Do other long haulers suffer with brain changes? Seen any improvement?

Posted by mindig @mindig, Oct 28, 2021

Hi there,
I am new to the site and have been recommended by my Dr to reach out. I had covid19 in November, I still struggle with fatigue, body aches, shortness of breath, racing heart and cognitive brain changes which have turned my world upside down. Does any one suffer with brain changes? and have you seen improvement over time?

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I had COVID in June 2022. The thing that helped my cognitive issues was hyperbaric oxygen therapy. I noticed improvement after the first “dive,” and after 5 treatments I was back to normal as far as brain issues. It didn’t help my muscle weakness, though. My 5 treatments were each 1 hour at 2.0 atm. One per day for 5 straight days.

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Hi lmdcfate. Tx so much for sharing. I have looked into that but my healthcare system does not cover/offer those treatments. Unfortunately I havnt worked over year with no income and social security disability another year or more until benefit but hopeful others see this who can afford🌈


For purposes of comparison, Did the long-haulers often have "break through" cases or were they unprotected by vaccinations?

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Mine came from a breakthrough infection, prior to me getting my third shot - the bivalent booster.


I was very sick with COVID all of January and part of February, before vaccines were available in my area. I still have bouts of not being able to catch my breath, word loss of even the most common words, loss and/or distorted taste and smell—bacon and prosciutto taste like salted plastic. A skunk and brewing coffee smell the same. Salad greens, which I love, taste and smell rotted, no matter how fresh. Most things I cannot smell, or the smell doesn’t match the item. Loss of hearing in one ear. The cognitive disruption is the worse part though. I’m finding it difficult to want to engage in conversations with other people. I’m afraid I’ll lose my train of thought or won’t be able to “find” a word to complete a sentence. Embarrassing.

I’ve not found any help. I tell my PCP and don’t get any direction. What is available to help?

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Horrible distorted sense of smell. Difficult to describe it, other than putrid, unfamiliar, repugnant. Ordinary food, scented lotions, flowers all smelled disgusting. It was so bad I lost 30 lbs because all food smelled unfamiliar and repulsive. After 2 years sense of normal smells is returning steadily. Got extra needed calories through Ensure because of its neutral taste and smell.

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