Has anyone experienced Covid Gut? What helps?

Posted by robintromp @robintromp, Oct 14, 2022

I have been diagnosed with Long Covid Gut issues. Bloating started two weeks after I recovered from Covid and I am now in my ninth month. The GI doctors have tested me for everything and it all came back normal. Has anyone experience Covid Gut? If so, has anything helped or have things improved with time?

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Unfortunately I can't stomach yogurt I tried. No longer have the runs . But get stomach pain after 1.5 hr after I eat. I tried I powerful probiotic. It made me bloated more.


I have covid gut, actually it was one of my first symptoms when I started this nightmare about 6 months ago,stomach pain,nauseous, abdominal pain ,bloating,massive amounts of gas going up threw my throat I lost 25 pounds I thought I was dieing. I started taking protein powder shakes 2 times a day probioticts, minerals ,vitamin b complex vitamin d, collagen peptides ,eating habits have to change no greasy foods no sugar my stomach is a long way from good but it has gotten better and I put on 12 pounds and have gained some energy back .a good protein powder with collagen peptides was huge for me.

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I’m diagnosed w Functional Dyspepsia since Covid
Two things helped me. Acupuncture and a gut biome powder from a natural dr at Aim for Wellness through Christ Hospital in Cincinnati


Sounds like long gut covid.

Been there. After first painful episode one month after mild covid, I experienced all your same symptoms for one month. Lost 9#.
Advised to start one carton Activia yogurt AM and PM, and take Loprimide HCL 2 MG as directed for the diarrhea and gut pain.

The spike protein in the covid infection or vaccine seems to be attacking the gut lining.

Symptoms come and go, tho milder than the first attack. Use above treatment daily if needed.

I will never take any vaccine again using the spike protein in it.

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I had Covid in January, during the time I had thick mucus moving up from my lungs and spilling into my esophagus. After testing negative I still had the same only that the mucus is non viscous. The short answer from my own observation is that the mucus lubricates the digestive track leading to frequent and unexpected bowel movements. Most times I can get to a bathroom in time, sometimes not. Some days this lasts all day and some, it ends by 9, 10, or 11 a.m.
loperamide is ineffective as this is not diarrhea. my conclusion is that the matter crosses the transverse colon and spills unabated through the Sigmoid.


I can empathize with everyone. It's not a pretty problem.
After 3 months of diarrhea followed by 10 months of bloating and constipation, my GI tract seems to be slowly calming down. What I did differently:
1. Drank as much water as possible. About 12 cups/day (includes herbal teas and the occasional smoothie)
2. Increased intake of raw vegetables. I eat raw salads for lunch at least 3 times/week and snack on raw carrots, celery sticks, or peas
3. 5 small meals/day
4. Increased intake of nutraceuticals: multivitamin, Vit. D, quercitin, coEnzyme Q10, turmeric, NAC
5. Daily intake of either prunes or dried apricots
It wasn't a sudden change, but I noticed some normal bowel movements, which have increased in frequency over time. (I'm now at 14 1/2 months post-infection) BTW I'm still on the waiting list to see the gastroenterologist. I just tried what I thought made sense from these posts and off the internet. ...
Or maybe I was just lucky.
Wishing everyone a speedy return to health.


Oh yes, also increased intake of probiotics through Kefir, kombucha, and natural sauerkraut.


I got Covid in Nov. of ‘21 followed by long Covid. Around 1999, I was diagnosed with IBS-D. Most meals were followed by gut pain and diarrhea. Skipping ahead to Jan. of ‘23, I started taking LDN for other long Covid symptoms and lo and behold my IBS is gone! I am not saying it is the LDN but it certainly appears to be. I take 6 mg daily. It is very low dose and has very few side effects that affect very few people. Prescription needed. Hope this suggestion helps someone else.


I can empathize with everyone. It's not a pretty problem.
After 3 months of diarrhea followed by 10 months of bloating and constipation, my GI tract seems to be slowly calming down. What I did differently:
1. Drank as much water as possible. About 12 cups/day (includes herbal teas and the occasional smoothie)
2. Increased intake of raw vegetables. I eat raw salads for lunch at least 3 times/week and snack on raw carrots, celery sticks, or peas
3. 5 small meals/day
4. Increased intake of nutraceuticals: multivitamin, Vit. D, quercitin, coEnzyme Q10, turmeric, NAC
5. Daily intake of either prunes or dried apricots
It wasn't a sudden change, but I noticed some normal bowel movements, which have increased in frequency over time. (I'm now at 14 1/2 months post-infection) BTW I'm still on the waiting list to see the gastroenterologist. I just tried what I thought made sense from these posts and off the internet. ...
Or maybe I was just lucky.
Wishing everyone a speedy return to health.

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Educate yourself on Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. It is a very real by product of both covid and or the covid shots …….you have to live a low to no histamine life and it takes awhile to figure out which foods are ones you don’t react to. It’s been a long year for me, with a very small food group, but if I’m careful I am ok. …….you have to adjust your entire eating life. But you can get a much better quality of life


Educate yourself on Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. It is a very real by product of both covid and or the covid shots …….you have to live a low to no histamine life and it takes awhile to figure out which foods are ones you don’t react to. It’s been a long year for me, with a very small food group, but if I’m careful I am ok. …….you have to adjust your entire eating life. But you can get a much better quality of life

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Additional comment on that. The normal protocols for MCAS of high veg. Diet did not work for me…..I had to go on Carnivore Diet to get it in check . I don’t know why other than I am O blood type founded on meat eaters , but I was not able to handle the vegetables and most of the fruits. It’s a constant constant battle.


It's been since March 2nd for me. Still having severe symptoms got problems. Still waiting to see a gastrologist. What your symptoms? Lost 45 lb you can barely eat anything.


Have had Long Covid since March 2022. SIBO symptoms until I visited large, reputable and locally owned Herbal shop.
Saccharomyces boulardii only vs more expensive combos of various pre- and probiotics WORKS.

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Did you just take Saccharomyces boulardii. Which brand?What were your symptoms?

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