Eyes and Neuropathy

Posted by Rachel, Volunteer Mentor @rwinney, Jun 17, 2020

I would love to hear from folks who have peripheral neuropathy and eyes problems such as worsening dry eye and photophobia (light sensitivity). Has anyone been to a neuro opthamologist for this and been advised of the correlation? What did you learn?

My eyes have mitigating circumstances.... beginning with Fuchs Dystrophy (cornea disease) requiring cataract and cornea transplants, intractable migraine and Small Fiber Polyneuropathy...all of which play off each other. Photophobia, for me, has been constant since prior to eye surgeries and increasingly worse after. Migraines create photophobia and vice versa. SFN is nerve damage/dysfunction which for me has created hyperalgesia (overactive and hyper sensitivity). The cornea contains the highest number of small fibers in your entire body. My ongoing dry eye is developing along with intense flares of light sensitivity. I feel like a vampire...it puts me down, to bed, in hiding. As I explore how to tackle worsening dry eye, I came across this link that opened my mind further and thought maybe it might help some of you who have dry eye and neuropathy.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Eye Conditions Support Group.


I am in process of getting some answers about the type of debilitating small
fiber type, sub type etc of this two yr. nightmare.
I too have extremely dry eyes. Someone mentioned maybe Accutane at 40 yr s old was a contributing factor. Recently also diagnosed with glaucoma.
My eyes also do not close completely when I sleep. Also a contributing factor.
I've been to so many eye doctors, an ocular plastics person. Some say, thyroid eyes, others just make light of it. I feel for you and your suffering. The expense of over the counter eye drops, the restasis, eye washes. It is ceaseless.
Don't know if SFN is connected, but I suspect if autonomic in nature, it is.
The look of bleeding in eyes is a constant battle.
I have been seeking help for dry eyes since 2014.

Hope you get some relief

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Welcome @patriciaedna1954, I'm sorry to hear you don't have any answers yet. I can't imagine how hard it is to struggle with eye issues as long as you have. There are a couple of other discussions you might find helpful:
--- Was just diagnosed with glaucoma, need support!: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/was-just-diagnosed-with-glaucoma-need-support/
--- Dry Eye & PN: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/dry-eye-pn/.

There is also a leaflet with some information about thyroid eye disease from the British Thyroid Foundation that might be helpful - https://www.btf-thyroid.org/thyroid-eye-disease-leaflet.

It sounds like you've already seen a lot of different eye doctors. Have you thought about getting a second opinion or seeking help at a teaching hospital or major health facility?


I have been diagnosed with extreme dry eyes and treated with autologous serum tears for many years. It’s the only thing that works, expensive but worth itTalk to your ophthalmologist about it.


I completely understand the dry eyes.
Its internal deficiency in th important Omega oils n vitamin A.
I’ve supplemented with Sea Buckthorn oil ( all omega not just 1 of them) n whole food vitamin A ( not beta carotene because my gut’s unbalanced like most people)
Works wonders.😄💕
Only homeopathic eye drops when I first wake up.
I’ve got horrible allergies n the addition has really helped my eyes.
Humidifier at night.
It’s a long story but u might want to stop all UNNECESSARY drugs n replace w/ more natural choices.
Get away from motrin. Damages th lower gut. Not just stomach bleeding.
Add digestives enzymes to help digestion of whole food only multi-vitamins.
Lab made vitamins aren’t very bioavailable 🙁
Stay away from any packaged food, wet or dry.
Remove all toxic PUFA oils in favor of lard, organic butter or olive oil.
Replace personal use items with chemicals w/coconut or nut oils.
Th other thing, dry eyes can indicate a sluggish thyroid. It’s th first gland that toxins eat up.
Make sure th words holistic are used in queries. Might want to switch to an independent search engine to get real, study info n answers.
It’s how you get info that works.
I wish you luck.
Functional medicine is the answer, most chronic issues are gut related n eye issues, like skin problems are all gut related.
It’s big picture stuff, like before the 90’s when medicine turned a corner.


I have small fiber neuropathy.

I have noticed a prominent increse in eye dryness.

Maybe it's not just this dry winter air?!


I am happy to say that of all the SFN pain and discomfort, Dr Hamrah at Tufts Medical has helped with extreme photosensitivity, pain and dry eye. His tests (among almost 4 hours of tests) showed that the SF in both eyes are missing and/ or damaged. I immediately began steroid drops and Vital Tears (8 times/day). The former protocol will continue for at least 4 months until I see him again. The VT clear serum was made from only my blood, and there are no other ingredients that I know of.
This is the only medicine has helped with any and all the deteriorating SFN symptoms. Just in the last couple of months I’m recognizing and living with disabilities I never could have imagined, but I’m beyond grateful for Dr Hamrah. PS - I waited over 9 months to see him. People come to Boston from all over the world to see him. There must be other Opthamologist’s like him that do this protocol.


I have small fiber neuropathy.

I have noticed a prominent increse in eye dryness.

Maybe it's not just this dry winter air?!

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I was just diagnosed with PN this month. I have extreme dry eyes. I use Muro 180 eye ointment at night. And, Systain eyes drops twice a day. I also run a humidifier in my room at night. My eye doctor thinks I am doing good on this regimen. I hope this helps!


I am 37F. Normally extremely healthy. I’ve been having a plethora of problems recently. Officially now diagnosed with both Sjögrens Syndrome & Peripheral Small Fiber Neuropathy. I have been having a LOT of issues with my eyes but ophthalmologist says they look very healthy. No answers led me down a search online where I’ve found so many posts about weakened eyes and trouble focusing as well as eye pain due to their neuropathy, which I am having. I’ve plugged my tear ducks to help with the dryness and although I am seeing just fine as far as my vision is concerned, it feels very difficult to see since the pain and sensitivity in my eyes are always present. I want to shut my eyes all the time. Light bothers them, focusing bothers them. I am the healthiest unhealthy person I know. I’m a mess! Doc says I’d benefit from Plasma Exchange but that my insurance will never go for it. Maybe one day…


Hello @bri85, Welcome to Connect. Since you mentioned Sjögrens Syndrome and having lots of issues with your eyes, I thought you might find the following discussions of interest.

--- Dry eyes from Sjogrens: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/dry-eyes-from-sjogrens/
--- How do you deal with dry eyes?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/dry-eyes-1/
--- Sjögren’s Syndrome: how do you manage the symptoms?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/sjorgens-syndrome/.

Did your doctor explain why he thought a plasma exchange would help?


Hello @bri85, Welcome to Connect. Since you mentioned Sjögrens Syndrome and having lots of issues with your eyes, I thought you might find the following discussions of interest.

--- Dry eyes from Sjogrens: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/dry-eyes-from-sjogrens/
--- How do you deal with dry eyes?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/dry-eyes-1/
--- Sjögren’s Syndrome: how do you manage the symptoms?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/sjorgens-syndrome/.

Did your doctor explain why he thought a plasma exchange would help?

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He said treating the Sjögrens would subsequently treat the neuropathy. Plasma exchange would rid my body of the bad antibodies that are attacking my system and replace them with healthy ones. And that I would soon after feel “all better” with the discomfort I am experiencing. (I have autonomic dysfunction and it’s affected my heart terribly. I have severe tachycardia all the time and take metoprolol 3-6 times a day to keep my heart rate under 100.)
Dr says I am only moderately treating the hydroxychloroquine I am on and said I would benefit From a more aggressive treatment such as Plasma. If my insurance denies it as expected, then IVIG is the secondary treatment plan assuming that’s approved. But it is a treatment whereas the Plasma is more of a cure like treatment. As far as my eyes, I’m being told nothing is wrong with my eyes BUT they always hurt and I have a lot of trouble focusing and concentrating on things. It is way more than dry eyes as of late. The more I research the more I find neuropathy definitely can cause the symptoms I am experiencing.


I am happy to say that of all the SFN pain and discomfort, Dr Hamrah at Tufts Medical has helped with extreme photosensitivity, pain and dry eye. His tests (among almost 4 hours of tests) showed that the SF in both eyes are missing and/ or damaged. I immediately began steroid drops and Vital Tears (8 times/day). The former protocol will continue for at least 4 months until I see him again. The VT clear serum was made from only my blood, and there are no other ingredients that I know of.
This is the only medicine has helped with any and all the deteriorating SFN symptoms. Just in the last couple of months I’m recognizing and living with disabilities I never could have imagined, but I’m beyond grateful for Dr Hamrah. PS - I waited over 9 months to see him. People come to Boston from all over the world to see him. There must be other Opthamologist’s like him that do this protocol.

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Hello! I am so happy to hear that Dr. Harah has helped you....I have an appointment with him in 2 months. I have seen many many opthomologists in the last 6 months to try to help me with eye pain and blurrying vision after cataract surgery---hoping he will be able to diagnose the problem and help. Is he kind and patient???? I am about worn out....Thanks

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