My Experience on Evenity for Treating Osteoporosis

Posted by arlene7 @arlene7, Jul 7, 2020

Thought I would share for those considering or on Evenity for osteoporosis:
Afer much research and discussions with my GP and Cardiologist, I have decided to start my treatment with Evenity injections. As with all drugs, there are many side effects. My biggest concerns were stroke and heart attack. However, considering that I do no have any history for either, for me personally, the benefits outweigh the risks. As my GP said to me, "if everyone only thought about the side effects of the drugs, no one would be taking them".

I had my first injections (subcutaneously in the back of each arm) on June 30th. The nurse that administered the injections discussed the drug in depth, along with all the possibilities that may occur. She also mentioned that for all the patients that she has seen, none has had any side effects.

The injections are once a month for only one year, so I'm hoping that this works well for me and I can improve my bone density, especially in my spine, where I need it the most.

My endocronologist has also prescribed Hydrochlorthiazide for my idiopathic hypocalcemia. I have an appointment with an allergist this month to confirm whether I still have an allergy to sulfa drugs, since this drug contains sulfa. Apart from this I take D3 orally and try to obtain additional calcium through foods not supplements. Trying to walk 3-4 times a week and will begin with a few weight bearing exercises.

My journey began September, 2019 when I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. After waiting to see three doctors, receiving three denials from insurance company for Evenity, which took several months, I am hopefully on my way for a favorful outcome.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


As I have said in my earlier posts, I took a 6 year break from taking medications. Prior to that I tried 4 of them with unfortunately no improvement. I changed my diet, started meditating, walking everyday, limited my alcohol intake and took ( and still do) many vitamins and supplements. What changed my mind was my mom dying after having osteoporosis and breaking her hip. Maybe due to the stress in my life, my DEXA numbers got much worse( and they had been stable) so I decided to start taking Evenity. I am hopeful that I will get some kind of benefit from taking this medication. I did a lot of researching and soul searching before starting this medication. Finding this site with all the support and education others have given has been very helpful. I have had 3 doses with minimal side effects. Your concerns are valid, I feel you need to make the decision that you will feel comfortable with.

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I'm on Evenity too & no side effects. My problem is what to follow up with that doesn't damage your teeth & any risks if God forbid need a tooth extraction.


As I have stated on this site, I am currently on Tymlos and will be going on Evenity next month. When it comes to educating myself regarding Osteoporosis and drugs, the best thing I have done was to read Dr. Lani Simpson's book "Bone Health." Then, I went to her website, then watched all of her YouTube videos, then had a consultation with her. I did this 3-4 years ago before going on Forteo. She is impartial, has osteoporosis herself, and will assess your status and tell you what your best options are. She is a health-conscious doctor who is all about exercise and diet but does not rule out drugs.
Look at her web-site and see what you think.


Is anyone currently on Evenity. I would like someone communicate with during this journey. Thank you Arely


Is anyone currently on Evenity. I would like someone communicate with during this journey. Thank you Arely

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Hi, I am also on Evenity. I have had 2 injections so far with zero side effects. In fact it is making me feel better all around including less neck stiffness.

I went on Evenity after trying Prolia for several years. I wasn't seeing great results on Prolia and had also heard from my dentist that it could affect my jaw so I went off Prolia (without checking with my dr first) and ended up with 5 fractured vertebrae within a year and half of going off the med. I am fully healed now but it was an extremely painful experience that resulted in 2 kyphoplasty surgeries. My advice to anyone on this site is to work very closely with your doctor regarding any of these drugs. Do not do what I did because it was a costly mistake.

I have high hopes for Evenity and as I said I am feeling so much better even after only 2 injections.


Is anyone currently on Evenity. I would like someone communicate with during this journey. Thank you Arely

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Arely There are many of us that recently started taking Evenity ( like myself) or others that have taken it. Read all the past posts and if you need support or guidance in taking this journey ( myself) or others can help you. Some of us have had none or minimal side effects, others have had terrible ones. Your decision to take this medication is an individual one. You need to have an understanding MD to help and guide you in all your care when it comes to this medication or any other treatments.


After you complete your 12 months of Evenity shots, what drug is the best take to maintain? This is for a person who will be 70 and will probably need a few more root canals (before I die) and definitely a major back surgery soon?


After Evenity was recommended for me, I began checking with all my health care providers The nurse at my hematology/oncology office cleared me from their perspective and provided the information below. The osteoporosis clinic had only provided into on heart attack and stroke risks

Adverse Reactions

Neuromuscular & skeletal: Arthralgia (8% to 13%)

1% to 10%:
Cardiovascular: Cardiac disorder (2%), peripheral edema (2%)
Central nervous system: Headache (5% to 7%), insomnia (2%), paresthesia (1%)
Dermatologic: Skin rash (1%)
Hypersensitivity: Hypersensitivity reaction (7%)
Local: Injection site reaction (5%), pain at injection site (2%), erythema at injection site (1%)
Neuromuscular & skeletal: Muscle spasm (3% to 5%), asthenia (3%), neck pain (2%)


After Evenity was recommended for me, I began checking with all my health care providers The nurse at my hematology/oncology office cleared me from their perspective and provided the information below. The osteoporosis clinic had only provided into on heart attack and stroke risks

Adverse Reactions

Neuromuscular & skeletal: Arthralgia (8% to 13%)

1% to 10%:
Cardiovascular: Cardiac disorder (2%), peripheral edema (2%)
Central nervous system: Headache (5% to 7%), insomnia (2%), paresthesia (1%)
Dermatologic: Skin rash (1%)
Hypersensitivity: Hypersensitivity reaction (7%)
Local: Injection site reaction (5%), pain at injection site (2%), erythema at injection site (1%)
Neuromuscular & skeletal: Muscle spasm (3% to 5%), asthenia (3%), neck pain (2%)

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Thank you. I really appreciate this info as I evaluate Evenity.


Thank You for this information,
I am 65 and after my bone density test was told I have osteoporosis. My regular Dr. did not order the test it was my gynecologist, She told me I could do Evenity or Prolia, my choice! I know Evenity works 2 ways to Build new bones and Slow bone loss.. I decided to do that one but also hearing can cause heart attack or stroke and I have been freaking out about that.
I am waiting to get the clear from my Insurance company before I start.
I am happy to have found this group and read what other people have to say about Evenity or the Prolia shot..
Thank You


Be very careful in your evaluation. Everyone reacts differently. I have seen no adverse reactions from several and I was unfortunate to have many with just one set of injections of Evenity. I am still struggling with multiples lingering after three months. I wish you the very best on your journey. This Mayo forum is excellent. I have learned so much!

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