I am having a VERY difficult time with Klonipin withdrawal

Posted by lisalynn @lisalynn, Jun 29, 2023

I have been on Klonipin for a BIG Panic disorder for over 15 years. I recently had to wean down off of 3 to none fast. The withdrawal was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I have my normal prescription now. However, at a lower level. But, I am still having a withdrawal symptom that is plaguing me. I am still taking it, but half of what I had been. I hear my Heart thumping in my ears, very loud and fast, 120 beats per minute. Did anyone else have that symptom? Or describe their withdrawal? Oh, and I NEVER want to speak to that new and cold Psychiatrist I have.
Struggling. Thanks.

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Thank you , Tom and I know exactly what you mean …. I just want to be me again . Bc I have forgotten “ Me off of clonazepam “ lol 10 yrs .. I hope this Pregabalin will work .. It’s been 4.5 weeks since 1 cpam … now I’ve only been on Pregabalin for approx. 6 weeks . However , when I started to taper from 4 capsules per day to 3 .. same terrible wds as clonazepam… it def must be the same kind of drug ? Pregabalin is not my drug of choice but now im stuck and they can’t taper slowly bc they don’t have tablets in Canada yet ? Or so the pharmacist told me . Im on 2 per day but in between each capsule when it wears off .. it back come the wds ? Then I start to get tired of feeling “ crumby “ I know you have to be a little more patient but it’s hard … Pregabalin makes you feel like a zombie ? Who talks too much and as you can see types too much ! 😂 blurred vision ! Really shouldn’t drive while you’re on them . But I still have all of the side effects after 6 weeks , can remember what I got up for and constantly have to think for a couple of seconds before I can remember the name of someone or the place we just visited ..,that was scary ? I actually had to think about it , Jamaica 2 months ago . So yeah … I’m finished with these tomorrow . I’ll try to taper with the last one and see how it goes . If not crazy wds like klonopin.. I will try and fight through them .. but if it continues into the next day .. I can’t . And I’m not staying on these crazy drugs ! Wow ? So it will be back to my refill . I thought the Pregabalin would be so much easier . I’m only on 150 mgs now and .75 mgs tomorrow and maybe 1 more the next day . I’ll keep you updated and let you know how I made out by Wednesday . Sorry for long message .. most people just skim through them .😂😂 husband , kids … best friend ? Nobody can read a novel they say .. lol take care for now Tom ! And thank you very much for your support ❤️

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Hi Dedra,

There is a blood test for psycho genetic test to see if you can’t take certain medication. Simply a blood test that I ask my doctor to due. My insurance paid for the test and it involved medication like benzodiazepines. I find that on certain medications I have a. Certain reaction and I can’t take the medication. Unfortunately Valium I found out I can take.it. I understand about support. My family didn’t realize the severity of withdrawal. I was on a journey all by myself. I can’t emphasize that my spiritual relationship with God, Jesus and the Holyn Spirit was a Hugh part of my journey. Dedra please hang in to life. The journey does get better. Don’t worry I enjoy your post. Thank you for being so thoughtful.



I applaud you first of all. It is a tough journey, but keeping going. With time it will become better. 40 years of Valium prescriptions and 7 months off Valium. I plan on a successful recovery.

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Great job. I will you the best Benzo free life. It is a big deal to come off of these meds


I was given “Pregabalin” for nerve pain due to a mild case of shingles . I’ve been on Clonazepam ( klonopin) since 2014 when my dad passed … tried to come off of them after 4 months of refills .. cold turkey ? I didn’t know anything about wds ? Lol I soon found out ! I can only describe it as someone kicking me through the gates of hell .. so I tried tapering for 9 months . That was torture !!! Every two weeks when I would just get used to that certain dosage I was back in wds again .. it was like having the flu for one week .. but after like 10 ( 1 week flus ) I couldn’t take it anymore and I’m sure my husband can vouch for that as well as my co workers ( depressed ? Wasn’t the same person )
However , getting back to the present . I was prescribed like I said at the beginning “ Pregabalin” well , I guess it helped my nerve pain all along my back and shoulder. Under armpits . Where the rash had been . But after taking it for 2 weeks it seemed to be now in my system . I felt calm ? Things that used to worry me to no end , even with clonazepam? We’re gone .. I found that I was taking my clonazepam but after a few days I noticed that I wasn’t counting them or even going to grab one ? Went a few days without them ? I took a quarter of a piece each day …now I’ve never heard of this drug . I’ve heard of “Gabapentin “ and this would be in the same family .. but wow ? Now maybe it won’t last ? But if it at least takes me to the point that I’m over the time period for wds from clonazepam? Idc ? It really has helped my anxiety .. I feel like cleaning and rearranging my furniture again ? Making sure that dishes are always done .. things that I haven’t been interested in over 10 yrs ..I would force myself ? But mostly my husband would do them .. so I’ve tried and read up on every drug out there to help me with benzo wds .. nothing came remotely close to this drug ..I called my dr 2 weeks later and asked him ( before checking Google ) can this drug taking for nerve pain also make me less worried , anxious and not needing my clonazepam??? He said “ yes “ some people have reported that they felt calmer with this drug or gabapentin as well..and yes .,hed much rather see me on this drug or one similar than clonazepam… so he sent in for another refill .. and raised my dosage for now .. so I’ll see what happens ? I only take 400 mgs per day but he told me that there are people who are taking 36,00 mgs per day .. I’m sure that’s what he said as I told him my dad was taking 900 mgs a day of gabapentin, I thought that was a lot . Anyway so far so good . I’m sleeping perfect ! And happy to get out during the day ..I just feel like I did 10 yrs before I started taking clonazepam.. the only reason I stayed on it ( bc it wasn’t helping me ) but it was the horrible wds so I had no choice . Now I’m not sure if this one is addictive too ? But according to my dr he’d much rather see me on this one if it’s helping my overall mental health . I’d have to say it’s a miracle drug for me . So happy I came down with shingles ?? 😂😂❤️❤️.

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I've seen news reports on gabapentin and it can be just as nasty or worse. People have reported it took as much as a year for wd. Be careful and really do your research.


Hi yes my dad took Gabapentin for 7 years before he passed away at age 88 .. nothing to do with Gabapentin lol but this drug did help him as he had many compressed fractures in the lower part of his back .. it took pain level from. 9-10 ( 1-10 scale ) to about a 4-5 …. He took 900 mgs per day but was told he could take more if needed ..
The drug I’m on is called Pregabalin ( sister drug to Gabapentin) but keep in mind , I too am suffering from nerve pain ( left over from a very mild case of shingles 3 months ago ) the one thing that REALLY surprised me was that I no longer needed my Clonazepam anymore ..?? Turns out ( for me anyway ) that Pregabalin took the place of Clonazepam, same make up …. And yes, exact same wds when I tried to stop ( there is no micro tapering , in Canada as they come in capsules only .. ). So this was the reason why I went 3 weeks without one of my clonazepam? Lol too good to be true !! Knew it .. told 3 different pharmacists including my own .. and they said they’ve never heard of that ? And that I’d be much better to come off of Pregabalin than Clonazepam? Not sure I’m seeing any difference as they’re exactly the same ! Only difference is one helps with nerve pain and one doesn’t … oh ? And pregabalin causes weight gain , even without changing your diet ?…. So I disagree with the pharmacists that Pregabalin is the lesser of two evils …. It’s just that drs are now discouraged from prescribing benzos .. and Pregabalin is a fairly new drug .. but works exactly the same … yes, it helps with the nerve pain but if I knew that it too was addictive I probably would have kept with Ibuprofen? So bc of weight gain ? I think I’ll get rid of Pregabalin and stick with Clonazepam… at least this drug doesn’t leave me feeling “ foggy and loss of recalling things like names etc ?” That’s after taking for over 4 weeks and taking 225 mgs per day …. The most you’re allowed ( usually ) recommended is 600 mgs and under .. omg ? I can’t imagine ! Def wouldn’t be able to drive for like 3 weeks !! Scary …


A bit more about my addiction and problems. I haven’t been to my pcp in 7 years. I suffer from IBS and at times diverticulitis. I gave for the past 24 years. It’s what actually got me hooked on Klonapin. It really helped with the pain and anxiety of my bowel issues. So here I sit, I am depressed, can’t stand loud noises, am anxious about my guts, and I’m seriously thinking of going back on the Klonapin. It’s the only times I ever feel whole. My brother keeps trying to get me to take citalopram, but I’m afraid of it and it can take weeks to kick in and be unpleasant for a week or more when you first start it. Damned if I do damned if I don’t. Help!!!


Lisa hang in there. Slow your breathing. I use to think I was dying when I felt like that. I have been there so please don’t hate me for saying this - exercise.
I was not someone who would ever go to a gym or take a yoga class. I started with a brisk walk about the neighbourhood. I didn’t even think I could do that without a panic attack but I did. Then I did it every day. The more exercise the better I felt, better I slept.
I am still on a lower dose and have anxiety issues, but it is getting easier. Got myself a good therapist. Plus my ass is looking fantastic- so there is that.
Good luck. Keep us updated.


I have been on Klonopin for 4 years. 6mg a day. I had to taper off and have been off for 2 weeks. They were suppressing my respiratory system and lowering my blood pressure to dangerously low levels and also causing me to black out and lose bladder and bowel control. The last instance I was unconscious for over 5 minutes and created a mess. This drug is horrible and I am bound and determined to NEVER take a benzo again. However my anxiety levels are through the roof. I have struggled with anxiety my whole life and this is the worst feeling I have ever had and it will not go away. My doctor is giving me a new med Buspirone. I am extremely nervous about taking anything again. I already have a cocktail of medication to treat bipolar. I want off everything. Has anyone else taken Buspirone for anxiety before?


I have been on Klonopin for 4 years. 6mg a day. I had to taper off and have been off for 2 weeks. They were suppressing my respiratory system and lowering my blood pressure to dangerously low levels and also causing me to black out and lose bladder and bowel control. The last instance I was unconscious for over 5 minutes and created a mess. This drug is horrible and I am bound and determined to NEVER take a benzo again. However my anxiety levels are through the roof. I have struggled with anxiety my whole life and this is the worst feeling I have ever had and it will not go away. My doctor is giving me a new med Buspirone. I am extremely nervous about taking anything again. I already have a cocktail of medication to treat bipolar. I want off everything. Has anyone else taken Buspirone for anxiety before?

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I wish you all the best. Don't know anything about the new drug Buspirone unfortunately, but hope it helps you in your fight with the anxiety. Klonopin though is a terrible drug, can't believe some doc had you on 6Mg a day. That would have killed me for sure. Wishing you peace and congrats on finally being done with klonopin. You will get through this!!


I have been on Klonopin for 4 years. 6mg a day. I had to taper off and have been off for 2 weeks. They were suppressing my respiratory system and lowering my blood pressure to dangerously low levels and also causing me to black out and lose bladder and bowel control. The last instance I was unconscious for over 5 minutes and created a mess. This drug is horrible and I am bound and determined to NEVER take a benzo again. However my anxiety levels are through the roof. I have struggled with anxiety my whole life and this is the worst feeling I have ever had and it will not go away. My doctor is giving me a new med Buspirone. I am extremely nervous about taking anything again. I already have a cocktail of medication to treat bipolar. I want off everything. Has anyone else taken Buspirone for anxiety before?

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I hope you’re tapering off very, very slowly. That’s a lot of Klonopin.


I tapered very quickly and have not had any in 2weeks and I feel like I am losing my mind. My anxiety is dibilitating. This drug should never be prescribed to anyone ever!!

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