Post Covid sweating: Is this common for others too?

Posted by dr4bama @dr4bama, Jul 14, 2022

I am experiencing profuse sweating off during the day and nightly. Is this common post Covid?

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My son has been having issue over 2 years now since having Covid. Profuse sweating and now hives on torso.

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I have been sweating for over 2yrs since the covid vaccine. I am not able to sleep more than 2-3 hrs a night because of profuse sweating and pain at the injection site. Please have your doctor do blood work for Dengue fever.


I also have profuse sweating. On and off all day long with or without any exertion. Hot flashes are somewhat controlled with an SSR, but nothing so far has helped the sweating. This has been going on for 15 months. Most of my other Long Covid symptoms have gone, but this still lingers. Now my lower face has become swollen on both sides. CT and MRI say they are fatty buccals. What caused this and what is the cure?? So far no doctor knows. Even the Mayo Clinic told me that they do not diagnose, so no help there at this time. No doctor has even been interested enough to look into this, so I am trying to find cause and cure. I would be interested to know if the vaccine helps you. Please keep us informed. Thanks and good luck.

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I can understand how you are feeling. I received vaccine 12/28/2020 and I have not stop sweating since then. Every night I wake up drenched in sweat. I have had pain in my left shoulder arm area since I got the vaccine. Severe pain that wakes me up at night. No one have been able to help me for over two years indescribable pain that I have made me felt suicidal at times the only thing that my blood work has shown so far is markers for dengue fever and blood clotting issues. No one can still explain why I’m having so much pain from the injection pain that is debilitating pain that has affected me doing basic care of myself on some days. I have done many pain procedures to try and help me but they’re only short-lived.


I get what I call the COVID hot flushes where my whole body temp goes up a few notches but not the profuse sweating . I know that I am sometimes have flushes while I sleep because I'll occasionally have B.O. upon waking (which means I've perspired more than once during the night). Didn't know flushes were common with Omicron. Didn't have that flavor of COVID, but it stands to reason that they'd be part of the version I got. I also get the COVID chills. Hard for my body to regulate body temp. Sounds like maybe questions for me to pose to my neurologist for potential solutions options.


It's been nearly 3 months since I had a fairly mild case of Covid. Since then, if I am in a setting with the least increase in temperature, I will start sweating profusely. No exertion required. I can be just sitting or standing outside talking to other "normal" people not sweating at all, & sweat will start just pouring down my face. Very aggravating. (I have also noticed worsening of my life-long tinnitus, plus some occasional balance issues when I turn quickly, but have no idea if they are related. )

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I have profuse sweating all day long and noise in my ear in the morning after COVID too.


I am taking 60 Mg of Duloxetine twice a day for the sweating. As long as I stay on schedule I can almost always stay dry--except if I'm really exerting myself, and even a short walk is sometimes an exertion. The profuse sweating when I'm with other people has been so embarrassing. Once, for three hours while playing cards, I just dripped and my face was red. Ugh!

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I have similar problem with sweating, I just had COVID and I was sweating for a week. I am glad it s a medicine for a sweating.


I have been sweating for over 2yrs since the covid vaccine. I am not able to sleep more than 2-3 hrs a night because of profuse sweating and pain at the injection site. Please have your doctor do blood work for Dengue fever.

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I have the same problem. Did you ask your doctor for medication from sweating?


Hello— I’ve now had Covid twice. (immunocompromised: — Lupus, PsA, AI Pancreatitis/EPI , Asthma). I’m considered a Long Covid patient— contracted the first case early 2020 & still have some ongoing issues. One thing that doesn’t get better is the body temp disregulation. I get sudden onset extreme heat intolerance. I get no warning. It happens periodically & day/night. It’s to the point that it’s so profound I sometimes have to quickly remove my clothing. But what’s absolutely terrible is the profound night sweats. This has been going on for over 14 months now. It wakes me up several times a night. Sometimes it’s my entire body—literally head to toe. I wake up drenched in sweat, and my body is hot to the touch. Even this past winter—when the night temps get to 20•, I turned the heat off, opened my bedroom window, had light covers on. No relief. It’s unbearable. Doctors here (NM) have performed so many tests. They keep saying that it’s not related to female hormonal changes & no obvious signs of Thyroid disease . (I have had significant vascular & neurological changes since Covid diagnoses.) They can’t figure it out. One suggested that perhaps it’s related to Long Covid. I’m just exasperated & need answers

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Long Covid symptoms come and go with me. But when I’m sick I wake up 2 times each night wet and need to change my clothes.


Long Covid symptoms come and go with me. But when I’m sick I wake up 2 times each night wet and need to change my clothes.

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I had covid last November and I took Paxlovid to help me get through it but that’s another problem. I also have hot flashes along with heavy sweating, also I get palpitations and I can hear my heart beating in my ears. I had some tests done and nothing showed up but the symptoms continue. As for now the sweating is slowly getting less and I found it hard to cope with when it was cold weather because I was sweating underneath my clothes and of course you’re worried about catching a cold or worse. I bought lots of tee shirts to change my clothes often and it would pass, I thought about getting meds for the sweating but research indicates it’s a med that can possibly mess with your body function. I would like to believe that all our symptoms will pass in time and just become a bad memory about covid, perhaps they will come up with something else for us when they hear how many people are having these symptoms.


I had covid last November and I took Paxlovid to help me get through it but that’s another problem. I also have hot flashes along with heavy sweating, also I get palpitations and I can hear my heart beating in my ears. I had some tests done and nothing showed up but the symptoms continue. As for now the sweating is slowly getting less and I found it hard to cope with when it was cold weather because I was sweating underneath my clothes and of course you’re worried about catching a cold or worse. I bought lots of tee shirts to change my clothes often and it would pass, I thought about getting meds for the sweating but research indicates it’s a med that can possibly mess with your body function. I would like to believe that all our symptoms will pass in time and just become a bad memory about covid, perhaps they will come up with something else for us when they hear how many people are having these symptoms.

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Your experience is mine: heavy night sweats AND burning skin. This has been going on since late November, 22. The good news is that both symptoms are suddenly starting to lift. But until now, the symptoms were relentless.

The worst part is the psychological. When you are entering old age, your mind can conclude that there is something life threatending overcoming your body and mind. If you have Long Covid and check out after a thorough physcial, chances are quite good it's Long Covid. But the fears cause much stress and insomnia. Really the devil in disguise. Thank you, China.

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