PMR and Methotrexate

Posted by paulinef @paulinef, Mar 15, 2018

I have been on prednisone for about a year and am finally down to a daily 7 mg dose. However, still feeling some stiffness and my rheumatologist has suggested a couple of times that I could could also go on Methotrexate. I'm reluctant to take yet another medication though so am wondering if anyone else has tried Methotrexate and if it helped lessen the PMR symptoms.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

I took methotrexate for a while and it did help. However, I started to experience pain in my right side and the rheumatologist thought it might be my liver so he took me off it. I could not tolerate it.


Hello @amom7, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You are definitely not alone. There are a lot of us still following the discussion. Thankfully my PMR is in remission. I've had 2 occurrences of PMR, both were treated with 20 mg prednisone until I was able to taper off - 3 years for the first occurrence and 1-1/2 years for the second occurrence. I think we all learn to live with a little pain while we try to taper off. Does your doctor or rheumatologist have any suggestions for tapering off? I've never been treated with methotrexate so have no experience with it. What dosage of methotrexate are you taking with the prednisone?

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I donated blood and after an improper discharge, crashed to the ground face/forehead onto a concrete surface. Taken to ER. Multiple facial scarring and pain on head, neck shoulder etc. It wasn't until 2 months later developed lumps on sides of temples. Diagnosed with Temporal Large cell arteritis. Has anyone had this? Scheduled for hi-priority surgery next day to remove 1-1/2" of arteries on both sides of head. Prednisone, metatextrat and now Artmera drip. Need some guidance. Moon faced, gained 20 lbs, losing hair. No pain.


I donated blood and after an improper discharge, crashed to the ground face/forehead onto a concrete surface. Taken to ER. Multiple facial scarring and pain on head, neck shoulder etc. It wasn't until 2 months later developed lumps on sides of temples. Diagnosed with Temporal Large cell arteritis. Has anyone had this? Scheduled for hi-priority surgery next day to remove 1-1/2" of arteries on both sides of head. Prednisone, metatextrat and now Artmera drip. Need some guidance. Moon faced, gained 20 lbs, losing hair. No pain.

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Hello @iditpaflsigns, Welcome to Connect. That must have been scary to crash to the ground after giving blood. Every time I've given blood they have me wait a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes and drink some water or juice. I'm sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with temporal large cell arteritis. There are a couple of other discussions you might find helpful:

--- Giant Cell Arteritis Diagnosis:
--- Adjusting to life with temporal arteritis:

Has your doctor or rheumatologist suggested a tapering schedule for the medications? Do you keep a daily log of your pain and medication dosages?


Thank you for your kind and prompt reply. My health was perfect at 78 prior to the fall. So I am new to the Medical world and starting to navigate my way through it all. Trying the best I can


I was diagnosed with PMR a year ago. Started on 15mg of prednisone then gradually tapering off to 5mg by December. I couldn’t cope with the pain so my doctor put me up to 7.5 which was still bad so I am finally now on 10mg. In the mean time I had my appointment with the rheumatologist at the hospital last week and he want me to try methotrexate, I have had to have a chest X-ray and blood tests first as lungs and liver must be ok. I am a little scared but think it’s worth a try as I don’t seem to be able to get off prednisone and this is a way of doing so. I should be starting my course this week, weekly dose of methotrexate and also have to take a folic acid supplement alongside. Blood tests every 2 weeks for 6 weeks, reviewing after 3 months then will start reducing prednisone. I look forward to seeing how your experience goes.

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Have been in a lot of pain. Been off prednisone, but on methytrexate for 2 months with absolutety no help.At wits end.


Have been in a lot of pain. Been off prednisone, but on methytrexate for 2 months with absolutety no help.At wits end.

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Welcome @sheralee, So sorry to hear you are struggling with pain. It sounds like you may have tapered off of prednisone too quickly and methotrexate is not providing any pain relief. Have you discussed the continued pain with your rheumatologist or doctor?


Welcome @sheralee, So sorry to hear you are struggling with pain. It sounds like you may have tapered off of prednisone too quickly and methotrexate is not providing any pain relief. Have you discussed the continued pain with your rheumatologist or doctor?

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Thank you! Yes, sent a pretty compelling message to doc saing something has to give. I believe he is going to put me on 20 mg prednisone & see if it helps. If it does, we are then sure it's PMR. I also have moderate osteoarthritis in my back & we have been suspicious what causes what pain. Had low back injections recently & got no relief for my current pain. But had to wean off prednisone for 2 months to get the injections. Back to square one where we hoped mtx. would help, but looks like prednisone is my future again. Also looking at Kevzara. Any knowledge on that?


Thank you! Yes, sent a pretty compelling message to doc saing something has to give. I believe he is going to put me on 20 mg prednisone & see if it helps. If it does, we are then sure it's PMR. I also have moderate osteoarthritis in my back & we have been suspicious what causes what pain. Had low back injections recently & got no relief for my current pain. But had to wean off prednisone for 2 months to get the injections. Back to square one where we hoped mtx. would help, but looks like prednisone is my future again. Also looking at Kevzara. Any knowledge on that?

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I don't have any experience with Kevzara but there are a couple of discussions where members are discussing it here:
--- Kevzara (sarilumab) to treat PMR:
--- Has anyone heard this news about Kevzara approved for PMR?:


Have been in a lot of pain. Been off prednisone, but on methytrexate for 2 months with absolutety no help.At wits end.

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Prednisone holds off the immediate pain of PMR disease. My rheumatologist is taking me off prednisone gradually as she increases my methotrexate. Methotrexate takes 3 to 6 months to start working in our systems. When I achieve my max of MXT dosage I should be off the prednisone. This offers the least pain sufferage in tapering off the prednisone, not to mention the immediate pain relief you get from prednisone. Then she will address dropping my MTX dose as my disease declines. Also, with MTX, there is no tapering off of it. Don't like it you can just quit.


Prednisone holds off the immediate pain of PMR disease. My rheumatologist is taking me off prednisone gradually as she increases my methotrexate. Methotrexate takes 3 to 6 months to start working in our systems. When I achieve my max of MXT dosage I should be off the prednisone. This offers the least pain sufferage in tapering off the prednisone, not to mention the immediate pain relief you get from prednisone. Then she will address dropping my MTX dose as my disease declines. Also, with MTX, there is no tapering off of it. Don't like it you can just quit.

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Thank you. I was at max dose of 4 a day x 2 & my doc said 2 mths should have done something. I do know it's great for RA. I will be back on prednisone for now & try the 1.5 yr advised therapy. Unless a new drug shows hope. Good luck to you!

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