Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss: Meet others & Share

Posted by Amanda Burnett @amandaa, Jun 24, 2022

Welcome to the Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss group, a space for support, practical information, and answers to your questions from members like you about bariatric surgery, weight-related medical conditions, weight loss and healthy living. I am Amanda and I will be your moderator for this group. I have had the surgery myself and have a very real and close connection to the topic.

Pull up a chair and a healthy snack and let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What’s your story?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss Support Group.

I was at 225 and now at 188. It has been 4 years since BS. I am almost 79 years old now and continue to try to take off more weight but find it hard to stay at
186-188. I am 5’7. I have stomach pain problems now but the surgery was worth it because I could never lose but a few pounds and then gain them back.
Mu worst pain is from my lower legs and I take hydrocodone daily just to function and get some relief from leg pain. I’ve had vein striping and many follow up appointments with injections and at my last appointment with the doctor he said he has done all he can do for my leg pains.
I had a Nevro nerve stimulator a few years ago but I have i have had no leg relief yet but a technician continues to adjust the programs. I find it hard to get the paddle on the spot that will charge my stimulator and dread doing this . I am wondering if anyone has had any of my problems and open for suggestions. I do go to the gym 4 days a week using the bike and treadmill for 30-45 mins. each time. I wear support stocking some days and also wrap my legs with
bandages that helps sometimes.
Comment welcome.


Hi! I’m a 43 y/o mom of 2 my oldest daughter is 23 and my youngest daughter will be 8 next month. I really never had weight issues until I got pregnant with my youngest, shortly after I had her I had back surgery not once but twice. I also had foot surgery, female issues which I had to have surgery for as well.


Hi my name is Faith.
I am from Eau Claire, Wisc. This is all new to me. I stood by my friends side when she had her surgery done and now it’s my turn.


Hi, I am Shannon from Rice Lake am 53 years around the sun. I am looking to use surgery to lose my weight and looking for any suggestions , tips or tricks , advice?



My name is Ken. I am excited to join this weight loss journey with so many others like myself. I am hoping to learn the tools necessary to lose weight and keep it off. I am very thankful to have a forum where I can reach out and make new friends along the way.


Welcome @huskymom99 @faithann33 @1970girlfriend @kennewton. You may also be interested in following the Weight Management expert blog to help with weight management tips, recipes and more from Mayo Clinic experts.

What weight loss management strategies are working for you? Anyone considering surgery?


Hi my name is Becca.
I am from Wisconsin.
I am looking into the bariatric surgery options after a lifetime of issues being overweight as well as the 'yo-yo' effect. I am looking for the right tools and treatments to help sustainability as well as prevent any additional health problems at this point.


Hi to new members, especially those consider weight loss surgery.

I had my Roux-en-Y gastric bypass over 10 years ago. I have had my ups and down, but I am at lowest weight for long time and my medical history no longer has "obese".

Preparing for surgery, actual surgery and post-op process is long process. The more education and preparation you do prior to surgery, the better the outcome.

The first step is discuss with primary provider and ask for referral to specialist.

You may also want to check with your insurance company as to coverage.



Hello. 56 female, 5.2 1/2 and 225 lbs. I'm 100 pounds heavier than when graduating H.S. Have lots of health issues related to weight, and doing the Sleeve Surgery. Any warnings or success stories would be appreciated


I had ESG (endoscopic gastric sleeve) a year and a half ago and have lost just over 100 pounds!! My A1C went from 10 to 5 within the first six weeks after the procedure. I had a battle with excess pounds for at least 14 years. The biggest challenge for me is being too strict on what I eat and being afraid of food. This is partly because for work I typically travel out of state each week for work. Plus, planning meals with being away from home is difficult. But, so far I have been successful.

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