Post Covid sweating: Is this common for others too?

Posted by dr4bama @dr4bama, Jul 14, 2022

I am experiencing profuse sweating off during the day and nightly. Is this common post Covid?

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Hi, my mother (80 years) gets Covid in January 2022. She has mild symptoms, such as fatigue and loss of smell.
After recovery she began to develop profuse sweating (day and night) and extreme exhaustion, which was very debilitating. For six months we were visiting doctors from different disciplines who carried out numerous studies on her. They did not find the cause of the symptoms. Finally, the neurologist diagnosed her with post-Covid dysautonomia. He treated her with oral Ditropan (Oxybutynin), an anticolinergic treatment (two daily doses of 2,5 mg each) . She magically improved. Because of this improvement, after a few months the neurologist suggested trying to reduce the dose to a half. However, profuse sweating immediately returned. So she went back to the original dosage. This week, after eight months of treatment, she tried again to reduce the dose, but the symptoms returned again. The neurologist suggested that she continue trying to reduce the dose from time to time, since it is not known how long it can last. I want to know if anyone with similar clinic symptoms received the same treatment and if anyone has been able to completely discontinue the treatment without the symptoms returning. Thank you in advance.


Same experience with Long Covid. Sweating worse at night, but sole of feet all the time. Unpleasant, for damp and wet pajamas' moisture dries in the dry winter air. Result is coldness and clamminess-- very unpleasant. Must change pajamas, interrupting sleep.

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Same here. Had Covid in Dec 2020 and since then, my body reacts like it doesn’t know how to manage its own temperature, especially at night. I have to change my pjs at least twice a night.
I hope this won’t last forever 🙄


Same here. Had Covid in Dec 2020 and since then, my body reacts like it doesn’t know how to manage its own temperature, especially at night. I have to change my pjs at least twice a night.
I hope this won’t last forever 🙄

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Completely understand this. Had Covid Dec 2022, was in the hospital a week. Took 6 weeks to feel like I could normalize my body temp but now I sweat much more at odd times more than just hot flashes. And my palms sweat now. I’m either cold or too hot. All the time. And my face flushes really bad - not rosacea


Same here. Had Covid in Dec 2020 and since then, my body reacts like it doesn’t know how to manage its own temperature, especially at night. I have to change my pjs at least twice a night.
I hope this won’t last forever 🙄

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I don’t sweat as much at night, although I do have times. I sweat more during the day. Especially after showering . It’s like once the sweating starts, it won’t stop. Especially in the pit of my back. Also my face. Don’t get me wrong, I sweat all over, but certain spots are worse. I was NEVER a sweater until after Covid in 2020 at the end of Nov into Dec. One malady after another, but the sweating hung on.


I got Covid in November 2020 and I still sweat at night. Sometimes I get a break with a sweat free night, but usually it’s at least once and sometimes 3 times a night.


Does your sweating come at anytime? Are you drenched as if you got out of a pool? When you sweat are you freezing? And how long does the sweating go one for? How consistent are your sweating episodes? Do you crave salt?
I have no triggers, no warning when the sweating occurs. My heart rate spikes to 120 to 170. The longest the sweating has lasted was 2 hours. When I sweat it literally looks as if I got out of a pool.


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You are the first post here to mention the accompanying tachycardia...

Long COVID symptom onset 9/11/2020 - I know the exact date because they started literally overnight. As if I was hit by a Mack Truck:

Among a mixed bag of symptoms - mostly heart and lung based, I have what I call "episodes". Whether sitting or standing with little to no exertion, I know one is coming on when I have a wave of nausea immediately followed by a full body flush. Then my heart rate spikes usually up to 120's to as high as 200 (2021). Oddly, though, these episodes are often followed by a drop in heart rate to mid-40's.

They had become fewer and farther between until I had my second COVID infection the first week of March (2023). About 30 days past, all my symptoms worsened in severity. Episodes occuring once or twice a day vs. once every couple of weeks. I was actually surprised to realize how much I had improved, when everything went south again to remind me of how it was. So there is that. I am hoping it won't take another 2 1/2 years to get to better again.

I do experience the body flushes during the night, and strangely upon waking. During the night I grab onto the cold metal of my headboard to cool me down. An old trick I learned during menopause. 😂 It works. Especially if you put the metal in contact with your veins. The blood is cooled and gets quickly carried through your body for an overall cooling effect. Of course sticking your head in the freezer is quite effective also, just not always convenient.

I have gotten a POTS diagnosis. Been through 24 sessions of Cardio-Pulmonary Rehab (monitored low exertion exercise). Breathing classes sponsored by our local Opera. Have been put on a list for Speech Therapy to help with the (quite debilitating) brain fog. I'm not sure I have much to offer you, except that the symptoms do seem to improve over time.


I had covid last November 2022 and I started sweating profusely along with hot patches on my torso and palpitations, I compared it to menopause on steroids. Research indicates it was a common side effect of Omicron. Of course I felt some comfort in numbers but the problem is not going away.. I seem to go in cycles where I have a few good days and then it starts again. I’m having trouble going outside with this condition, when it’s cold weather you’re frightened being outside and a sweat attack comes on and you’re soaking wet under your clothes. I have 4 grandchildren and it’s been so hard for me to visit with them, they were already worried about me since they learned from their parents that I had cancer. Honestly, I look rather thin but I always put on a good show for them so not to add worries, they have been through a lot like most young people and children. I am also going to take another vaccine in May, I do have some concern if this will have a negative effect on my covid symptoms, I guess I’ll have to wait and see.


I had covid last November 2022 and I started sweating profusely along with hot patches on my torso and palpitations, I compared it to menopause on steroids. Research indicates it was a common side effect of Omicron. Of course I felt some comfort in numbers but the problem is not going away.. I seem to go in cycles where I have a few good days and then it starts again. I’m having trouble going outside with this condition, when it’s cold weather you’re frightened being outside and a sweat attack comes on and you’re soaking wet under your clothes. I have 4 grandchildren and it’s been so hard for me to visit with them, they were already worried about me since they learned from their parents that I had cancer. Honestly, I look rather thin but I always put on a good show for them so not to add worries, they have been through a lot like most young people and children. I am also going to take another vaccine in May, I do have some concern if this will have a negative effect on my covid symptoms, I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

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I also have profuse sweating. On and off all day long with or without any exertion. Hot flashes are somewhat controlled with an SSR, but nothing so far has helped the sweating. This has been going on for 15 months. Most of my other Long Covid symptoms have gone, but this still lingers. Now my lower face has become swollen on both sides. CT and MRI say they are fatty buccals. What caused this and what is the cure?? So far no doctor knows. Even the Mayo Clinic told me that they do not diagnose, so no help there at this time. No doctor has even been interested enough to look into this, so I am trying to find cause and cure. I would be interested to know if the vaccine helps you. Please keep us informed. Thanks and good luck.


My son has been having issue over 2 years now since having Covid. Profuse sweating and now hives on torso.


Please have your doctor check you for Dengue fever.

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