Taking Cymbalta while weaning off Effexor

Posted by graciepeanut521 @graciepeanut521, Apr 12, 2023

Hi friends,
I am wondering how effective Cymbalta is for anxiety (I mean severe anxiety). I am currently weaning off of Effexor (the worst drug to exist) and am currently in a mental crisis. Random panic attacks, missing school due to extreme panic, somatic symptoms which include diarrhea and nausea everytime I have a panic attack, and extreme mood swings. To preface this, I tried to quit Effexor cold turkey (BIG MISTAKE). I almost landed myself in a hospital for the withdrawals I experienced. I was on 75mg of Effexor for my anxiety and then nothing. After having a horrible 48 hours, I relapsed on the medication and am now on 50mg. I feel like I am in survival mode and today my psychiatrist started me on a baby dose of Cymbalta (20mg). It has been 2 weeks of me on 50mg of Effexor and I hate what has happened to me. I switched from SSRIs (which I took for 5 years) to SNRIs due to the constant constipation that I had. My panic attacks on SSRIs were flushing responses to the chronic constipation that I had. I was convinced that I either had Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis but 4 colonscopies later and my GI tract is as healthy as can be, so I have chalked it up to SSRIs causing slower gut motility. I am 22 years old and have agoraphobia due to the panic that I am experiencing. I am so afraid that it will happen again that I just do not leave my house. I am hoping that I will see some improvement on the Cymbalta.

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@graciepeanut521, there are many members who do well on Cymbalta. You can read some of the stories of @dbeshears1 @journey2013 @lmoross @burlingtongirl @zrose0001 and others in this related discussion:
- What was your experience with duloxetine (US Brand Name; Cymbalta)? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/duloxetine-us-brand-name-cymbalta/

It sounds like you're worried about getting through the next few days. I get that. I'm really glad that you reached out tonight. You probably know this already, but I want to give you the number for the crisis lifeline. If you need to talk to someone at any time of day or night, you can call or text 988.

How are you doing right now?


Hi - I’m thinking of you and are glad you’re reaching out to people who have experience with Cymbalta, as doing so helps relieve some of the additional anxiety created with medicine changes. I am afraid I don’t have experience with Cymbalta; a neurologist once prescribed it, but I decided I couldn’t risk taking it because of balance issues I have and not being able to handle the side effects. But countless number of people here take it and talk about it being so very helpful for them, that I wish I was able to take it. I hope they chime in soon to help provide you some reassurance. I know you can’t enjoy feeling reluctant to go out, especially being a student and having endless opportunities ahead of you. I am rooting for you and hoping you get the right medicine amounts soon! Debbie


Hi - I’m thinking of you and are glad you’re reaching out to people who have experience with Cymbalta, as doing so helps relieve some of the additional anxiety created with medicine changes. I am afraid I don’t have experience with Cymbalta; a neurologist once prescribed it, but I decided I couldn’t risk taking it because of balance issues I have and not being able to handle the side effects. But countless number of people here take it and talk about it being so very helpful for them, that I wish I was able to take it. I hope they chime in soon to help provide you some reassurance. I know you can’t enjoy feeling reluctant to go out, especially being a student and having endless opportunities ahead of you. I am rooting for you and hoping you get the right medicine amounts soon! Debbie

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Thank you Debbie for your kind words. Just hearing feedback from this community is so relieving and it makes me feel less alone in this battle.


@graciepeanut521, there are many members who do well on Cymbalta. You can read some of the stories of @dbeshears1 @journey2013 @lmoross @burlingtongirl @zrose0001 and others in this related discussion:
- What was your experience with duloxetine (US Brand Name; Cymbalta)? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/duloxetine-us-brand-name-cymbalta/

It sounds like you're worried about getting through the next few days. I get that. I'm really glad that you reached out tonight. You probably know this already, but I want to give you the number for the crisis lifeline. If you need to talk to someone at any time of day or night, you can call or text 988.

How are you doing right now?

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Thank you Colleen for showing me this thread! I took my 20mg of Cymbalta and I already feel a bit better. And you hit the nail on the head with getting through the next few days. The stress of being a college student and missing classes is definitely adding onto my anxiety but I’m trying everyday to work through this!


Thank you Colleen for showing me this thread! I took my 20mg of Cymbalta and I already feel a bit better. And you hit the nail on the head with getting through the next few days. The stress of being a college student and missing classes is definitely adding onto my anxiety but I’m trying everyday to work through this!

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I am glad you reached out to the group. It is scary to feel the way you do. Do you have a good support group of family and friends? I have been taking cymbalta for many years with zero side effects. It has been a good drug for me, helping with depression and pain associated with an autoimmune disease.
I hope it will help you. It sounds like you have been on so many different medications. I have also throughout the years. I started Welbutrin a year ago and it has made a difference for me. Less anxiety, less OCD, less depression and becoming able to not “sweat the small stuff”. Based on experience it can take awhile to find the right drug cocktail. I hope you can do so and feel better. Take care.


Google breathing exercises for anxiety. I play a game on my phone and do them if I feel anxious.


I also just started cymbalta 2 weeks ago after 11 years on effexor that stopped being effective. So far no side effects and I just increased from 30 to 60 this morning. I'm hopeful this helps with pain and anxiety. Hope it helps you too.


You poor soul. I have to agree. Effexor is the worst drug ever. You should not have to be hospitalized when you go off of anything. I am currently weaning and I am now on 37.5 mg. When I attempted to wean, it was awful. I hope the Cymbalta helps!!!!!!! KP


I also just started cymbalta 2 weeks ago after 11 years on effexor that stopped being effective. So far no side effects and I just increased from 30 to 60 this morning. I'm hopeful this helps with pain and anxiety. Hope it helps you too.

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I would love to know how your weaning process was on Effexor. Did you wean off Effexor while adding Cymbalta? And Effexor lasted longer for you than it did for me! I had horrible gut motility on Effexor


You poor soul. I have to agree. Effexor is the worst drug ever. You should not have to be hospitalized when you go off of anything. I am currently weaning and I am now on 37.5 mg. When I attempted to wean, it was awful. I hope the Cymbalta helps!!!!!!! KP

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You are doing great! I hope you are weaning off and getting onto another medication because I could not stand the side effects of Effexor. I am currently on 50mg Effexor and 20 of Cymbalta, but am weaning down to 37.5 next week!

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