Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Yes the same! Thick mucus in my throat terrible at night feels like choking. Ian losing a lot of sleep and probably only manage 3hrs nightly. One night I just gave up with having to keep clearing throat and hacking that white sticky stuff that I sat up in bed and read all night while feeling dreadful and trying to sip hot drinks.

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I am so sorry you are having to deal with this dreadful stuff. Yes, it is white sticky stuff...Is yours like melted down sour cream? I pray you will sleep tonight and this will clear up for us both soon. There is so much about Covid that none of us know or understand. God Bless You Fiona57.


Yes the same! Thick mucus in my throat terrible at night feels like choking. Ian losing a lot of sleep and probably only manage 3hrs nightly. One night I just gave up with having to keep clearing throat and hacking that white sticky stuff that I sat up in bed and read all night while feeling dreadful and trying to sip hot drinks.

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This is so validating.
I’m seeing the doctor again this aft. I was given a new spray that worked the first day… then it came back. Benedryl— worked a day & a bit, now back. I’ve been told it’s this and that, but it ISNT!! It isn’t a cold (!!) or my sinus infections trailings, or my vocal chord disfunction, or what I’m eating. This has got to go away.


Suffering with the same. Had COVID November of last year. Experiencing thick post COVID drip, headaches and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction with Tinnitus. Tried it all, currently on a daily nasal spray and steroid rinse some relief but still not fully there. Going to continue with this treatment unless folks had success elsewhere they can recommend.


Suffering with the same. Had COVID November of last year. Experiencing thick post COVID drip, headaches and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction with Tinnitus. Tried it all, currently on a daily nasal spray and steroid rinse some relief but still not fully there. Going to continue with this treatment unless folks had success elsewhere they can recommend.

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Dermatologist cultured my mouth and it came back I no longer had thrush and just normal bacteria of the mouth which left me with this stuff and excessive saliva. I was glad about that, but, still, no answers. All the doctors are baffled and say they have never seen anything like this. Some days, I spit all day long....Spitoon anyone? LOL. I use Peroxyl by Colgate every morning before I brush my teeth and it makes this stuff foam up, (don't swallow!) spit it out and then I scrape my tongue and its better for a while. I use Listerine to keep the bacteria down. You name it and I have tried it. Some days are worse than others. Interesting, if I eat pizza or anything really salty, it gets worse. The medications for hypersalivation dries out my eyes, so I can't use them. I believe its from having Covid no doubt and a bad case of thrush and then I got this slick slimy saliva that hangs in the back of my throat at night. I am presently using Asteline Spray (Prescription Spray) to help dry some of this up. I also chew gum, drink water and was told by someone to treat my gut because this sounds like a gut issue. I am on a really strong probiotic and I eat clean 99.9% of the time. I got off of sugar and lost 20 lbs thinking sugar was feeding the initial thrush I had from all the antibiotics/steroids from Covid last year. Well, I do have a sense of humor. We don't need a sprinkler for the front yard anymore, I can just open my mouth and walk around and water the yard! LOL. I had a terrible metallic taste in my mouth at the onset of this and found out my B12 was low. When I started the B12 injections, the metallic taste went away. Get your B12, Zinc & Iron checked. Covid did a number on my bloodwork levels. It took them a while to get back to normal. I am praying it will eventually wear itself out and I pray the same for all of you. God Bless You All!


Dermatologist cultured my mouth and it came back I no longer had thrush and just normal bacteria of the mouth which left me with this stuff and excessive saliva. I was glad about that, but, still, no answers. All the doctors are baffled and say they have never seen anything like this. Some days, I spit all day long....Spitoon anyone? LOL. I use Peroxyl by Colgate every morning before I brush my teeth and it makes this stuff foam up, (don't swallow!) spit it out and then I scrape my tongue and its better for a while. I use Listerine to keep the bacteria down. You name it and I have tried it. Some days are worse than others. Interesting, if I eat pizza or anything really salty, it gets worse. The medications for hypersalivation dries out my eyes, so I can't use them. I believe its from having Covid no doubt and a bad case of thrush and then I got this slick slimy saliva that hangs in the back of my throat at night. I am presently using Asteline Spray (Prescription Spray) to help dry some of this up. I also chew gum, drink water and was told by someone to treat my gut because this sounds like a gut issue. I am on a really strong probiotic and I eat clean 99.9% of the time. I got off of sugar and lost 20 lbs thinking sugar was feeding the initial thrush I had from all the antibiotics/steroids from Covid last year. Well, I do have a sense of humor. We don't need a sprinkler for the front yard anymore, I can just open my mouth and walk around and water the yard! LOL. I had a terrible metallic taste in my mouth at the onset of this and found out my B12 was low. When I started the B12 injections, the metallic taste went away. Get your B12, Zinc & Iron checked. Covid did a number on my bloodwork levels. It took them a while to get back to normal. I am praying it will eventually wear itself out and I pray the same for all of you. God Bless You All!

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Thank you. My last avenue is to treat the gut and treat for reflux. Apparently that causes drip and ear issues. Heading back to the ENT in June to decide the next path. Hoping summer humidity helps, who knows. Or just time as it’s been five months since COVID hit.


Yes, it is a miserable condition.
I have used Alcolol (recommended by ENT Dr.) added to Neti-Pot gives some relief. Alcolol is available from drug stores or Amazon.
I'm also trying acupuncture. Have had three treatments and will get a fourth. It has given relief from painful arthritis in hands and seems to also be helping the sinus condition. It has improved to the point that I only use the Neti-Pot every other night. My sleep has improved since starting acupuncture once a week. When starting treatment, I told the Acupuncturist that I wanted to work on both areas at each treatment.
Certainly worth trying.


Ugh I'm sorry we're all going through this. I'm coming up on a year. I have also tried everything. I have to travel for work soon, and I honestly don't know what I'm going to do because most days, I can't go more than an hour or so without needing to hack up thick mucus.

Also, weeks after I got covid, I developed a nasal perforation, which has since stabilized. No one believes me that I got it from covid, but it wasn't there before. I've never done ANYTHING that would compromise the structural integrity of my nose, but no one believes me. And I've never had sinus problems before covid, so no...I didn't abuse any kind of nasal medication. It's so frustrating.

At this point though, I've confirmed that the placement of the perforation isn't what's contributing to the thick mucus in my throat.

I've ruled out everything else too... Got tested for allergies, had bloodwork done multiple times, chest x-rays, tested for autoimmune disorders etc. Everything looked totally normal, except I do have inflammatory markers in my blood.

Going to try a course of Prilosec in case it's LPR related, but not getting my hopes up.

The last time I felt really normal was when I went on a 5 day round of oral steroids (nasal steroids never provided lasting relief and I've always felt that the problem was mostly my throat, not my nose).

I'm fairly confident my body is in an ongoing inflammatory state for some reason and I just have no idea how to get it to stop.

Other things I've noticed...
- if I sleep, symptoms are much better. If I don't sleep, symptoms are much worse.
- it's worse after eating, but I also have random bouts of it just being bad even when I haven't eaten in hours.
- exercise and fresh air typically make me feel better, except if my nose starts running lol.

Stay strong friends!


Ugh I'm sorry we're all going through this. I'm coming up on a year. I have also tried everything. I have to travel for work soon, and I honestly don't know what I'm going to do because most days, I can't go more than an hour or so without needing to hack up thick mucus.

Also, weeks after I got covid, I developed a nasal perforation, which has since stabilized. No one believes me that I got it from covid, but it wasn't there before. I've never done ANYTHING that would compromise the structural integrity of my nose, but no one believes me. And I've never had sinus problems before covid, so no...I didn't abuse any kind of nasal medication. It's so frustrating.

At this point though, I've confirmed that the placement of the perforation isn't what's contributing to the thick mucus in my throat.

I've ruled out everything else too... Got tested for allergies, had bloodwork done multiple times, chest x-rays, tested for autoimmune disorders etc. Everything looked totally normal, except I do have inflammatory markers in my blood.

Going to try a course of Prilosec in case it's LPR related, but not getting my hopes up.

The last time I felt really normal was when I went on a 5 day round of oral steroids (nasal steroids never provided lasting relief and I've always felt that the problem was mostly my throat, not my nose).

I'm fairly confident my body is in an ongoing inflammatory state for some reason and I just have no idea how to get it to stop.

Other things I've noticed...
- if I sleep, symptoms are much better. If I don't sleep, symptoms are much worse.
- it's worse after eating, but I also have random bouts of it just being bad even when I haven't eaten in hours.
- exercise and fresh air typically make me feel better, except if my nose starts running lol.

Stay strong friends!

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Pretty much the same symptoms and history as you, Callie.
What finally helped (for me) was Amitriptyline prescribed by my EMT. IT’s really an antidepressant, but has the benefit of drying up the mucous and therefore eliminating the cough. I have been on 10 mg for 2 months and wondered i needed it. My doctor suggest going to an every other day dose for a couple of weeks, which I have done for only 4 days, and I can tell there’s more mucous, swallowing and throat clearing, so right now it looks like I’ll stay on meds longer.


Ugh I'm sorry we're all going through this. I'm coming up on a year. I have also tried everything. I have to travel for work soon, and I honestly don't know what I'm going to do because most days, I can't go more than an hour or so without needing to hack up thick mucus.

Also, weeks after I got covid, I developed a nasal perforation, which has since stabilized. No one believes me that I got it from covid, but it wasn't there before. I've never done ANYTHING that would compromise the structural integrity of my nose, but no one believes me. And I've never had sinus problems before covid, so no...I didn't abuse any kind of nasal medication. It's so frustrating.

At this point though, I've confirmed that the placement of the perforation isn't what's contributing to the thick mucus in my throat.

I've ruled out everything else too... Got tested for allergies, had bloodwork done multiple times, chest x-rays, tested for autoimmune disorders etc. Everything looked totally normal, except I do have inflammatory markers in my blood.

Going to try a course of Prilosec in case it's LPR related, but not getting my hopes up.

The last time I felt really normal was when I went on a 5 day round of oral steroids (nasal steroids never provided lasting relief and I've always felt that the problem was mostly my throat, not my nose).

I'm fairly confident my body is in an ongoing inflammatory state for some reason and I just have no idea how to get it to stop.

Other things I've noticed...
- if I sleep, symptoms are much better. If I don't sleep, symptoms are much worse.
- it's worse after eating, but I also have random bouts of it just being bad even when I haven't eaten in hours.
- exercise and fresh air typically make me feel better, except if my nose starts running lol.

Stay strong friends!

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You’ve stated it EXACTLY as I have been living it since August 22. Bloodwork indicating heart failure and lupus. Specialists, cardiac treatments (wrong and made it worse) eliminated heart failure but determined asthma leading to pulmonary treatments (Symbicort effective but not cured) ending up in bacterial bronchitis. ENT findings inconclusive ( see a speech therapist?). A round of pantoprazole didn’t do a thing. Decided to skip gastroenterology figuring it would be just another dead end. 9 months and I’m better but still not right. Exercise is good like you said but when the nose mucous runs it’s like hallelujah ! Better than the dryness with a glob. Mucous relief pills, gum chewing lots of water. But still… snd it’s not even listed as a long covid problem with the CDC. 🙏🏼


Use the Saline spray with xylitol

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