High Coronary Calcium Score: How do others feel emotionally?

Posted by mcphee @mcphee, Dec 14, 2016

I have a calcium score of 1,950 which is extremely high which means I am at a very high risk for a cardiac event,heart attack,stroke or sudden death.

I take a statin and baby aspirin. I have never been sick, have excellent cholesterol, low blood pressure and I am not overweight. I have no other health problems and I have never been sick. But I feel like a walking time bomb which has caused me a lot of stress. I am 70 yrs old.

I wonder how others with this condition feel emotionally?

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I had also read on a reputable website (either clevelandclinic.org, pubmed or harvard health) that some "heart CT" machines can inaccurately report CAC scores when your heartrate is above 65bpm. I've sent an email to the place that did my scan twice now, asking them what type of machine they had and did they monitor my heart rate while taking measurements. Not a peep from them and it's been over two week.

I'm suspect now as my CAC was 2354 but my nuclear stress test results from today were all good. My cardiologist said "Your stress test is normal. " I was VERY relieved by this. Still waiting on my echocardiogram results, but that test was the biggest one since it can detect serious blockage.

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Any scoring, like METS or Duke?


My calcium score is 1800. I had nuclear treadmill stress test yesterday and it was normal. My journey all started with a complimentary calcium score I received when I attended a luncheon recently. This prompted more tests. The ultrasound of carotids and aorta was good but thyroid nodules were found and one is fairly large. Had thyroid ultrasound yesterday and will now be having thyroid biopsy. I have no idea if my thyroid has affected my cardiovascular system but I suspect that could be a possibility. Meanwhile, I’m now on the Mediterranean Diet, living life and thanking God that I had that calcium score prompting more testing. I know this was all divine intervention!

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No, Jan59, there is no divine intervention, just the work of millions of people in the medical field - and, some random occurrences.


My suggestion would be to get a nuclear stress test and sonogram of your heart to check blood flow. If it’s good, don’t worry. If there’s a problem, it’s better you know and get a simple stent, hopefully nothing more. Having a doctor tell me my blood flow was fine eased my mind tremendously. I stopped eating red met (for the most part) and swim three times a week. Godspeed…..

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So I went for my stress test yesterday and I passed it with flying colors. It was difficult in that I normally fuel my body with food before exercising (did I said no coffee either?). Got the heart rate up to 133 bpm. No problem there. Now, the heart imaging presents a very small dark spot on the RCA (right coronary artery). Cardio suggests it would better looking into the future to get an angiogram with the interventionist and IF and only IF it is blocked to 70% then a stent would have to be placed. I feel better knowing that the facts have become more clear. Meanwhile I have not abandoned the chickens and the fish of the world yet but other than that all the rest is veggies. I might start eating less chicken at some point. I am actually looking forward to the angiogram, hopefully not a stent but if it comes to that then so be it. Looking forward to have a ribeye after that. LOL


So I went for my stress test yesterday and I passed it with flying colors. It was difficult in that I normally fuel my body with food before exercising (did I said no coffee either?). Got the heart rate up to 133 bpm. No problem there. Now, the heart imaging presents a very small dark spot on the RCA (right coronary artery). Cardio suggests it would better looking into the future to get an angiogram with the interventionist and IF and only IF it is blocked to 70% then a stent would have to be placed. I feel better knowing that the facts have become more clear. Meanwhile I have not abandoned the chickens and the fish of the world yet but other than that all the rest is veggies. I might start eating less chicken at some point. I am actually looking forward to the angiogram, hopefully not a stent but if it comes to that then so be it. Looking forward to have a ribeye after that. LOL

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Good for you. At least now you have more information and you'll have even more soon. You can still have a ribeye now and again but overall better to stick to less red meat and pork. I think chicken and eggs are fine. I never do egg white omelets for instance. Eggs are pretty much perfect as they are. But in addition to less red meat and more exercise and trying to lose weight, I've also cut out cheese which I love. I'll do this to live longer healthier. And I have to admit, much as I hate to count calories, weight watchers really works!


So I went for my stress test yesterday and I passed it with flying colors. It was difficult in that I normally fuel my body with food before exercising (did I said no coffee either?). Got the heart rate up to 133 bpm. No problem there. Now, the heart imaging presents a very small dark spot on the RCA (right coronary artery). Cardio suggests it would better looking into the future to get an angiogram with the interventionist and IF and only IF it is blocked to 70% then a stent would have to be placed. I feel better knowing that the facts have become more clear. Meanwhile I have not abandoned the chickens and the fish of the world yet but other than that all the rest is veggies. I might start eating less chicken at some point. I am actually looking forward to the angiogram, hopefully not a stent but if it comes to that then so be it. Looking forward to have a ribeye after that. LOL

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I may be mixing threads ... did you get a Duke Score or a METS number from your stress test?

Was this a "stress test with echo?"

I may be confused, but you note the cardiologist wants you to be catheterized? Normally this occurs only with other symptoms noted - like chest tightness, breathing issues, etc.


So I went for my stress test yesterday and I passed it with flying colors. It was difficult in that I normally fuel my body with food before exercising (did I said no coffee either?). Got the heart rate up to 133 bpm. No problem there. Now, the heart imaging presents a very small dark spot on the RCA (right coronary artery). Cardio suggests it would better looking into the future to get an angiogram with the interventionist and IF and only IF it is blocked to 70% then a stent would have to be placed. I feel better knowing that the facts have become more clear. Meanwhile I have not abandoned the chickens and the fish of the world yet but other than that all the rest is veggies. I might start eating less chicken at some point. I am actually looking forward to the angiogram, hopefully not a stent but if it comes to that then so be it. Looking forward to have a ribeye after that. LOL

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@alaskat I hope you don't need to go the route of angioplasty. While it is one of the most common procedures in the world, there are risks involved. A friend's father went in for a stent, they did something liked nicked an artery while moving the catheter through his vein and had to immediately take him to the O.R. and perform open heart surgery to fix the problem. Granted, that's probably a rare occurrence, but it can happen.

It's not just a simple matter of threading a catheter into your heart and placing the stent. There can also be complications with the stent. Plus you'll have to go on a blood thinner for at least a few months after the surgery. I'd suggest reading up on the whole process so you're prepared to ask questions if you have to go down that road. Best of luck.


So I went for my stress test yesterday and I passed it with flying colors. It was difficult in that I normally fuel my body with food before exercising (did I said no coffee either?). Got the heart rate up to 133 bpm. No problem there. Now, the heart imaging presents a very small dark spot on the RCA (right coronary artery). Cardio suggests it would better looking into the future to get an angiogram with the interventionist and IF and only IF it is blocked to 70% then a stent would have to be placed. I feel better knowing that the facts have become more clear. Meanwhile I have not abandoned the chickens and the fish of the world yet but other than that all the rest is veggies. I might start eating less chicken at some point. I am actually looking forward to the angiogram, hopefully not a stent but if it comes to that then so be it. Looking forward to have a ribeye after that. LOL

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My calcium score was 122 and I am a 67 yr old female. I have low to normal blood pressure and my overall cholesterol is ok LDL was borderline but I usually have a lot of good cholesterol. I have no chest pain . My GP gave me a form for a nuclear perfusion test but I’m not sure I should have a it . I have had my fat share of ct scans done as well. Had 4 over about 6 weeks when the emergency department did not realise the extreme pain I was in was a very tight pudendal nerve. I’ve had a lot of others throughout my life as well .
As I have not been referred to a cardiologist and just told I could take a baby aspirin and perhaps a statin I’m not sure if having a test which will give me a high level of radiation ( equal to 400 X-rays) is worth the other health risks at this stage.
I’m interested in your opinion . Ultimately I understand it is my decision but sounds like a score of 122 is not high and I have basically been following a vegetarian diet . I feel the anxiety after a test like that may give me more anxiety about cancer risk. I had Greaves disease for the third time in December 2021 and the cardiologist didn’t check the bloods that were ordered and sent me home after a stress test on a treadmill with ultrasound saying I’m just unfit and should make an appointment with a psychiatrist for anxiety other than that my heart was pumping fine. My heart rate was reaching 154 beats a minute and I was so sick over the next 2 weeks I asked my son to take be to the emergency department on Christmas Day as I could barely walk . The doctor in emergency got the blood tests from the other hospital and the heart specialist had never looked at them and never ever owned up to it or advised my Gp of the results . The emergency department could not believe it as I had Greaves . I was put on thyroid medication immediately along with a beta blocker . Unfortunately due to reaction to medication I ended up having my thyroid removed.
My parathyroid went into shock and stopped working so I was kept in intensive care for 4 days and given intravenous calcium and calcitrol and then needed calcium tablets and calcitrol for about 3-4 months after. Not sure if this could have affected any calcification that is now in my heart.
Eating well and walking more now to increase fitness. I feel it’s easy to just ask for all these tests and nothing was said to me about the amount of radiation . Does everyone with a calcium score automatically need a nuclear perfusion test.


My calcium score was 122 and I am a 67 yr old female. I have low to normal blood pressure and my overall cholesterol is ok LDL was borderline but I usually have a lot of good cholesterol. I have no chest pain . My GP gave me a form for a nuclear perfusion test but I’m not sure I should have a it . I have had my fat share of ct scans done as well. Had 4 over about 6 weeks when the emergency department did not realise the extreme pain I was in was a very tight pudendal nerve. I’ve had a lot of others throughout my life as well .
As I have not been referred to a cardiologist and just told I could take a baby aspirin and perhaps a statin I’m not sure if having a test which will give me a high level of radiation ( equal to 400 X-rays) is worth the other health risks at this stage.
I’m interested in your opinion . Ultimately I understand it is my decision but sounds like a score of 122 is not high and I have basically been following a vegetarian diet . I feel the anxiety after a test like that may give me more anxiety about cancer risk. I had Greaves disease for the third time in December 2021 and the cardiologist didn’t check the bloods that were ordered and sent me home after a stress test on a treadmill with ultrasound saying I’m just unfit and should make an appointment with a psychiatrist for anxiety other than that my heart was pumping fine. My heart rate was reaching 154 beats a minute and I was so sick over the next 2 weeks I asked my son to take be to the emergency department on Christmas Day as I could barely walk . The doctor in emergency got the blood tests from the other hospital and the heart specialist had never looked at them and never ever owned up to it or advised my Gp of the results . The emergency department could not believe it as I had Greaves . I was put on thyroid medication immediately along with a beta blocker . Unfortunately due to reaction to medication I ended up having my thyroid removed.
My parathyroid went into shock and stopped working so I was kept in intensive care for 4 days and given intravenous calcium and calcitrol and then needed calcium tablets and calcitrol for about 3-4 months after. Not sure if this could have affected any calcification that is now in my heart.
Eating well and walking more now to increase fitness. I feel it’s easy to just ask for all these tests and nothing was said to me about the amount of radiation . Does everyone with a calcium score automatically need a nuclear perfusion test.

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While you provided your calcium score, it would helpful to know your weight, lipid numbers, previous stress test results, blood pressure, etc.


My blood pressure has always been normal to low 120/70 . Height 175 cm ( 5ft 9in ) weight 84 kg(185 lb) . Stress test was normal but due to undiagnosed Graves’ disease at the time I became tired which is part of Graves . Thyroid removed now.
I’m in Australia and my bloods are total cholesterol 5.0 ref range < 5.6 mmol/L, triglycerides 0.6 ref range< 2.1mmol/L
LDL3.0< 4.1mmol/L
Chol/HDL ratio 2.8 < 4,6
Non HDLC 3.24< 3.81 mmol/L
I only had calcium score done because a nurse I know said she had hers done because she was moving interstate and every female at age 55 is recommended to get it done . Then a friend of mine a year younger decided to get hers also and had a score of 255 but she is on blood pressure meds and statins forger high cholesterol control. She is Very slim and active but smokes which I don’t.
I have started to take a baby aspirin but I’m not on a statin. I Changed to vegetarian diet.


My GP never advised me that a nuclear perfusion stress test was an ionising test equal to 400 chest X-rays. With a score of 122 , blood pressure of 120/70 , don’t smoke , normal ultrasound stress test in December 2021 and height 5 ft 9 in and weight 185 lb . Changed to vegetarian diet to slim down and more exercise. Total cholesterol 5.0 mmol/L
. Triglycerides 0.6 LDL 3.0 mmol /L Just not sure if this high radiation test is warranted at this time with no other symptoms such as pain .
What is the criteria that a General practitioner should follow to warrant this test or is it suppose to be for everyone with any calcium score ?

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