Taking Cymbalta while weaning off Effexor

Posted by graciepeanut521 @graciepeanut521, Apr 12, 2023

Hi friends,
I am wondering how effective Cymbalta is for anxiety (I mean severe anxiety). I am currently weaning off of Effexor (the worst drug to exist) and am currently in a mental crisis. Random panic attacks, missing school due to extreme panic, somatic symptoms which include diarrhea and nausea everytime I have a panic attack, and extreme mood swings. To preface this, I tried to quit Effexor cold turkey (BIG MISTAKE). I almost landed myself in a hospital for the withdrawals I experienced. I was on 75mg of Effexor for my anxiety and then nothing. After having a horrible 48 hours, I relapsed on the medication and am now on 50mg. I feel like I am in survival mode and today my psychiatrist started me on a baby dose of Cymbalta (20mg). It has been 2 weeks of me on 50mg of Effexor and I hate what has happened to me. I switched from SSRIs (which I took for 5 years) to SNRIs due to the constant constipation that I had. My panic attacks on SSRIs were flushing responses to the chronic constipation that I had. I was convinced that I either had Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis but 4 colonscopies later and my GI tract is as healthy as can be, so I have chalked it up to SSRIs causing slower gut motility. I am 22 years old and have agoraphobia due to the panic that I am experiencing. I am so afraid that it will happen again that I just do not leave my house. I am hoping that I will see some improvement on the Cymbalta.

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@graciepeanut521, @cleo12152
I’m venting I dislike this platform it’s so hard to reply to someone it’s so old school and it just annoys me…I forget what I’m talking about and seems so u important now. lol. Yeah I get easily frustrated…and angry with the withdrawal from the Effexor. Or could be something else. The dry mouth, excessive sweating, weight gain and low low libido…is just absolutely terrible! Does anyone else have this? Omgawd if i knew this before hand I would never taken it. It’s like a persons worst nightmare if ur trying to date someone oi!!! I hear another lawsuit. Geez. Am I the only one with these side effects?

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My side effects are opposite of yours! I barely had an appetite for 3 weeks after stopping Effexor. I was so fatigued that I could not get out of bed to shower. I also had excruciating headaches, very fast heartbeat, and sweating as well. Thank goodness the only person who witnessed was my dog! My mood swings were absolutely awful too and I would sob randomly.


@graciepeanut521, @cleo12152
I’m venting I dislike this platform it’s so hard to reply to someone it’s so old school and it just annoys me…I forget what I’m talking about and seems so u important now. lol. Yeah I get easily frustrated…and angry with the withdrawal from the Effexor. Or could be something else. The dry mouth, excessive sweating, weight gain and low low libido…is just absolutely terrible! Does anyone else have this? Omgawd if i knew this before hand I would never taken it. It’s like a persons worst nightmare if ur trying to date someone oi!!! I hear another lawsuit. Geez. Am I the only one with these side effects?

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Weight gain and low to no libido is common with almost all antidepressants. You are not alone! All physchiatric drugs seem to have really bad side effects.


Be careful with Cymbalta. I was on it for about six months and it caused me terrible anger and turned me into a mean, vindictive person. Actually attacked my two sisters verbally and was constantly irritable. Ruined a relationship I had at the time. Just wanted you to be aware of these side effects. Hopefully won't affect you like this.


Yes, difficult imagine. but very good to hear you and your doctor found a way that works and continues to work. In withdrawal from Effexor I found the worst to be a sense of disorientation. And thank you for encouragement for Cymbalta; however, the second day of taking it was extremely unpleasant, and I knew from experience to stop, but it seems to remain in one's system for awhile - today and yesterday have been somewhat difficult; hoping for better tomorrow.


You are not alone in experiencing agoraphobia, but years ago a very wise and caring psychologist taught me to have boundless compassion for myself.


A life without suffering, who could imagine! My side effects on Effexor were too harsh to wean off by itself, so my doctor prescribed Cymbalta while weaning me off Effexor. I have taken 50mg of Effexor and 20mg of Cymbalta for the last 3 weeks and just went down to 25mg Effexor and I’m handling it well as of now. The two medications should not be taken together, my side effects were horrendous so I’m glad to have some relief. Hang in there, I have heard it takes up to 8 weeks on Cymbalta to notice any benefits.

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Initially posted in the wrong place. Meant to be a reply to you -
Yes, difficult imagine. but very good to hear you and your doctor found a way that works and continues to work. In withdrawal from Effexor I found the worst to be a sense of disorientation. And thank you for encouragement for Cymbalta; however, the second day of taking it was extremely unpleasant, and I knew from experience to stop, but it seems to remain in one's system for awhile – today and yesterday have been somewhat difficult; hoping for better tomorrow.


Be careful with Cymbalta. I was on it for about six months and it caused me terrible anger and turned me into a mean, vindictive person. Actually attacked my two sisters verbally and was constantly irritable. Ruined a relationship I had at the time. Just wanted you to be aware of these side effects. Hopefully won't affect you like this.

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I’m so sorry to hear that this medication affected you like that. So far I haven’t experienced this, but I have been very emotional and fatigued. Hoping it will go away as I’m on the medication for longer.


Initially posted in the wrong place. Meant to be a reply to you -
Yes, difficult imagine. but very good to hear you and your doctor found a way that works and continues to work. In withdrawal from Effexor I found the worst to be a sense of disorientation. And thank you for encouragement for Cymbalta; however, the second day of taking it was extremely unpleasant, and I knew from experience to stop, but it seems to remain in one's system for awhile – today and yesterday have been somewhat difficult; hoping for better tomorrow.

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The first two weeks on Cymbalta were the hardest for me, but as I’ve stayed on it most of the side effects have subsided by week 4. I’m going up this week so hopefully they do not return. I hope you find a medication that works well for you. There are so many new ones now.


I also just started cymbalta 2 weeks ago after 11 years on effexor that stopped being effective. So far no side effects and I just increased from 30 to 60 this morning. I'm hopeful this helps with pain and anxiety. Hope it helps you too.

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Did you wean off the effexor before taking cymbalta?


Did you wean off the effexor before taking cymbalta?

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Tapered the dose to 37.5 and switched no problem.

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