Coincidence? Wearing mask brings on Afib & high blood pressure?

Posted by yorlik @yorlik, Aug 4, 2020

So been a few years since my atrial valve replacement. Had Afib for first 4 months after surgery, then went away. I talked Dr out of Xarelto. I very occassionally will get afib for a few hours at a time, no clue why but not an issue to me. Now with covid-19 and masks required everywhere, I occassionally wear one, not often.

Had first family Dr appointment for checkup 2 years+ after surgery; wore mask at Dr office for 40 minutes. My BP is typically 138/78 - at drs it was 190/100! Never before like that! Then 1 hr later we went to Krogers, wore a mask for 40 minutes before I couldn't stand it anymore. Hard to rebreath all that CO2! Got home and had full blown Afib for next 24 hours! No energy, hard to breath.

I believe wearing that damn mask caused my high BP AND my LONG afib attack! Rebreathing that CO2, starving my body of oxygen.

Anyone have opinions?

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correct way to spell mask

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Thanks, @janisk. Auto-correct can be a hindrance more than a help sometimes.


I just want to comment about your high b/p at Dr,s.. my b/p hits the roof at the thought of Dr taking it. Its hilarious really. It's perfect all along. As soon as I enter Dr,s office I can feel it rising. Its called white coat syndrome . A few hours after I leave its perfect again. I wonder is that the case with you and nothing to do with the mask?

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Same thing happens to me. I go to the doctor my BP goes through the roof and on BP medicine.They now know that.when I get home my BP is fine.White coat hypertension.Your gonna be fine.🤗🙏😊

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