Should I worry about a high Calcium score

Posted by paul63 @paul63, Jun 15, 2023

Should I be worried about my 600 CAC score, which apparently means I’ve arteries of an 85 year old yet I feel 35. I’m 60, very fit, always kept fit (triathlete), eat very well, avoid processed foods, low carb (target 100g/day), avoid sugar & grains, quality beef, salmon, organic veggies etc. BMI is good, Not diabetic, not on any
meds, my RHR is in the 40’s and 5 days a week I’ll push it into the 150’s during training sessions, had a stress test a year ago, passed with flying colors.
I took the CAC test as I’ve always had slightly high LDL 150, but low TG 70 and high HDL 70 & my doc has been trying to convince me to take statins for a few years, so I agreed with the test.
I now read about the statin paradox (statins cause increase in calcification in blood vessels, but lower plaque, however it seems the jury is out on if statins are a good idea or not, hence the paradox). So not sure whether to take a statin.
Dr says its genetic, my father had a triple bypass at 75.
I do have an appt to see a cardiologist in the fall.
I have decided to hold off on the statin until after I see the cardiologist, hoping he can offer other options perhaps to assess the arteries in 3D to check for build up.
Are high CAC scores really something to be overly concerned about?

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Had you been on the statin before the CAC score was done (if so how long) or was the CAC score the reason u chose to go on statins?

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I’ve been on statins for 20+ years. I only got the test because it was $49, no symptoms.


I am going for my pre-op tomorrow, just a regular electrocardiogram and blood pressure. Angiogram is on next Tuesday and hoping for no need for stents. Currently 1525 CAC, taking 20mg. statin. Active, gym, swimming and tennis (yesterday I played for 2 hrs.) and today some more. No fatigue or running out of breath. I am 64. I've done all my tests. After the pet scan cardiologist suggested the procedure. I'll get it over with. Peace of mind first. My buddy has a 1050 CAC, did not do the stress test but went for the angiogram. Cardiologist had no need to put stents on him.
If stents are placed, does anyone know how many days of recovery does it take to get back exercising or am I doomed ? Thanks


I am going for my pre-op tomorrow, just a regular electrocardiogram and blood pressure. Angiogram is on next Tuesday and hoping for no need for stents. Currently 1525 CAC, taking 20mg. statin. Active, gym, swimming and tennis (yesterday I played for 2 hrs.) and today some more. No fatigue or running out of breath. I am 64. I've done all my tests. After the pet scan cardiologist suggested the procedure. I'll get it over with. Peace of mind first. My buddy has a 1050 CAC, did not do the stress test but went for the angiogram. Cardiologist had no need to put stents on him.
If stents are placed, does anyone know how many days of recovery does it take to get back exercising or am I doomed ? Thanks

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Good Luck on Tuesday! If a stent is required, it is generally only a few days in the hospital, hopefully you are A OK. and will get back on the Tennis court soon.


I am going for my pre-op tomorrow, just a regular electrocardiogram and blood pressure. Angiogram is on next Tuesday and hoping for no need for stents. Currently 1525 CAC, taking 20mg. statin. Active, gym, swimming and tennis (yesterday I played for 2 hrs.) and today some more. No fatigue or running out of breath. I am 64. I've done all my tests. After the pet scan cardiologist suggested the procedure. I'll get it over with. Peace of mind first. My buddy has a 1050 CAC, did not do the stress test but went for the angiogram. Cardiologist had no need to put stents on him.
If stents are placed, does anyone know how many days of recovery does it take to get back exercising or am I doomed ? Thanks

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I myself was active had all
Tests then 1 year now I had two stents
Good luck 👍
I am rooting for you not
To have stent
I don’t know how to swim 😂😂😂



Good Luck on Tuesday! If a stent is required, it is generally only a few days in the hospital, hopefully you are A OK. and will get back on the Tennis court soon.

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Thank you so much. Got to stay positive. Good for mental health.


I myself was active had all
Tests then 1 year now I had two stents
Good luck 👍
I am rooting for you not
To have stent
I don’t know how to swim 😂😂😂

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Glad you are doing ok. Keep up the good vibe. Some things we can't control so we do our best.


Glad you are doing ok. Keep up the good vibe. Some things we can't control so we do our best.

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I do not take calcium
I change diet


Angiogram went fine. I am borderline which means I am at 70% blockage and decided not to have stent placement. Will keep up with statins and improve my lifestyle but when they put the gauze to cover the catheter puncture they pressed to hard. Next day i am having pain and now I have a blood clot in the vein (not the artery) which means I have to take Eliquis for the next 90 days and drop the aspirin for a while. Suggestion: if you do the angiogram choose a surgeon that inserts the catheter through the wrist and not the groin. That's where I am right now. Hopefully the groin bruise goes away soon because it is very uncomfortable.


Angiogram went fine. I am borderline which means I am at 70% blockage and decided not to have stent placement. Will keep up with statins and improve my lifestyle but when they put the gauze to cover the catheter puncture they pressed to hard. Next day i am having pain and now I have a blood clot in the vein (not the artery) which means I have to take Eliquis for the next 90 days and drop the aspirin for a while. Suggestion: if you do the angiogram choose a surgeon that inserts the catheter through the wrist and not the groin. That's where I am right now. Hopefully the groin bruise goes away soon because it is very uncomfortable.

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Always ask questions before a procedure, so complications can be kept to a minimum.
Doctors do not always give a patient the complete story.
Hopefully you will feel better soon.


This surgeon had “no time to talk”. I should have run out when he said “groin”. That’s how they use to do it “old school”. Ty

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