COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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@hello2, I moved your question to this existing discussion:
- COVID vaccines and neuropathy:

You may also be interested in this related discussion:
- Neuropathy post-Covid infection: Is there treatment that helps?:



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Yes, I developed neuropathy after my first booster shot. If this can give you any hope, my neurologist believed that this vaccine induced neuropathy could heal and thankfully, after about eight months, I was completely healed. Nerve tests indicated that my nerves were very healthy at that point. I truly wish you the best.


Thank you - How long have you had it and what do you do when you have really bad pain? Is there a specific drug that you can take for extreme neuropathy leg and foot pain (some days are better than others-
some are worse than others) It has got to be a nerve pain medication - aleve and tylenol just do not help hardly any. Thanks, Betty G.

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I am now taking Lyrica . I'm up to 100 mg twice a day. It is helping. But I do still have some pain.


I had my first two Covid vaccinations of Modena. Waited until the 1st booster was offered in December of 2022. Not going to get the second. Since I hadn't been able to get the regular Flu/Pneumonia shotsfrom my doctor I went to the local Pharmacy for booster
shortly before Christmas. Piece of cake. I had been blessed with good genes and health all my life. Only in the hospital once when I had my only child in 1956. I became a widow at 63 but stayed active and my son and his family lived close. Didn't have a Primary Doctor until about 2018 when I came down with Shingles and found a local doctor here at his Medical clinic. He gave me sonagrams for every part of my body and sent me to local Quest for blood workup. TESTS ALL came back perfectly healthy except for arthritis and being anemic. He said all I needed was B-12 shots, which I had once a week. I now take the high dose gels. He said I should have both knees replaced since my health was very good. I was not ready for that. I had retired as an office administrator after 50 years in 2003 at age 67. with developing Arthritic knees. On May 23rd, 2022
Did a stupid thing an slipped and fell on my hardwood floor and broke the femur above my left knee. Taken to the closest hospital. Big Problem. Was there 3 days before they operated due to having only one Orthopedic Surgeon On Call. He said he had to order the knee part for the Titanium rod, knee, etc and said he would have me out of bed into a wheelchair and into Rehab with my implant from mid-thigh to mid-calf. I was finally operated on May 27. I had a Staph infection within 2 days. Hospital Developed (Bacterial Staph Infection "C-DIFF". ) After 16 terrible days was taken on a Gurney to a a Local Rehab Center.
The Staph infection meant no one wanted to touch me until I had total of 50 more days of oral antibiotics. Plastic gloves, etc. OT could show me bed and wheelchair, but no PT until 4 days ( total time with PT's in gym - 8 hrs before they sent me home in a wheelchair by Medical Transport ) on July 1st, 2022. due to the 5O days I spent in partial Quarantine until I finished my medications. Had been on IV antibiotics for an then probiotics
for 10 days 10 days and Pills for 50 days . Only had a total of 16 hrs of PT (4 days) .
I still have a Physical Therapist come to my home once a week and finally using a wheelchair aound kitchen and the walker in the rest of my home. I lost 40 lbs and my IMMUNITY SYSTEM
in the 70 days I was gone. I now take B-12, D3, Turmeric suppments, 4 to 6 200 mg Advil or Extra strength Tylenol, eat lots of eggs, fresh fruit, seafood, chicken, no alcohol, drink lots of water, juices etc. I had Gababintin for 4 months, but since it didn’t stop the spread of the Neuropathy, the next step would be finding a NeuroDoctor and have them tell me to learn to live with it. Thank th good Lord I had good genes an not Diabetic. Heart, Blood Pressure, Temperature etc have stayed normal. Now the therapy and my trying so hard to be able to use my pool and maybe at least be able to go out to the street on my walker and get to mailbox.
The Neuropathy is holding my PT back.
Did the Moderna Booster and the Flu Shot the same day and my low Immunity and age combine? It started in my toes and is now above my knees. How far will it creep up ? It started in EARLY JANUARY 2022. ?? That was before I fell in May. Doubt we will ever know. I'm sure the vaccine saved many lives but I would sure like to know if it was the combination of 2 shots the same day or just my Immunity.
Sorry for the long letter. My DR is what I call "A REFERRAL DOCTOR" . After they collect my health insurance for the Referral. I have lived in Florida since 1969. I grew up on a farm in Illinois. Wish I could again.
Thanks to anyone who has any input. I won't be so long winded again. God Bless and Keep You Safe.



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@hello2 I took the first two Covid shots in January of 2021. Two days after I retired from nursing and within the six week time frame from getting the second Covid shot I woke up with head to toe pinpricks including the eyes. I asked the neurologist how many of his patients had this. He said none this is rare. Mine is Small nerve fiber- idiopathic because they took 20 tubes of blood to test for autoimmune diseases, heavy metals and other things. They were negative. I take alpha-lipoic acid 600 mg daily. My pin pricks now come and go. I have a burning sensation in my left hand that comes and goes. I was also diagnosed with PSVT which I believe is from the SNF. I feel like it could be from the shots but don't think they will find out till years from now how this has affected some people. I so far have not had Covid but I have had the five shots and will take the next one too. I recently had a little bit of pressure in the back of my head and thought it was a headache. When I got home from a trip the next day I had pressure in my head and felt like I was getting a headache. I didn't get the headache but the pressure was coming on and then acted like it was gonna stop then started up again. My BP was up which SNF can affect that. But again I won't know for sure. I had 3 ER visits in 5 days because. my BP went very high. I have never had pressure like that in my head that comes and goes like it did. All of a sudden it stopped. My cardiologist changed my medicine and gave me something that I can take that may keep me out of the ER. But SNF can affect your autonomic nervous system which includes the Heart rate, blood pressure, stomach, intestines and bladder. Covid shots were developed to help stop Covid. It most likely will take years for more things to come out about the shots. Side effects and things. I don't know that the shots did this to me but I find it funny that it was within the six week period for symptoms to happen. I looked at the VAERS page in the CDC and it said side effects could happen within the six week time frame. The Idiopathic part is a hard pill to swallow. Sorry for such a long note but this is my story. @rnlorena


@hello2 I took the first two Covid shots in January of 2021. Two days after I retired from nursing and within the six week time frame from getting the second Covid shot I woke up with head to toe pinpricks including the eyes. I asked the neurologist how many of his patients had this. He said none this is rare. Mine is Small nerve fiber- idiopathic because they took 20 tubes of blood to test for autoimmune diseases, heavy metals and other things. They were negative. I take alpha-lipoic acid 600 mg daily. My pin pricks now come and go. I have a burning sensation in my left hand that comes and goes. I was also diagnosed with PSVT which I believe is from the SNF. I feel like it could be from the shots but don't think they will find out till years from now how this has affected some people. I so far have not had Covid but I have had the five shots and will take the next one too. I recently had a little bit of pressure in the back of my head and thought it was a headache. When I got home from a trip the next day I had pressure in my head and felt like I was getting a headache. I didn't get the headache but the pressure was coming on and then acted like it was gonna stop then started up again. My BP was up which SNF can affect that. But again I won't know for sure. I had 3 ER visits in 5 days because. my BP went very high. I have never had pressure like that in my head that comes and goes like it did. All of a sudden it stopped. My cardiologist changed my medicine and gave me something that I can take that may keep me out of the ER. But SNF can affect your autonomic nervous system which includes the Heart rate, blood pressure, stomach, intestines and bladder. Covid shots were developed to help stop Covid. It most likely will take years for more things to come out about the shots. Side effects and things. I don't know that the shots did this to me but I find it funny that it was within the six week period for symptoms to happen. I looked at the VAERS page in the CDC and it said side effects could happen within the six week time frame. The Idiopathic part is a hard pill to swallow. Sorry for such a long note but this is my story. @rnlorena

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Thank you for sharing this. I'm getting so many responses with the same nerve problems. The only thing that is helping me is Lyrica. I take 100mg twice a day. I still have the pain, but not as sever.

Good luck to you.


@hello2 I took the first two Covid shots in January of 2021. Two days after I retired from nursing and within the six week time frame from getting the second Covid shot I woke up with head to toe pinpricks including the eyes. I asked the neurologist how many of his patients had this. He said none this is rare. Mine is Small nerve fiber- idiopathic because they took 20 tubes of blood to test for autoimmune diseases, heavy metals and other things. They were negative. I take alpha-lipoic acid 600 mg daily. My pin pricks now come and go. I have a burning sensation in my left hand that comes and goes. I was also diagnosed with PSVT which I believe is from the SNF. I feel like it could be from the shots but don't think they will find out till years from now how this has affected some people. I so far have not had Covid but I have had the five shots and will take the next one too. I recently had a little bit of pressure in the back of my head and thought it was a headache. When I got home from a trip the next day I had pressure in my head and felt like I was getting a headache. I didn't get the headache but the pressure was coming on and then acted like it was gonna stop then started up again. My BP was up which SNF can affect that. But again I won't know for sure. I had 3 ER visits in 5 days because. my BP went very high. I have never had pressure like that in my head that comes and goes like it did. All of a sudden it stopped. My cardiologist changed my medicine and gave me something that I can take that may keep me out of the ER. But SNF can affect your autonomic nervous system which includes the Heart rate, blood pressure, stomach, intestines and bladder. Covid shots were developed to help stop Covid. It most likely will take years for more things to come out about the shots. Side effects and things. I don't know that the shots did this to me but I find it funny that it was within the six week period for symptoms to happen. I looked at the VAERS page in the CDC and it said side effects could happen within the six week time frame. The Idiopathic part is a hard pill to swallow. Sorry for such a long note but this is my story. @rnlorena

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Lorena, I know meaning of CDC but would like meaning of other abbreviations please.


@hello2 I took the first two Covid shots in January of 2021. Two days after I retired from nursing and within the six week time frame from getting the second Covid shot I woke up with head to toe pinpricks including the eyes. I asked the neurologist how many of his patients had this. He said none this is rare. Mine is Small nerve fiber- idiopathic because they took 20 tubes of blood to test for autoimmune diseases, heavy metals and other things. They were negative. I take alpha-lipoic acid 600 mg daily. My pin pricks now come and go. I have a burning sensation in my left hand that comes and goes. I was also diagnosed with PSVT which I believe is from the SNF. I feel like it could be from the shots but don't think they will find out till years from now how this has affected some people. I so far have not had Covid but I have had the five shots and will take the next one too. I recently had a little bit of pressure in the back of my head and thought it was a headache. When I got home from a trip the next day I had pressure in my head and felt like I was getting a headache. I didn't get the headache but the pressure was coming on and then acted like it was gonna stop then started up again. My BP was up which SNF can affect that. But again I won't know for sure. I had 3 ER visits in 5 days because. my BP went very high. I have never had pressure like that in my head that comes and goes like it did. All of a sudden it stopped. My cardiologist changed my medicine and gave me something that I can take that may keep me out of the ER. But SNF can affect your autonomic nervous system which includes the Heart rate, blood pressure, stomach, intestines and bladder. Covid shots were developed to help stop Covid. It most likely will take years for more things to come out about the shots. Side effects and things. I don't know that the shots did this to me but I find it funny that it was within the six week period for symptoms to happen. I looked at the VAERS page in the CDC and it said side effects could happen within the six week time frame. The Idiopathic part is a hard pill to swallow. Sorry for such a long note but this is my story. @rnlorena

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You are one of many who have developed small fiber peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy after the Covid vaccines. I developed sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy due to an autoimmune reaction to the Covid vaccine. My outstanding peripheral neurologist agrees that the vaccine was the likely cause. The evidence indicates vaccine-injured patients are having a toxic reaction to the spike protein encoded by the vaccines. Many injured patients likely have autoimmune antibodies provoked by that spike protein. Therefore, you should NOT have another Covid vaccine and should also go to extra lengths not to get Covid (also a source of the spike protein). Most of us are slowly improving with time. A great source of information is the Neuro V Long-Haulers Facebook group and also React19.


@pacer3702 My neurologist did not bring that up at all regarding the vaccines and neither did I. I have had this now for two years. I have been taking just the alpha lipoic acid since I found out I had SNF. The pricks come in spurts and the burning in my hand also. Then I get some weird sudden shooting nerve pains once in awhile. I had a mouth swab for genetic testing and it was negative as I knew it would be. I did not really suspect the vaccine till after I had been tested for other things. I asked a lot of questions but one of the things I didn't ask was how fast does the SNF take over your body with issues? Is it different for everyone? I have read of people having numbness and burning issues and other things. I will check out the Neuro V Long Haulers Facebook group and also React19. Thank you.


Lorena, I know meaning of CDC but would like meaning of other abbreviations please.

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@raehoffman VAERS is vaccine adverse event reporting system.
PSVT is paroxysmal sinus ventricular tachycardia
BP is blood pressure

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