Pain in the butt - Can't sit down

Posted by ecalderman @ecalderman, Nov 21, 2012

I have had very intense pain at my sitz bones for over 7 months and am unable to sit down. when I sit, it feels like I am sitting on two hot pokers or rocks and it is really unbearable. So, I have been standing for seven months. I've been to a couple of spine and pain management doctors, an orthopedist, a chiropractor, a neurologist, an acupuncturist, and a massage therapist. The original diagnosis was ischial bursitis but that ha not appeared on any images. I don't have any issues with any of my lumbar disks. I'm in constant pain even when standing or lying down though those activities do not hurt as much as sitting. Has anyone heard of anything like this before?

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I'm having the colorectal outpatient surgery next week for no healing anal fissures. I'm nervous about possibility of incontinence.

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I just went through hemorrhoid removal and the THD Doppler surgery at the same time. Before this the surgeon closed a fistula and removed a seton drain he had placed there six months ago. I already had incontenance before all these surgeries, but it's very odd I don't really have incontenence anymore, but do have to stay very close to a bathroom for a bowel movement. No more incontence, but can't hold the other end anymore.


Can you identify a possible cause for this pain (falling down, for example)? I fell skiing 7 years ago. Fell on my butt and lower back. It almost immediately felt as if someone had shoved a softball down each butt cheek and lower back. That night I could see my lower back in a mirror. There was a black (not black and blue) band extending across my lower back. Got home and went to urgent care. Was sent for ultrasound to rule out any clots. All good. Right calf was very swollen. Was prescribed compression stocking to wear. Swelling eventually went away. Hurt when I sat down, sort of like your description. I say it feels like I'm sitting on two Hockey pucks. Have had every kind of injection, nerve ablation, PT, MRI, CT scans. spinal cord stimulator. I get temporary relief, but even then, I can still feel the hockey pucks. I just had a morphine pain pump implanted about 3 weeks ago. Still at a fairly low dosage, but is helping with a lot of my pain. But, I can still feel my hockey pucks when I sit. No one can come up with an explanation. I hope you can find someone who is able to pinpoint the exact cause of your pain and a treatment plan. I am hoping that my pain level will drop down to a 2 or 3 by the time they get this pump adjusted. Blessing on you, my friend!


I have similar issue but it is more evident when sitting in a soft cushion chair. This plays havoc with my sciatic nerve. I have been sitting on hard chairs which seems to be counterintuitive but it allows me to sit for much liner periods of time. Your other option is get a cushion which is attached to a battery pack which inflates and deflates periodically. This has been a life saver. The one that I have is made by Best Seat but I believe they are out of business. Google "Alternating Pressure Air Cushions" and you'll find a selection of styles.

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I love the idea of the pillow that changes pressure. I have a silicone one that kind of looks like an icecube tray that is pretty great. I found that my hip/sciatica is piriformis syndrome and the stretches for that, cat/cow/child/cobra yoga and other PT stretches keep it at bay. My hip and sacrum like to get out of joint.


I love the idea of the pillow that changes pressure. I have a silicone one that kind of looks like an icecube tray that is pretty great. I found that my hip/sciatica is piriformis syndrome and the stretches for that, cat/cow/child/cobra yoga and other PT stretches keep it at bay. My hip and sacrum like to get out of joint.

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A couple of her easy stretches for your hips are: #1 - Get a large inflatable ball like the ones used in gyms/ Lie down, bend your knees and place the ball under your ankles. There are different sized balls depending upon your body size. A good one to get is made by Thera Band Then, gently roll the ball towards you and then back to the starting position. #2- Using the same ball, position it under your bent knees and roll it from side to side.


I just went through hemorrhoid removal and the THD Doppler surgery at the same time. Before this the surgeon closed a fistula and removed a seton drain he had placed there six months ago. I already had incontenance before all these surgeries, but it's very odd I don't really have incontenence anymore, but do have to stay very close to a bathroom for a bowel movement. No more incontence, but can't hold the other end anymore.

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I found that my bowel incontinence is either caused by or exacerbated by my hydrocodone. If I don’t take opioids the problem goes away! Tough decision, but for me, I choose to deal with the pain instead of the incontinence, so I’ve quit taking opiates altogether.


Very good choice getting off opioids. My wife was on them for quite a while
and reading on the internet I learned that opioids can also keep the pain
going, Sssooo, she got off and the pain stopped after a day or so. We still
can not figure WHY the opioids would cause pain. The only thing I can think of was the Doctor increased the taking of them.
Since we are both over 80 years we just keep going, pain or no pain. The chemical pills seem to be so unnatural to take. We need some of the older Doctors to check on the eyes, how we look to him, check the finger nails,
etc. etc. They could determine CAUSE and not just treat symptoms.


Very good choice getting off opioids. My wife was on them for quite a while
and reading on the internet I learned that opioids can also keep the pain
going, Sssooo, she got off and the pain stopped after a day or so. We still
can not figure WHY the opioids would cause pain. The only thing I can think of was the Doctor increased the taking of them.
Since we are both over 80 years we just keep going, pain or no pain. The chemical pills seem to be so unnatural to take. We need some of the older Doctors to check on the eyes, how we look to him, check the finger nails,
etc. etc. They could determine CAUSE and not just treat symptoms.

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I noticed that too. It was like after the opioid wore off my body was calling for more by sending more pain signals. I found that if I could get through that day, then the symptoms would either go away or be tolerable. I just had a spinal cord stimulator placed and although I’m only about 10 days post op and I am still in the period where they are adjusting the location and intensity, it looks like it is going to help a lot. Possibly not eradicate the pain entirely but, make it more in the background. And my energy has noticeably improved! That is something I never fully appreciated, how much of an energy drain pain is!


I noticed that too. It was like after the opioid wore off my body was calling for more by sending more pain signals. I found that if I could get through that day, then the symptoms would either go away or be tolerable. I just had a spinal cord stimulator placed and although I’m only about 10 days post op and I am still in the period where they are adjusting the location and intensity, it looks like it is going to help a lot. Possibly not eradicate the pain entirely but, make it more in the background. And my energy has noticeably improved! That is something I never fully appreciated, how much of an energy drain pain is!

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I am in my 80’s also. I also had a TKR 15 months ago. I feel so lucky to live in this age where medicine has advanced to the current level.



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I cannot sit 😩. I cannot stand very long and clothes are torture 😫


Can you identify a possible cause for this pain (falling down, for example)? I fell skiing 7 years ago. Fell on my butt and lower back. It almost immediately felt as if someone had shoved a softball down each butt cheek and lower back. That night I could see my lower back in a mirror. There was a black (not black and blue) band extending across my lower back. Got home and went to urgent care. Was sent for ultrasound to rule out any clots. All good. Right calf was very swollen. Was prescribed compression stocking to wear. Swelling eventually went away. Hurt when I sat down, sort of like your description. I say it feels like I'm sitting on two Hockey pucks. Have had every kind of injection, nerve ablation, PT, MRI, CT scans. spinal cord stimulator. I get temporary relief, but even then, I can still feel the hockey pucks. I just had a morphine pain pump implanted about 3 weeks ago. Still at a fairly low dosage, but is helping with a lot of my pain. But, I can still feel my hockey pucks when I sit. No one can come up with an explanation. I hope you can find someone who is able to pinpoint the exact cause of your pain and a treatment plan. I am hoping that my pain level will drop down to a 2 or 3 by the time they get this pump adjusted. Blessing on you, my friend!

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I’m so sorry that both of you are suffering like this. When I read this it made me think clearly there has to be nerve damage that those test could NOT pick up. Nothing else makes sense.

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