Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


What type of Magnesium? There's 10 different kinds.

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@seahorsefl I use Magnesium Malate it has msm in it that's a good product


I realize these posts are from 2019 and now it's 2023. However, I too have foot pain and am looking to find Conolidine. I am on heavy narcotics including 6 mg Tizaidine and 800mg Gabapentin 3 times daily. I recently went off the Gabapentin, because I no longer am a patient at the Neurology Pain I thought I would just go off all this heavy medication. 5 mg Oxy daily isn't much, but the Tizaidine and Gabapentin is just too much and I wanted to see if I could survive the neuropathy and various other chronic pain with just my Cymbalta 120 mg daily. So far, so good. Completely off the Gabapentin. 5 mg 1 a day. Tizaidine, I'm am having difficulty getting off this...I may call my old pain doctor and see if he could give me a bottle of 2 mg Tizanidine. But Cymbalta does in fact help me with nerve damage pain. I swear by physical therapy, also. Recently when I read about Conolidine, I became anxious to try it. I hope I can use the links above to find this pain medication. I do use Cannabis. CBD, CBN, CBG, and sometimes a little THC. I am extremely sensitive to THC. Had to describe. Maybe if I smoked Cannabis, it would help me more? Thank you for the information


I realize these posts are from 2019 and now it's 2023. However, I too have foot pain and am looking to find Conolidine. I am on heavy narcotics including 6 mg Tizaidine and 800mg Gabapentin 3 times daily. I recently went off the Gabapentin, because I no longer am a patient at the Neurology Pain I thought I would just go off all this heavy medication. 5 mg Oxy daily isn't much, but the Tizaidine and Gabapentin is just too much and I wanted to see if I could survive the neuropathy and various other chronic pain with just my Cymbalta 120 mg daily. So far, so good. Completely off the Gabapentin. 5 mg 1 a day. Tizaidine, I'm am having difficulty getting off this...I may call my old pain doctor and see if he could give me a bottle of 2 mg Tizanidine. But Cymbalta does in fact help me with nerve damage pain. I swear by physical therapy, also. Recently when I read about Conolidine, I became anxious to try it. I hope I can use the links above to find this pain medication. I do use Cannabis. CBD, CBN, CBG, and sometimes a little THC. I am extremely sensitive to THC. Had to describe. Maybe if I smoked Cannabis, it would help me more? Thank you for the information

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Hello @pamellia, Welcome to Connect. There is another discussion where members have discussed the use of Conolidine here:
--- Conolidine has not helped me at all for peripheral neuropathy:

You also might find the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy website helpful:
--- Treatments for Peripheral Neuropathy:

Have you done any research on alternative or complementary treatments for neuropathy?


Hi, Fala. I am in my seventies and the foot pain was absolutely killing me. I was using a lot of creams including Voltarian (I'm sort of allergic to this, so...don't use it too much), Coconut oil infused with Frankincense and Myrrh (I always add more of the essential oils). But I accidentally came across some socks that actually make my feet stop hurting!! Advertised as Diabetic or Neuropathy Socks for Women. )Doctor's Choice Diabetic Socks for Women, Neuropathy Socks for Women, Non-Binding, Aloe Infused Diabetic Ankle Socks for Arthritis & Swollen Feet),...But one could find socks for males as well.
Here is the link. Oops! I am to new here to post a link, so...the socks were bought on Amazon.

There is another sort of flat oval thing that has air in it. I don't remember what it is called. Has nobs on one side. I keep this by my bed and try to remember to use it daily. I also use it when I travel and it does help with circulation. even just a simple soft ball might help.

Inhale peace - exhale joy


Hi, Fala. I am in my seventies and the foot pain was absolutely killing me. I was using a lot of creams including Voltarian (I'm sort of allergic to this, so...don't use it too much), Coconut oil infused with Frankincense and Myrrh (I always add more of the essential oils). But I accidentally came across some socks that actually make my feet stop hurting!! Advertised as Diabetic or Neuropathy Socks for Women. )Doctor's Choice Diabetic Socks for Women, Neuropathy Socks for Women, Non-Binding, Aloe Infused Diabetic Ankle Socks for Arthritis & Swollen Feet),...But one could find socks for males as well.
Here is the link. Oops! I am to new here to post a link, so...the socks were bought on Amazon.

There is another sort of flat oval thing that has air in it. I don't remember what it is called. Has nobs on one side. I keep this by my bed and try to remember to use it daily. I also use it when I travel and it does help with circulation. even just a simple soft ball might help.

Inhale peace - exhale joy

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Have been taking Medicinal Mushrooms and Green Tea Extract (Origine 8) Liposomal for approximately two months and have been wearing thermal socks (winter in South Africa) ..... have noticed a remarkable improvement in my feet which were dreadfully painful before. Have stopped taking the 25mg Lyrica which isn't necessary for pain at this stage as I can actually feel and move my toes! No clinical proof as to what has helped but thankful for the relief.


Can you tell me more about this Tens-like device you are using? Name?

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Is this called NOORO?


Have been taking Medicinal Mushrooms and Green Tea Extract (Origine 8) Liposomal for approximately two months and have been wearing thermal socks (winter in South Africa) ..... have noticed a remarkable improvement in my feet which were dreadfully painful before. Have stopped taking the 25mg Lyrica which isn't necessary for pain at this stage as I can actually feel and move my toes! No clinical proof as to what has helped but thankful for the relief.

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Thank you for this information. You are in South Africa, so I"m not sure what legal status of Medicinal Mushrooms is in Michigan, USA. I will find out today! I find I am having difficulty falling asleep unless I assist with 5 mg oxycodone. I honestly don't want to do that, but sleep is so important. I think I am just going to have to "tough it out" a couple of nights and will then be Okay. Thanks again. Big help!


Hi, Fala. I am in my seventies and the foot pain was absolutely killing me. I was using a lot of creams including Voltarian (I'm sort of allergic to this, so...don't use it too much), Coconut oil infused with Frankincense and Myrrh (I always add more of the essential oils). But I accidentally came across some socks that actually make my feet stop hurting!! Advertised as Diabetic or Neuropathy Socks for Women. )Doctor's Choice Diabetic Socks for Women, Neuropathy Socks for Women, Non-Binding, Aloe Infused Diabetic Ankle Socks for Arthritis & Swollen Feet),...But one could find socks for males as well.
Here is the link. Oops! I am to new here to post a link, so...the socks were bought on Amazon.

There is another sort of flat oval thing that has air in it. I don't remember what it is called. Has nobs on one side. I keep this by my bed and try to remember to use it daily. I also use it when I travel and it does help with circulation. even just a simple soft ball might help.

Inhale peace - exhale joy

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This is the Big Dipper over Paradise Bay Beaver Island, Michigan. I live on this island. This photo was taken the beginning of December 2022. Beaver Island is in the northern part of Lake Michigan between Upper Pennisula Michigan and Lower Pennisula Michigan. Nothing like our night skies. Thought it might cheer someone.


Is this called NOORO?

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Isn't NOORO a brand name of electronic pain relief items? Like foot and knee massagers? Not exactly a Tens'like device.

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