What can I expect with Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)?

Posted by sunshine71 @sunshine71, Nov 23, 2022

I’ve recently been diagnosed with APS and have been prescribed hydroxychloroquine. I have a history of a pulmonary embolism. I’ve read the side effects of this medication and it truly has me afraid to take it. What can I expect with this condition and medication? I know everyone’s body is different and reacts to medication differently, I’m just trying to get some insight on what others might be experiencing. Thank yoh

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Curious to find out how many have been newly diagnosed with this condition since receiving a Covid vaccine. Anti phospholipid antibody syndrome condition


Curious to find out how many have been newly diagnosed with this condition since receiving a Covid vaccine. Anti phospholipid antibody syndrome condition

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@raeanna Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Everyone here shares their experiences with their own health condition. Most of the tips and experiences are very helpful. Can I ask why you asked the question about covid and APS? Do you have APS?


A fully vaccinated with moderna covid 19 vax acquaintance has been recently diagnosed with apps at age 45 previously in perfect health and no family history.


I’ve been taking hydroxychloroquine for @5 years and never had any side effects. I believe that, with aspirin, it has reduced my symptoms greatly. I do have other autoimmune issues, but I’m 84, and really just try to live with all the nuances. Good luck to you all .


Curious to find out how many have been newly diagnosed with this condition since receiving a Covid vaccine. Anti phospholipid antibody syndrome condition

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I had the APS autoantibodies show up in 2017 and 2019 bloodwork but do believe the Covid vaccine (I had the 2 Pfizer vaccines in 2021) made me worse. I had pain at the base of my skull and dizziness right after the injections and after the 2nd shot, I started to get heart attack like chest pain and difficulty breathing a week or two later. I was 51 at the time. The chest pain and breathing issues went on for 4-6 months afterwards. I started to get abnormal EKGs after the vaccines, too (didn’t have them before). I then got the COVID virus in 2022 and believe I now suffer from long COVID (extreme fatigue, breathing difficulties, etc.).


I had the APS autoantibodies show up in 2017 and 2019 bloodwork but do believe the Covid vaccine (I had the 2 Pfizer vaccines in 2021) made me worse. I had pain at the base of my skull and dizziness right after the injections and after the 2nd shot, I started to get heart attack like chest pain and difficulty breathing a week or two later. I was 51 at the time. The chest pain and breathing issues went on for 4-6 months afterwards. I started to get abnormal EKGs after the vaccines, too (didn’t have them before). I then got the COVID virus in 2022 and believe I now suffer from long COVID (extreme fatigue, breathing difficulties, etc.).

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P.S. I have read that the COVID vaccines have caused neurological issues and endothelial/microvascular damage which may be behind the blood flow/breathing issues people experience. I have small fiber neuropathy plus APS autoantibodies which make me at higher risk for blood clots and stroke/heart attack. My mom had heart disease and diabetes plus lupus/RA/Hashimoto’s and fibromyalgia and died of a heart attack at age 67. The genetic risk factors for me are there but never knew if my mom was diagnosed with APS.


Curious to find out how many have been newly diagnosed with this condition since receiving a Covid vaccine. Anti phospholipid antibody syndrome condition

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I was diagnosed in August 2020, so I already had it....I did get the J&J Vaccine, which I regret, but my hematologist says it did cause any changes in my blood work...who knows...by the way, the J&J is the one that can cause clotting...the same problem I have! They stopped giving it shortly after I got it...Ugh


Thank you. Keeping you in my prayers. Can you tell me what kind of treatment you are receiving and do they check you regularly for clots? 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Just wanted to mention, my hematologist is a specialist with this disorder and tells me Warfarin is the only effective treatment for APS.

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