Tapering Seroquel and/or Mirtazapine
My 24 year old son was started on Seroquel & Mirtazapine when he was in the throws of drug addiction. He’s currently taking 600 mg Seroquel and 30 mg mirtazapine, and has been drug free for over a year now. He does not have psychosis, but does have significant depression & anxiety. He wants to try tapering off them. Is it wise to taper both at the same time, or try one and then the other?
Thanks for any input.
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Taper one then the other.
If withdrawal symptoms start he's probably tapering too fast.
When I was on Lyrica and Cymbalta, I was told by my doctor to taper off the Lyrica and then the Cymbalta. It threw my body into a bit of a mess but I’m sure it would have been way worse to stop them both at once. Good luck to your son. 🤗
Thank you for your response. One at a time seems wiser intuitively, but I appreciate that confirmation. Also the advice to go slowly. He is impatient to get off, but we will heed your caution.
Thank you for your response. We will buckle up and be ready for a storm before the calm!