What can I expect with Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)?

Posted by sunshine71 @sunshine71, Nov 23, 2022

I’ve recently been diagnosed with APS and have been prescribed hydroxychloroquine. I have a history of a pulmonary embolism. I’ve read the side effects of this medication and it truly has me afraid to take it. What can I expect with this condition and medication? I know everyone’s body is different and reacts to medication differently, I’m just trying to get some insight on what others might be experiencing. Thank yoh

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Ive been on hydroxychloroquine for 15 years, and I have had no side effects that I’m aware of. I was diagnosed with APS and was told that Plaquenel is a Lupus drug, and that this antibody is a Lupus antibody.


Are you not on a blood thinner?

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No I'm not taking blood thinners. Is it nessasery to take one ?


No I'm not taking blood thinners. Is it nessasery to take one ?

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Yes it is if you have APS. I’ve been on a blood thinner since my doctor (oncologist) diagnosed me with APS. Was told by the oncologist I’ll be on at the rest of my life !


Just diagnosed with Antiphospholipid syndrome and prescribed hydroxychloroquine a few months ago. I have not been able to see a hematologist yet. Referrals are not going thru and I was told the Drs office may be scheduling appointments as far out as 6 months in my area. Within a week of starting hydrxychloroquine I found out I had kidney stones and a blatter infection. Had to wait for a month to have kidney stones removed. Two procedures involving stents, anesthesia, and more antibiotics later I have no idea if there are side effects from hydroxy yet. I’m so tired and am less active these past few months due to changing health. I’m giving in to thinking one month after the last procedure I should be getting back to normal. The problem is normal was not the same the last few years as before getting the mRNA COVID shot. I was active and never felt like a couch potato. What’s next?

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You will tired and exhausted not only from APS but also from the medications! There is not a lot of help regarding APS ! Listen to your doctor and ask about finding a support group! It is a very scary disease! Plus you need to be on a blood thinner !


Are you not on a blood thinner ?


Good comment. Until I can get in to see a hematologist, I am taking a full aspirin every day. The waiting is not making me feel comfortable with our current medical system here in the valley. I have been experimenting with my treatment for heart conditions under the guidance of a cardiologist and rheumatologist as well as talking to my new primary care physician. With a history of TIA, Stroke and having had an ablation procedure done this new diagnosis is disturbing. I plan to seek out a dietician to discuss my keto diet and plan a path forward for eating healthy. I need to get back into an exercise routine too. I'm preparing to retire in 3 years and need to explore the difference in medical coverage that will be available when I take that leap. Take care and thanks for commenting.


I have APS and so far I’m on warfarin and Plaquenil.Please check with your doctors because hyrxychlorquine /Plaquenil is not to treat Antiphoslipid Sydrome .Mostly treated for inflammation and joint pains when you have APS now I’m accepting my diagnosis because I’m in the medical field and also a healthy person.Be well .

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I have been on hydroxy. For years now, and it was prescribed for APS. It worked immediately! (The red, painful lumps under my skin were gone overnight.) I did see a hematologist to make sure this medication is safe to take, she did her own bloodwork, and agreed 100% that this medication is right for me. I do have many symptoms of lupus w/o positive tests, and I now have PMR. I’m working thru pain and meds, and we’ll see what happens.


Just diagnosed with Antiphospholipid syndrome and prescribed hydroxychloroquine a few months ago. I have not been able to see a hematologist yet. Referrals are not going thru and I was told the Drs office may be scheduling appointments as far out as 6 months in my area. Within a week of starting hydrxychloroquine I found out I had kidney stones and a blatter infection. Had to wait for a month to have kidney stones removed. Two procedures involving stents, anesthesia, and more antibiotics later I have no idea if there are side effects from hydroxy yet. I’m so tired and am less active these past few months due to changing health. I’m giving in to thinking one month after the last procedure I should be getting back to normal. The problem is normal was not the same the last few years as before getting the mRNA COVID shot. I was active and never felt like a couch potato. What’s next?

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I too developed Antiphospholipid syndrome after COVID & mRNA shot. I had both PE and DVT due to the lupus anticoagulant antibody. I have been on blood thinners ever since my event (fall 2021). After my hospital stay to treat the PE and DVT, I started with Eliquis, then had to go to Enoxaparin shots when Eliquis did not work, then transitioned to Xarelto (terrible side effects for me), and finally settled on Pradaxa, which I have been on for 1.5 years. Over the past year though, I have experienced debilitating joint pain, muscle weakness, brain fog, headaches, etc, and was just diagnosed with Sjogren's syndrome as well. I feel like I am living in a completely different body from 2 years ago, as I had no medical history prior, was extremely active, and my life seemed to change overnight. I have had to become a constant advocate for myself, and went from having the normal primary care providers to a slew of doctors I see regularly (hematologist, vascular specialist, rheumatologist). I feel your pain and so happy to find a forum with others dealing with these syndromes. It is exhausting and defeating.


I was diagnosed with APS a year ago after a heart valve replacement and am on Xarelto. I see a hematologist, but I'm wondering if I should see a rheumatologist? I don't feel like I'm being totally listened to when I describe symptoms I'm having: eye problems, brain fog, joint pain and some days, exhaustion. I just want to be heard by the doctors I see, suggestions?


D.E.S.???? Was anyone with APS born to a mother who took D.E.S. during their pregnancy? My mother did which has caused me to question where I got this mysterious autoimmune disorder that no doctor has been able to tell me how I got it. Has anyone else been able to get a definitive answer as to how they developed APS?

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