Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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I had internal shakiness before I found out I have Celiac and Microscopic Colitis. I am allergic to wheat, soy, cow's milk or casein, Aspartame, and more. My only friend is rice and thoroughly cooked vegetables.

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I hate to tell you this...but look it up...it's real. Almost all rice (except wild rice) is an arsenic uptaker. It naturally pulls arsenic from the soil and water ( naturally occurring most of it, but not all) The Government website even has a warning on it, especially white, but brown too, and EVEN organic. Being Vegan I used to eat a lot of rice.....I have not touched in in years. Do some research you will see what I mean right away. Here is a good place to start.....https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/arsenic-in-rice#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2


..I wish years ago when I asked my familly dr if it could be vagus nerve, especially with ibs-d and before every rush to bathroom head would tingle and he bluntly, as usual, said: no! Also said no when asked if I had Sojerns (sp?) and he just said no (even tho 2 dentists and optometrist said to ask dr as mouth and eyes so dry, like a desert); and also when I asked if had milk/dairy sensitivity, answer was no. This was at different appointments for other things and just asked the question. Few years later after an antibiotic, and change in meds got the shaking inside and Neurologist even though did interview over zoom based on symptoms and he had me draw a spiral on paper and show it to him said: Internal Tremours, but not why. So I would think could be a variety of reasons? Now I have a laundry list of problems I think I am a "hot potato" with drs and even Nurse Practitioner office I eventually ended up with told me too many contacts/visits: nice way to treat someone almost 80 now!! Glad over the years did meet some amazing doctors!

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I have the very bad in my head and body have appt tomorrow with neurologist for answer from an encephalogram I had last week, will tell if he find anything


I too have had internal vibrations but my lyme disease test came back negative.
Over three years of this and seeing every specialist under the Sun and a million different tests too and last week my new Arrhythmia doctor told me my symptoms sound exactly like Vagus Nerve damage and problems with my Autonomic Nervous System. Vagus nerve malfunctioning falls under the Dysautonomia umbrella of symptoms affecting the Autonomic Nervous System.

The malfunctioning of your Vagus nerve can negatively affect every part of your body from brain, breathing, BP, pulse, bowels, vision and sensory issues

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Thank you. I have a body that is a tuning fork. Legs vibrate all the time. It's not Lyme disease, I've been told it's not essential tremor and I will see about the Vagus Nerve. Anything. I have a tough time sleeping and the ET is bad enough without the vibrations!



My whole body feels like a tuning fork. All over, rapid vibration. I am just happy it stops for an hour or some but over its constant

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I can totally understand! I also have ET. Had a reply that it could be something to do with Vagus Nerve. Interesting. I will have to check it out. The vibrations I mean.
The ET just keeps getting worse. I'm 79 and shake very badly, Hands mostly, head is getting involved, but the vibrations!!!
I can't text in this world and that's becoming a problem. I get all the time 'text to reply', I just can't. I hope the Vagus Nerve thing pans out. I can't take much more. I vibrate so badly I feel like a tuning fork!


Are we talking about internal vibrations or external tremors? People seem to be discussing both conditions here. External tremors are separate from inner tremors and are broken down into different types.

If we're talking about internal vibrations/tremors only, it's amazing how many variations there appear to be here.

Has a doctor told anyone here that there is a consistent and diagnosable cause for this condition? There seem to be several different causes mentioned above, and there are certainly numerous diverse causes and diagnoses when I read comments on the two Facebook groups, "Internal Tremors" (24/7 body buzzing sensation) and the group called "Internal vibrations /Sleep tremors" (which is only for body vibrations that are felt during sleep or when waking up).

I would love to hear about any diagnoses if people here don't mind sharing. Thanks


Hi, I get them it feels insanely odd. First thought part of my MS, but my past and current Neuro docs didn’t really acknowledge them. I have a bladder stimulator but was told it has nothing to do with this. The vibrations cause the anxiety because you don’t know what they are??? I’m on gabapentin it doesn’t help. I’m finding baclofen helps and a Xanax. I’m having them now. Going to Mayo tomorrow for vagus nerve trigger shots, maybe related to many mysteries happening. Good luck!


Hi, I get them it feels insanely odd. First thought part of my MS, but my past and current Neuro docs didn’t really acknowledge them. I have a bladder stimulator but was told it has nothing to do with this. The vibrations cause the anxiety because you don’t know what they are??? I’m on gabapentin it doesn’t help. I’m finding baclofen helps and a Xanax. I’m having them now. Going to Mayo tomorrow for vagus nerve trigger shots, maybe related to many mysteries happening. Good luck!

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MS or Lyme? Have you seen a LLMD. This sounds like lyme disease and not ms


You could be right about COVID. Do you get any answers from your doctors? I can’t seem to.

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I feel the same. During COVID I've had flu like symptom, but it may have been Covid at least 2 times. Left my body with pain from the waste down to my knee! All of which I never had prior. As for medical help, I live in Memphis, TN with the scary feeling that too many doctors here are not at all interested in your medical issues. Money may be there "Hypocritic" Oath!" Those I've seen don't discuss your blood work, test, or even the many Xrays they take! Little is resolves during visits. Slow in, rushed out!
Bottom line, these discussion are helpful. To hear of certain symptom that mimic your own, may be of help or shed some light on what to ask the doctor. Then pray they give you some kind of answer:)


Internal vibrations - I also have them at night when in bed. I love the tuning fork description! I'm going to use that from now on because it fits perfectly. I have Hereditary Neuropathy and Pressure Palsies (HNPP) and I just assumed it's related to that because there are sooo many issues with that. I see some people talking about rice. I don't eat rice so it's not that for me. Mine is strongest in my chest and maybe arms. My legs have so many other stronger sensations that would mask it. I think we may just feel it most in bed because we're lying still and it's quiet. I notice other issues more then too. I can feel the vibrations now sitting quietly at my computer. I asked a PCP about the vibrations years ago and anxiety was the response. It's not. I don't take any mental health meds. I stopped working two years ago and feel more relaxed now that in 40 years. When a doctor says something odd is anxiety, that's their way of saying I have no idea so the ball is back in your court. I rarely have an external tremor and when I do I feel it's related to low blood sugar. My neurologist always holds my hand when talking to me and has commented more than once that she feels a tremor even when there is nothing visual. So I think she can feel the tuning fork. It's a bit unnerving and just one more thing that makes it harder to go to sleep. I have noticed it more again in recent months or longer. I'm on various cancer meds so I'm not sure if those might impact it? Maybe other meds impact it for some of you? Meds/supplements can really impact my neuropathy. I do get afib periodically due to cancer meds, but the vibrations happen when I'm not in afib so it's not cardiac related and I had it long before afib showed up. Good luck to all with this, it's annoying to say the least, and thanks for the great description.


Internal vibrations - I also have them at night when in bed. I love the tuning fork description! I'm going to use that from now on because it fits perfectly. I have Hereditary Neuropathy and Pressure Palsies (HNPP) and I just assumed it's related to that because there are sooo many issues with that. I see some people talking about rice. I don't eat rice so it's not that for me. Mine is strongest in my chest and maybe arms. My legs have so many other stronger sensations that would mask it. I think we may just feel it most in bed because we're lying still and it's quiet. I notice other issues more then too. I can feel the vibrations now sitting quietly at my computer. I asked a PCP about the vibrations years ago and anxiety was the response. It's not. I don't take any mental health meds. I stopped working two years ago and feel more relaxed now that in 40 years. When a doctor says something odd is anxiety, that's their way of saying I have no idea so the ball is back in your court. I rarely have an external tremor and when I do I feel it's related to low blood sugar. My neurologist always holds my hand when talking to me and has commented more than once that she feels a tremor even when there is nothing visual. So I think she can feel the tuning fork. It's a bit unnerving and just one more thing that makes it harder to go to sleep. I have noticed it more again in recent months or longer. I'm on various cancer meds so I'm not sure if those might impact it? Maybe other meds impact it for some of you? Meds/supplements can really impact my neuropathy. I do get afib periodically due to cancer meds, but the vibrations happen when I'm not in afib so it's not cardiac related and I had it long before afib showed up. Good luck to all with this, it's annoying to say the least, and thanks for the great description.

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When I was in my 20’s I had them in my head. No one knew what it was. Tuning fork is a perfect description. I now get what I describe as thrills in my chest and I’m having a brain mri this week. I have been prescribed gabapentin and was told the myelin is shredding around my nerves. I’m 73 now.

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