Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?

Posted by cricketlips @cricketlips, Jun 2, 2022

After many google searches for the reason I feel vibration in my head, shoulder and arm just before falling asleep and waking, I found nothing that satisfactorily explained it. Of course anxiety seems to be a common explanation but there was nothing specific enough to help me. I am currently reading Incognito by David Eagleman. It discusses the functioning of the brain as an organ. This morning, going through my routine to get ready for work, I thought of a way to understand the vibrations. Similar to the hypnic jerks we experience occasionally just before we fall asleep, I think the vibrations are intended to arouse me to stay vigilant. Which is the fight or flight mechanism in action. So there is the anxiety connection. Originating in the amygdala. I was thinking Parkinson's or MS but my symptoms don't indicate those conditions, thankfully. It seems counterintuitive to be anxious and sleeping at the same time but the brain can do that. The cerebral cortex sleeps but the life support systems of the brain must stay online, obviously. If you thought you were in danger, sleeping would put you at risk but at some point sleep becomes absolutely necessary. I think the vibrations I have been experiencing are caused by my sympathetic nervous system and not a neurologic disease. Thankfully !

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I am having a very similar condition. About 9 months ago I started having a vibrating sensation in my upper chest around the area of my collar bones. It would only happen when I was just drifting off to sleep, when briefly waking up during the night, or when waking up. It would never happen when I was awake. It scared me at first so much that I was afraid to even go to bed but over time I realized it didn't seem life threatening and just accepted that it would happen. It happens every single night with no exception. Sometimes it is continuous all night long or comes and goes throughout the night. Having some medical background I ruled out a heart problem (EKG, Stress Test and Chest X ray); most medical issues (normal Hemotology, Chem, B-12 , Blood Glucose an Blood Pressure) and any supplements or medications. I have seen my Doctor and he doesn't know what it is. It happens no matter what position I am in. It always it is same rate but intensity varies during the night and night to night. I can reduce the intensity by stretching and changing position but it only goes away completely when I am fully wake up. I am a female 74 years old, still playing soccer so active, retired veterinarian and not under any stress. Got my third Covid vaccination shortly before signs started and have never had Covid that I know of. I would love to find out what this is and be in any study if one was available.

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I am 65 yrs old female and taking 50mg Lorasartan for hypertension. I have this exact vibrating sensation that @edornton has described. It only happens when I lay down to sleep. When I sit up, it stops. I have been on PPI, omeprazole for 10 yrs. I started to completely stop 6 mos. ago. Could this be withdrawal symptoms?


Happened to me last night. I'm 17 male and I've been having this happen to me over the years. I find that it happens on the nights where I cannot sleep in bed until after a few hours of trying. Then when I close my eyes, I feel as though my brain is distorting itself from reality (buzzing, vibrating etc) very hard to describe the exact feeling but it does feel good. I also am able to intensify the feeling by looking up, or if I open my eyes the feeling goes away completely. Idk if this is just me but this also sometimes leads me into sleep paralysis or lucid dreaming. Another thing that happens to me other than this is when in the same scenario, instead of my head buzzing, i'll feel like I'm falling (but not the type of fall that you see other people talk about) the fall feels more vivid, and I am able to move, however as the fall progresses, it slows my ability to move. I am also able to exit and re enter this state for as long as I don't give in completely to the fall, and fall asleep. This usually then is accompanied by sleep paralysis if I give into the fall. Super weird but honestly cool. I'm really intrigued as to knowing what this is and am glad I'm not the only one who experiences this.

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I get this too!! It's exactly how you explain it. I get the weird sensation like a brain zap, or a humming, or a feeling that I'm falling when I'm kind of tired. If I lay down and stay still, I can project my dream self from my real body and walk around my subconscious like I'm in a lucid dream. However, I'm completely awake and I can usually move my real body whenever I want. It feels like a skill to develop. Sometimes (usually at night), the feeling puts me into sleep paralysis. I either try to turn it into a lucid awake dream thingy or I fail and scare the shit outta myself. Sometimes I'll get the body zap, humming, or falling/spinning feeling all day whenever i turn my head or blink hard. Its like I just have to go into the awake dream thing. It's been happening for almost 3 years so it's weird seeing someone else describe the same thing.


I get this too!! It's exactly how you explain it. I get the weird sensation like a brain zap, or a humming, or a feeling that I'm falling when I'm kind of tired. If I lay down and stay still, I can project my dream self from my real body and walk around my subconscious like I'm in a lucid dream. However, I'm completely awake and I can usually move my real body whenever I want. It feels like a skill to develop. Sometimes (usually at night), the feeling puts me into sleep paralysis. I either try to turn it into a lucid awake dream thingy or I fail and scare the shit outta myself. Sometimes I'll get the body zap, humming, or falling/spinning feeling all day whenever i turn my head or blink hard. Its like I just have to go into the awake dream thing. It's been happening for almost 3 years so it's weird seeing someone else describe the same thing.

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I am doing the 2-4 breathing exercise that I saw on Youtube. It helps me relax a little bit. I will also try meditation. The massages really help me relax. When I am talking to people ( socializing) it also helps me relax. Try to find ways a means to help you relax. I think we feel this because our parasystemic nervous system is not working. We are on constant Flight and fight mode that our body cannot relax. We have to learn how to decompress,


I am 65 yrs old female and taking 50mg Lorasartan for hypertension. I have this exact vibrating sensation that @edornton has described. It only happens when I lay down to sleep. When I sit up, it stops. I have been on PPI, omeprazole for 10 yrs. I started to completely stop 6 mos. ago. Could this be withdrawal symptoms?

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I've had vibrations since 2019. Did sleep study to see if we could find out why. Had heart cath to make sure they weren't coming from there. I take losartan and omeprozole also but my neurologist thinks it's a central nervous system issue coming from the brain. I started taking 1 400mg gabapentin daily and haven't had vibrations in over a week now.


I've had vibrations since 2019. Did sleep study to see if we could find out why. Had heart cath to make sure they weren't coming from there. I take losartan and omeprozole also but my neurologist thinks it's a central nervous system issue coming from the brain. I started taking 1 400mg gabapentin daily and haven't had vibrations in over a week now.

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Thank you so much for sharing. I am doing yoga stretching and exercising. If this will not go away. I will check into gabapentin. i just want to stay away from drugs if possible, Thanks much.


I've had vibrations since 2019. Did sleep study to see if we could find out why. Had heart cath to make sure they weren't coming from there. I take losartan and omeprozole also but my neurologist thinks it's a central nervous system issue coming from the brain. I started taking 1 400mg gabapentin daily and haven't had vibrations in over a week now.

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You should also have your spine check or maybe osteoporosis. I also have Costcochondritis and the vibration is coming from the left side upper shoulder muscle. Long term use of Omerprazole eats up our bones. I have been on PPIs for over 10 yrs. and just recently knew that my acid reflux and Gerd could have been caused by my Costcochondritis. Now my Dr. asked to really quit the Omerprazole and I am just managing it with Betaine HCL and apple cider. My Gerd went away after doing the exercise to pop my ribs and Costco exercises. I hope GAbapentin is not habit forming like most anti-convulsive meds.


You should also have your spine check or maybe osteoporosis. I also have Costcochondritis and the vibration is coming from the left side upper shoulder muscle. Long term use of Omerprazole eats up our bones. I have been on PPIs for over 10 yrs. and just recently knew that my acid reflux and Gerd could have been caused by my Costcochondritis. Now my Dr. asked to really quit the Omerprazole and I am just managing it with Betaine HCL and apple cider. My Gerd went away after doing the exercise to pop my ribs and Costco exercises. I hope GAbapentin is not habit forming like most anti-convulsive meds.

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I'm taking only 1 gabapentin daily and not the prescribed 3. I'm also weaning off xanax. Down to 1/2 mg daily. I do have issues with my back so it very well could be coming from my back. Honestly, I believe it's injury to phrenic nerve. It's just too much of a coincidence that the vibrations would start the exact time I swallowed a huge gulp of air when taking meds and had pain at end of esophagus for 2 days. I googled internal vibrations then and it said that vibrations could be caused by, along with many other things, injury to phrenic nerve which can be the result of swallowing huge amount of air. I have googled diaphragmatic spasms and it fits with what I have. There is an exercise to do that stops them and that works sometimes. Whatever it is, the gabapentin seems to be calming it down. Addictive or not, what meds aren't these days?...the gabapentin is working, for now.
As for the omeprozole, that's why doctor went to 20mg from 40mg. I stopped them once and after 1 day I had indigestion so bad I wanted to puke. Baking soda works good too. Apple cider vinegar got rid of kidney stones and is very hard on the stomach. That'll eat your stomach lining. If it'll dissolve calcium deposits, you know it's got to be harsh on the stomach.


It’s been a while since I posted. My vibrations are gone. A lot has happened between now and the last time I posted. I was put on several anti-anxiety drugs which I believe compounded the situation and clouded the issues.
I believe my vibrations/insomnia were caused by hormone imbalance from estradiol which caused thyroid problems. I’ve had Hashimoto’s for 30 yrs. and my thyroid was fairly stable with the aid of Syntheroid.
This past winter I went off all the meds. I was fine for a few weeks then many symptoms started coming back including the insomnia.
I had lost a significant amt. of weight last summer due to the thyroid imbalance which I think was contributing to the insomnia and vibrations but not sure.
I chose to go back on 7.5 mg mirtazipine and while it has a few side effects that I don’t like, it ‘seems’ to be helping. I am also taking 1000 mg. Curcumin, 200 mg. Ubiquinol,
400 mg selenium, 1000 mg. Fish oil, and a good multi vitamin. I think all of this has supported my improvement.
The ND wanted me to do a mold detox with the clay but I’ve waited on that due to a lot of stress in my life.
Hoping some of this info helps.
Thanks for all of the updates and info.

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Thank you for sharing. I no longer have my gall bladder and have been on Omerprazole for over 10 yrs. I think my nervousness and vibrations when I lay down is caused by my quitting Omerprazole cold turkey. I have learned from other long term users who had the same withdrawal symptoms. Causes could be a lot of other things like hyperinsulin anemia ( high carb diet), non absorption of B12, spinal stenosis. I really do not know what I have. I just knew that B12 needs to be taken on an empty stomach and not at the same time with Vitamin D. I will do the supplements first before I take big pharma drugs. I also already went thru withdrawal symptoms line
Flu-like symptons, muscle cramps spasms and pain, dizziness, nausea... etc.


You should also have your spine check or maybe osteoporosis. I also have Costcochondritis and the vibration is coming from the left side upper shoulder muscle. Long term use of Omerprazole eats up our bones. I have been on PPIs for over 10 yrs. and just recently knew that my acid reflux and Gerd could have been caused by my Costcochondritis. Now my Dr. asked to really quit the Omerprazole and I am just managing it with Betaine HCL and apple cider. My Gerd went away after doing the exercise to pop my ribs and Costco exercises. I hope GAbapentin is not habit forming like most anti-convulsive meds.

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Gabapentin made me very dizzy! But it is not habit-forming.
I’m still wondering if melatonin has anything to do w these vibrations.
I had been on 20 mg. per night for more than 10 years. Then stopped and the vibrations were terrible. Now I’m back on only 3 mg. per night and along w the 7.5 mirtazipine am not experiencing the vibrations at all.


I am also low in Iron and D. Once your levels were normal did the vibrations stop?

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Mine did. My Iron has been low my whole life and I would take supplements for a bit and then stop, never realizing it could cause issues such as this. I've been taking a large dose of iron daily for about 8 months now and they've almost completely stopped.

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