Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?

Posted by cricketlips @cricketlips, Jun 2, 2022

After many google searches for the reason I feel vibration in my head, shoulder and arm just before falling asleep and waking, I found nothing that satisfactorily explained it. Of course anxiety seems to be a common explanation but there was nothing specific enough to help me. I am currently reading Incognito by David Eagleman. It discusses the functioning of the brain as an organ. This morning, going through my routine to get ready for work, I thought of a way to understand the vibrations. Similar to the hypnic jerks we experience occasionally just before we fall asleep, I think the vibrations are intended to arouse me to stay vigilant. Which is the fight or flight mechanism in action. So there is the anxiety connection. Originating in the amygdala. I was thinking Parkinson's or MS but my symptoms don't indicate those conditions, thankfully. It seems counterintuitive to be anxious and sleeping at the same time but the brain can do that. The cerebral cortex sleeps but the life support systems of the brain must stay online, obviously. If you thought you were in danger, sleeping would put you at risk but at some point sleep becomes absolutely necessary. I think the vibrations I have been experiencing are caused by my sympathetic nervous system and not a neurologic disease. Thankfully !

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Wow, I am amazed at how many people here are experiencing these sleep vibrations/internal tremors. I guess I shouldn't be surprised because so many people have had long covid and the fact that over 600 people are in the Facebook "Sleep Tremors" group, plus almost 1,200 in the Facebook "Internal Tremors" group. Let's keep sharing our strategies and solutions. I love reading about what you all have tried, what is working and not working to silence your sleep vibrations.


I have had internal tremors for a year now. Exactly as described here - only when falling asleep (they wake me up) and when awaking in the morning. I have had to go on a sleep aid to sleep which I hate but it’s better than no sleep.
From my own research and situation, I am convinced it is a symptom of an overactive sympathetic nervous system/compromised vagus nerve. I believe this because the internal tremors started out a few months after I had multiple traumatic events related to my heart. They started slowly and progressed to every night. I find the intensity is less if I have a trap and neck massage (stimulates vagus nerve) right before going to sleep. I am curious about the breathing component and will work on deep breathing exercises also and see if that helps. I am hopeful that if I work on healing my vagus nerve and deactivating my sympathetic nervous system through holistic means, I will eventually get relief from the internal tremors. I am so grateful to have found this nice to know I am not alone.

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Thanks for your post. I have a follow up with my 2nd neurologist that I'm working with since this all began. I'll ask about this as a possibility too. I also find that I have constant and regular neck pain. What is a trap? Hope you feel better soon 🙂


I am having a very similar condition. About 9 months ago I started having a vibrating sensation in my upper chest around the area of my collar bones. It would only happen when I was just drifting off to sleep, when briefly waking up during the night, or when waking up. It would never happen when I was awake. It scared me at first so much that I was afraid to even go to bed but over time I realized it didn't seem life threatening and just accepted that it would happen. It happens every single night with no exception. Sometimes it is continuous all night long or comes and goes throughout the night. Having some medical background I ruled out a heart problem (EKG, Stress Test and Chest X ray); most medical issues (normal Hemotology, Chem, B-12 , Blood Glucose an Blood Pressure) and any supplements or medications. I have seen my Doctor and he doesn't know what it is. It happens no matter what position I am in. It always it is same rate but intensity varies during the night and night to night. I can reduce the intensity by stretching and changing position but it only goes away completely when I am fully wake up. I am a female 74 years old, still playing soccer so active, retired veterinarian and not under any stress. Got my third Covid vaccination shortly before signs started and have never had Covid that I know of. I would love to find out what this is and be in any study if one was available.

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Thanks for your post. I am having almost identical symptoms. I'm in my early 50s. I too can usually control/stop the symptoms by changing position. The only difference is while I feel the tremors in my chest at times, for me, it's mostly in my head and eyes.


I too have internal vibrations. I have had them since 2019. I turned 64 in October. I first thought it was result of injury to phrenic nerve after swallowing a huge gulp of air with morning meds and had pain for 2 days in upper mid sternum. I also have vertigo and have lay in bed for 5 hours with NO vibrations. They only occur AFTER I go to sleep. I have been keeping journal and rating them on a scale 1-10. They move around in my torso area and at times settle in the pelvic area. I do have major issues with spinal cord and low back and cervical spine pain. My neurologist seems to think it's from over stimulation in my brain and wants me to try Fycompa...pediatric dosage. I'm having the second half of sleep study Jan 18th to wear a nose cpap. The apnea isn't severe, the Dr. said, but now I see where sleep deprivation can contribute to the vibrations. It's just more annoying than anything except when they are level 8 or higher. I have to sit on edge of bed for a bit. If they are strong, I can't go back to sleep and so I get up. I can place my hand on my side and actually feel the vibrations. I have also worn a heart monitor to see if it might pick them up but it didn't. I'm hoping the nose cpap and/medication helps. I'd love to go more than 1 night without having vibrations. I haven't slept past 5:00 in 10 years, some because of job but I have been up as early as 2:00 with vibrations. My symptoms don't fit other conditions and vice versa.

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Hi Carol, thanks for your post. I'm interested to hear the results from your sleep study. After a year and half of various Dr.s and tests, I'm looking into a sleep study as well. It seems like most people in this thread (including myself) experienced symptoms post Covid/Covid vaccine but if I'm not mistaken, this has been happening to you pre-Covid? I'm so desperate to understand what is happening.


Thank you for writing this! I have also had vibrating sensations while
falling asleep and waking for years. I've searched and searched for an answer and treatment but nobody, no doctor has been able to explain. I too feel like I've been in a perpetual fight or flight mode.

If nothing else... it's good to know I'm not just losing my mind!

Have you found anything that helps?

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Hi, thanks for your post. I've been experiencing these symptoms for roughly a year and half. I'm curious to know. Did your symptoms begin prior or post Covid/Covid vaccine? I'm asking b/c I have had every test, seen half a dozen specialists and still no answers. I'm hoping to share as much as I can to figure this out. Thanks.


Hi Carol, thanks for your post. I'm interested to hear the results from your sleep study. After a year and half of various Dr.s and tests, I'm looking into a sleep study as well. It seems like most people in this thread (including myself) experienced symptoms post Covid/Covid vaccine but if I'm not mistaken, this has been happening to you pre-Covid? I'm so desperate to understand what is happening.

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Since 2019. After I swallowed air while taking pills. Had pain at end of esophagus for 2 days. I'm done with other half of sleep study. Afterward, I had no vibrations for over a week. Never had covid or the shot. This morning I had the vibrations from my chest to my feet while sitting in my glider. Didn't have any last night. They went away only after I got up. I use my cpap machine the minimum 4 hours right now BEFORE I go to sleep. I'm not having issues with sleep apnea because I'm dreaming every night. I see neurologist next month and discuss it with him. I'm baffled also because if Google internal vibrations and really research it, it could be anything from pre Parkinson, MS and any central nervous system ailment. I firmly believe mine is from injury to phrenic nerve. When I researched it before and got to the reasons one might have injury, swallowing a huge gulp of air was one of them but then so is coughing or sneezing too hard. That's what made me think back to a couple weeks before when I did that. My neurologist thinks I'm crazy. To me, it made sense with the cpap that having the air forced in somehow affected the diaphragm since the phrenic nerve controls the diaphragm and the diaphragm controls breathing. My neurologist thinks it's from an over active central nervous system but I had only 1 episode of CSA during my test and 5 OSA, that was WITH the cpap. Without, I had 31 episodes an hour. My machine is still set at 4, the lowest it will go. Other people have 80 plus episodes an hour so mine is very mild but obviously it's enough to give me vibrations. I'd LOVE to be part of a research to figure out what the heck is going on. Is it something environmental? Something we are ingesting? Breathing? A side affect of certain medications? Could it stem from long term use of certain meds? I'm just really surprised there isn't a doctor out there SOMEWHERE willing to take this on. Who knows, it could be a ground breaking discovery. I know for a fact it isn't in my head because too many people experience it. PLUS the fact that it moves to different parts of the body. If I'm in bed, it wakes me and the vibrations are mainly confined to torso area, pelvic and once in a while I'll feel it in the buttocks area. Sitting in my chair, it was from my torso down. I told my doctor once it feels like the blood is rushing through my body at 100 miles an hour. It is so hard to explain. I know that I'm not hallucinating when I can place my hand on my side and actually feel the vibrations. So if there is ANY doctor, medical student, I don't care at this point, I'll be a Guinea pig, that thinks they want to tackle the challenge, just let me know. I'm bewildered as are many, many others it seems.


Wow, I am amazed at how many people here are experiencing these sleep vibrations/internal tremors. I guess I shouldn't be surprised because so many people have had long covid and the fact that over 600 people are in the Facebook "Sleep Tremors" group, plus almost 1,200 in the Facebook "Internal Tremors" group. Let's keep sharing our strategies and solutions. I love reading about what you all have tried, what is working and not working to silence your sleep vibrations.

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I was going to start a group on Facebook a while back and call it "Good vibrations ". Lol
How do you find the group on Facebook? I'd be interested in the internal vibrations. TIA 😊


Been experiencing internal vibes and ringing, humming in my head since I received my second vax. Mainly come on at night when falling asleep or early morning. Lately starting afternoons. These are usually the worse. Can’t exercise. Seems to bring it on. A real burger as I don’t get sick outside of post Covid crap. No flu, etc. I do have DM2, asthma, just DX with HBP and have ADHD. Trying to figure out if supplements help. Zinc and selenium seem to help with severity. And probiotics seem to help . Verdict still out on this. Antioxidants vitamins. B vitamins, MCT oil, chromium, etc. started taking 4 tablets off acyclovir at onset seems to lessen intensity and duration (might be placebo effect but trying to rule it out. No heavy exercise. Sets it off. Sleep? Ha! Problem with all the supplements is cost. I have SSI AND THAT IS IT. If it weren’t for LEIAP etc I would be screwed. Retired professional counselor but no savings due to deceased wife’s cancer for 10 years. And J&J still owed for that. Medicaid is stopping at some point. That is my only savior. Between that and Medicare I have no copays. I know that the vax is the true cause but nobody will admit to this. Some anxiety about going to bed due to tremors and tinnitus kicking in. Also, vibrations from my air compressor seem to be a trigger so that shoots down my woodworking for relaxation. I am still experimenting with treatments myself. Docs don’t want to get involved as out of their comfort zone. Oh yeah and 2:1 heartsick after Covid vax so pacemaker now. I will try to post more as I continue my journey. Best to everyone! Craig. Oh yeah again. Dx with meningioma last year after MRI of brain for neuroscience to r/o other causes of internal tremors. If Medicaid stops I am screwed. My history basically mirrors others like @medmysteryseekans.

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I can order $25 a month through medicaid and $40 month through Medicare...over the counter drugs.
I did start taking Coq 10 a month ago because some of my meds deplete my body of that. I ordered them off Amazon and was only $23 for 60. I got 2 bottles. They are available as over the counter meds through medicaid and Medicare but I've not ordered through them yet. I just saw them as something available.


I have had internal tremors for a year now. Exactly as described here - only when falling asleep (they wake me up) and when awaking in the morning. I have had to go on a sleep aid to sleep which I hate but it’s better than no sleep.
From my own research and situation, I am convinced it is a symptom of an overactive sympathetic nervous system/compromised vagus nerve. I believe this because the internal tremors started out a few months after I had multiple traumatic events related to my heart. They started slowly and progressed to every night. I find the intensity is less if I have a trap and neck massage (stimulates vagus nerve) right before going to sleep. I am curious about the breathing component and will work on deep breathing exercises also and see if that helps. I am hopeful that if I work on healing my vagus nerve and deactivating my sympathetic nervous system through holistic means, I will eventually get relief from the internal tremors. I am so grateful to have found this nice to know I am not alone.

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Also Google how to stop internal vibrations. I did that and the first couple times I did it, it worked.


Thanks for your post. I have a follow up with my 2nd neurologist that I'm working with since this all began. I'll ask about this as a possibility too. I also find that I have constant and regular neck pain. What is a trap? Hope you feel better soon 🙂

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Hi again
By trap I meant the trapezoid muscle. The vagus nerve is very important in nervous system regulation and can get out of whack with trauma or stress. There’s many books out there about it. I personally can tell a difference in my internal tremors/vibrations if I am very relaxed when falling asleep like I said before having a neck and shoulder massage right before.
BTW when my nighttime tremors first started I literally could not sleep. Every single time I would start to fall asleep the internal tremor was so bad it woke me up. A continuous cycle. I was convinced I had atrial flutter because they felt like they were in my chest. Cardiologist put monitor on me and said no. The tremors are now more in my legs but less intense. Tried deep breathing last night before bed and I think it helped a little. Good luck to all.

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