Pill In Pocket For A-Fib

Posted by Krav Maga @kravmaga, Jun 25, 2023

Does anyone in the group do pill in pocket for A-Fib.
If anyone does pill in pocket,
What drug do you use ie: flecainide, prophaenone etc. ?
What dose do you take?
How often do you have an A-Fib episode?
Do you do pill in pocket every time you have an episode?
What is your success rate?
Thank you in advance for any feedback.

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Hi Janet,
Sinuses thats a new one on me.
How were at least you can define the cause and sinus meds are working so thats great

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I read about this and it is called “ sick sinus syndrome” -
I have mentioned this to my doctor and he wasn’t concerned about it at all.


I tried beta blockers and could not feel my arms 🙂
To be clear, I believe GI gas presses on my heart or a nerve. I did get a bad episode from an alarm though. There are vagal and adrenal sources of afib, I read- in the paroxysmal afib forum. Paroxysmal is not constant but episodic. Also some people have heart valve involvement. If not I believe it is called "lone" afib. So we are all different...


Typo meant to say however not how were

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I discovered by accident that when I had a Sinus headache and took over the counter sinus meds, the AF went away. So I felt in control by taking a sinus pill that took care of my sinus headache and the AF. As I said, I have very few sinus headaches now, but keep pills always on hand.


I had my first AFIB a couple of years ago and landed in the ICU. Now I'm on a blood thinner Xarelto 20 mg, which the Doctor wants me to keep taking, even though I have only had a few episodes since. I also have to take 1 Flecainide 50 mg. every morning and 1 Metoprolol 25 mg every night. When I have an AFIB episode, I have to take 1 Metoprolol 25 mg. wait 5 minutes and take 1 Flecainide 50 mg. wait 1 hour and take another Flecainide 50 mg. If still in AFIB after 30 minutes more I'm supposed to go to the hospital, but so far this has worked for me. I live in a very rural area and health care is not the best. It is hard to get an appointment with my heart doctor. It usually takes a year to see him, but he has an assistant that I can see when I have a problem. I went through a period of having my BP drop when I exercise and she tried to change some of my meds after 3 visits she told me just leave things alone and send her an email with my BP readings, which I do not like doing.


Hi Windy,
Thank you for your response.
You are lucky you only have an episode once a year.
However sounds like when you do its very severe.
I have it a few times a week however my heart rate is generally low. I too take magnesium does it help not sure.
Hope you are feeling well.

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I have AF around once every 4 months. I take an atenolol tablet, a 100mg Flecainide and one Eliquis and this regime has resolved all episodes within about 2-3 hrs.


I have paroxysmal AFib that has been controlled with two ablation procedures. However, on some days I experience lots of PACs and other palpitations that affect me adversely. When that happens, I take a low dose of nebivolol -usually half a 2.5 mg tablet. This calms my heart and improves the way I feel. I keep a nebivolol tablet with me wherever I go. Nebivolol used in this way doesn't cause me adverse side effects, such as excessive tiredness, which are often the result of other beta blocker meds such as metoprolol.


I have AF around once every 4 months. I take an atenolol tablet, a 100mg Flecainide and one Eliquis and this regime has resolved all episodes within about 2-3 hrs.

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@lawsonsa do you take those meds every day or only when you have afib?


I tried beta blockers and could not feel my arms 🙂
To be clear, I believe GI gas presses on my heart or a nerve. I did get a bad episode from an alarm though. There are vagal and adrenal sources of afib, I read- in the paroxysmal afib forum. Paroxysmal is not constant but episodic. Also some people have heart valve involvement. If not I believe it is called "lone" afib. So we are all different...

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I am aware of a vagal and adrenal A-Fib.
I feel for me and i too am paroxysmal, I have a little of both.
Sounds to me with your GI issues its a lot of vagal for you since vagal nerve is related to digestion..
Yes we are all different what works for one does not work for another.
I am a very disciplined person doing boxing, martial arts etc. I try to attack or game plan a situation. If you have read any of my other posts I express so much frustration with A-Fib because there is at least for me NO game plan to work on it it seems to have a mind of its own. Sometimes its one trigger at other times another. So frustrating. Or as I always lament no rhyme or reason to it.


I had my first AFIB a couple of years ago and landed in the ICU. Now I'm on a blood thinner Xarelto 20 mg, which the Doctor wants me to keep taking, even though I have only had a few episodes since. I also have to take 1 Flecainide 50 mg. every morning and 1 Metoprolol 25 mg every night. When I have an AFIB episode, I have to take 1 Metoprolol 25 mg. wait 5 minutes and take 1 Flecainide 50 mg. wait 1 hour and take another Flecainide 50 mg. If still in AFIB after 30 minutes more I'm supposed to go to the hospital, but so far this has worked for me. I live in a very rural area and health care is not the best. It is hard to get an appointment with my heart doctor. It usually takes a year to see him, but he has an assistant that I can see when I have a problem. I went through a period of having my BP drop when I exercise and she tried to change some of my meds after 3 visits she told me just leave things alone and send her an email with my BP readings, which I do not like doing.

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Thank you for your feedback.
Good to hear you are obtaining some good results from your meds.
Best of luck


I have AF around once every 4 months. I take an atenolol tablet, a 100mg Flecainide and one Eliquis and this regime has resolved all episodes within about 2-3 hrs.

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Thank you for your reply.
You are fortunate your episodes are infrequent.
Glad to hear your med regiment works for you.

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