comments were just what I needed this morning. I have been unable to get much reassurance from my PCP ( went on vacation right after my CAC test) and my anxiety has been spinning out of control. So, thanks for sharing your experience and offering hope of living a full life with this disease if proper steps are taken.


For age 70 that is fine!!!
Use a statin and it will go up. Because Statins harden the plaque into calcium. That is better because it is not loose and causing blockages…


For age 70 that is fine!!!
Use a statin and it will go up. Because Statins harden the plaque into calcium. That is better because it is not loose and causing blockages…

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The development of arterial atherosclerosis may occur when deposits of cholesterol and plaque accumulate at a tear in the inner lining of an artery. As the deposits harden and occlude the arterial lumen, blood flow to distant tissues decreases and a clot may become lodged, completely blocking the artery.


I’m sure we are all standing with you in solidarity and rooting for you to get beyond this matter causing your distress. All the best to you.

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