Constant tinnitus: Are there any solutions?

Posted by kimjensch @kimjensch, Jun 14, 2020

It there any solution for constant tinnitis?

I have high pitched tones constantly though I have learned to ignore it mostly.

It can become louder at times, even loud enough to make me wince!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Support Group.


I appreciate you sharing. When I am wearing my hearing and watching tv or chatting with friends I am not aware so I remove them close to going to sleep. I have a main sound in both ears but a slight banging can also occur. I started meditating ever am about 20minutes and spend about ten minutes doing some yoga stretches. Seems my sinusitis also is a factor. I am so happy to have connected with some nice people. Carole

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It’s carole. I have a caring audiologist and that helps. Down to one cup of coffee a day. I would like more but “behaving”. There are 70 residents in my building and I’m the only one with hearing loss tinnitus and sinus problems. As I’ve written with tv on my aids in tinnitus is pretty much blocked. Preparing for bed,aides out tinnitus is apparent. Any suggestions? Again this began about two years ago. Would appreciate any input. PS ATA may have some input. Was a member Will likely remew. Thank you


I appreciate you sharing. When I am wearing my hearing and watching tv or chatting with friends I am not aware so I remove them close to going to sleep. I have a main sound in both ears but a slight banging can also occur. I started meditating ever am about 20minutes and spend about ten minutes doing some yoga stretches. Seems my sinusitis also is a factor. I am so happy to have connected with some nice people. Carole

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Precious Carole, I also wear ear plugs when I sleep. I order them from Amazon. They are the Flents Protechs, Quiet Time, Pro Ear Plugs, 70 pair, NRR 33 (Noise Reduction 33). Strangely, I am not as aware of the tinnitus with them in. I too have a lot of allergies/sinus isssues and you are correct, it is a factor to the tinnitus. Praying for you.


Precious Carole, I also wear ear plugs when I sleep. I order them from Amazon. They are the Flents Protechs, Quiet Time, Pro Ear Plugs, 70 pair, NRR 33 (Noise Reduction 33). Strangely, I am not as aware of the tinnitus with them in. I too have a lot of allergies/sinus isssues and you are correct, it is a factor to the tinnitus. Praying for you.

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My Ent suggested Xclear twice daily so once before bed and first in the AM. It is a spray and purchased from Amazon.I’ve heard Claritin is better than mucinex. Only wash ears with soft and damp wash cloth so as not to irritate my ears. I’ve not used earplugs to sleep. When I go to bed I do a few stretches and breaths right in bed and lie down. No trouble falling asleep: staying asleep another matter. I use two pillows. I hope this is of some help. PS I need to get myself to rejoin ATA. Carole


A discussion on tinnitus can be found in the hearing loss support group.

Just posted yesterday, is a YouTube video on a potential cure for tinnitus that has just been approved by the FDA. It will be interesting to see where this goes from here.


I have had tinnitus since I was very young. I remember the doctor said, you need to just ignore it. That must be 50+ years ago. I have eustacean tube deficiency and have had multiple ear infections. Have had to use antibiotics for ear and sinus infections, but who knows the real cause! I now have been dx with a monomeric eardrum. Have a small thumping sound and vertigo. The thumping happens with no noise trigger, but goes away if I close off the ear or open my mouth wide. If I close my mouth / swallow, I can trigger it.
The tinnitus sounds like backyard hoses and I have acclimated to that, but the thrumming is anew bother! I, too get grief with the sound level of the TV unless I clear my tubes (Valsalva technique...very gently!!) The new movie, A Star is Born, had some scenes that showed the male singer with his tinnitus sounds. Find that movie. Those scenes. Play for your unaffected friends and families!
I could picture my little hammer hitting the little anvil (lol) or my eardrum waving like a sheet in the breeze.
I have no answers, but wish you all the best in finding some peace with this thing called life!


I was diagnosed with tinnitus over 50 years ago. It has never gone away and at times was very aggravating. While going to college and grad school, I noticed I could study and concentrate much better if I had some light classical music playing in the background. The music seemed to cover the ringing and provide just enough distraction that I could study. French horns, woodwinds, and piano instrumentation seem to work best for me. As I sit here writing this I am still listening to some soft classical music while reading. Thanks to mikepa and Julie for some info on research. I will look into this.

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I have tinitus for about 4 months
Went to an audiologist
And said I have significant hearing loss.
Went to be fitted for hearing aids, the hearing aids , took the volume way down , almost not noticeable , just wondering if you have hearing aids??


I developed tinnitus and am searching for relief. Any suggestions?


I developed tinnitus and am searching for relief. Any suggestions?

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It often gets better or your brain gets used to it. Many people play nature sounds to mask it but I tried that overnight and it gave me vertigo. Nature sounds are on your phone. ENT was not helpful but some audiologists are.


I developed tinnitus and am searching for relief. Any suggestions?

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I have had this for about 6-7 years. It started in my right ear with a high pitch sound and then the left ear followed. It sounds like Morse Code in the left ear. I also have substantial hearing loss which is getting worse in both ears due to tinnitus. Sodium & Caffeine make it worse. I notice it more when I am very still and the house is very quiet. For the most part, my brain has tuned it out and I don't even notice it unless, I have had something like pizza (high sodium or too much caffeine) that ramps it up. I wear ear plugs when I sleep at night and that tunes it out....strange right? I have talked to people who have gotten hearing aids and they said they help with tinnitus tremendously. I hope these suggestions help. Bless You!


I have had this for about 6-7 years. It started in my right ear with a high pitch sound and then the left ear followed. It sounds like Morse Code in the left ear. I also have substantial hearing loss which is getting worse in both ears due to tinnitus. Sodium & Caffeine make it worse. I notice it more when I am very still and the house is very quiet. For the most part, my brain has tuned it out and I don't even notice it unless, I have had something like pizza (high sodium or too much caffeine) that ramps it up. I wear ear plugs when I sleep at night and that tunes it out....strange right? I have talked to people who have gotten hearing aids and they said they help with tinnitus tremendously. I hope these suggestions help. Bless You!

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@covidstinks2023 @windyshores
I've had tinnitus for 53 years since I shattered my eardrum into 100 pieces at 11. Instant tinnitus. It's a hissing noise with occasional high pitched squealing. Never stopped even after eardrum repair and healing. Spent two days in the hospital falling and vomiting due to loss of equilibrium. Still don't have good balance in the dark or with eyes closed. Hearing loss, garbled sound in that ear. It took me about a year to get used to it. Hard to sleep at first. Then I only noticed it when the room was silent.

Suddenly about 10 years ago, the volume doubled. Then 5 years later it doubled again. It's been increasing ever since. I can hear it over everything, but even so you get used to it. It would take an airplane engine to mask it. I'm not sure why it increased although my neurologist told me it can increase with age. I have noticed sugar seems to make it even louder. Sometimes I think it may be in both ears now, but can't tell if it's that or just because the one ear is soooo loud, it fills my entire head. Makes it hard to keep the TV low at night and not wake up others. I turn on closed caption at night.

I am really baffled when you say ear plugs help since the sound is coming from the inside. Hmmm. Hearing aids are also curious.

@weekendrider -- If tinnitus is a new condition for you, you'll get used to it over time. It just becomes white noise.

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