Abuse of Opioids takes away from all the good it can do

Posted by rayjay535353 @rayjay535353, Sep 18, 2022

Hi, I'm Jaime- 68 year old male having chronic pain for 30 years.
I've had 14 sports related surgeries that began at age 18 and have just gone through 2 Posterior cervical decompression with multi level fusions during the past 18 months. I have been to numerous pain specialists, tried every supplement advertised, have every gadget that is offered online, and have had no less than 25 cortisone shots, knee replacement, epidurals etc. Throughout the 30 years, I have found that Opioids are the only thing that has allowed me a quality of life. Side effects? Show me a medication that doesn't have any. I had to be extremely disciplined to only take as prescribed. If a pain doctor doesn't offer opioids, they should find another profession. I take Hydrocodone 10/325 4 times a day max and less if not needed, Nobody seems to defend the use of opioids, but if you don't abuse it, it could be a life saver, not a killer

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Your comments are very cogent! I am almost 69 and have been taking OPIOIDS for over 30 years. Straight and simple, I would’t be alive today without them. It really infuriates me that so many people and entities directly involved with treating moderate, severe and intractable pain are so far removed from the facts and realities of utilizing OPIOIDS safely & effectively. The FACT that all the governmental agencies continue to include poisonous Fentanyl on the streets in the same exact category as physician prescribed and trustworthy patients utilizing OPIOIDS to manage chronic pain is a disgrace and dereliction of duty. Frankly, it’s absolutely “MORONIC” that this gross disinformation and misinformation persists while adversely affecting the legitimate patients and physicians who responsibly use and prescribe them.
Even worse, if there were medications that were more effective than OPIOIDS than patients would gladly utilize them. As almost every legitimate, authentic chronic pain patient will tell you……..”We don’t take OPIOIDS to get high or achieve a buzz!” More often than not, there isn’t enough efficacy as it is to successfully treat the pain. When my multiple pain symptoms were 10+ I could reduce the level of pain down to about a 7 or 6 at best. I’ve never received or experienced any kind of psycho active reaction to OPIOIDS! At most, they relax me sufficiently enough so I am not dominated by my pain. I feel embarrassed to be considered a human being and affiliated with these so called authorities who are so far off course and idiotic that having to be adversely affected by their complete incompetence is inhumane!!!!!!

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This is well written.i agree totally. You were able to express so well, what needs to be understood. If over the counter helps you, then you don't have the kind of pain many have. I am still waiting to hear o ft the alternatives to opioids for what I call real pain.


I am sorry that so many people in pain are stuck thinking there is no help available. As I have written previously I am prescribed buprenorphine patches 20mcg x7 days (I change my patch every 7 days) for my chronic OA pain, peripheral neuropathy, chronic pain syndrome. I had been on T&C #4 for 15 years, switched to morphine sulfate for 10 years and after these failed I was placed on buprenorphine. This drug in other formulations and doses is prescribed to treat drug addiction. In the patch formulation and small dose released 24/7 relieves my chronic pain. I have attached some information for you to educate yourselves and obtain adequate pain relief. Let me know if I can offer assistance?
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18503626/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7204604/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4675640/, https://www.apa.org/news/podcasts/speaking-of-psychology/medical-marijuana?campaign_id=18&emc=edit_hh_20230310&instance_id=87268&nl=well&regi_id=53838627&segment_id=127334&te=1&user_id=ed2ec21f5167c221d769f2eabd0383c5,

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