What helps improve osteoporosis without medication?

Posted by imatine @imatine, Dec 4, 2020

Hello, did anyone here try to heal from osteoporosis away from all the prescribed medications we all know of? Did you try following a specific diet? Excercise? Meditation, etc. ? Thank you

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'Thank you. Struggling through that study, I couldn't find the amount of cfus of Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 given or how significant the seemingly miniscule changes actually affected the likelihood of future fractures. Anyone reading this have experience with L reuteri?

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I'd like to know too. The label on Chobani greek yogurt says L reuteri but doesn't say if it is the 6475 "strain".


Wanting all to know there is an Osteoporosis Summit 2.0 going on all week from March 27 -April 2 where people from all areas of expertise are discussing osteoporosis. It’s free and you can pick and choose what you want to hear. Here’s the email-
morebonehealth.byhealth means.com/event. Have fun learning, get some questions answered!!


'Thank you. Struggling through that study, I couldn't find the amount of cfus of Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 given or how significant the seemingly miniscule changes actually affected the likelihood of future fractures. Anyone reading this have experience with L reuteri?

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I like that this study appears to have been designed and conducted quite carefully, but it is not conclusive to me.
First, it was a very small sample of only 20 people - all post-menopausal women.
Next, they differentiated between "good" and "poor" responders, and only found improvement in 1/2 the population - but didn't explain how to determine before supplementation how an individual would respond.
Third - the BMD changes were VERY slight - in both groups.

What would make this study more useful?
Wider population. Demonstration of long-term benefit. Determination of how to predict response.

I would say this falls into the "promising but as yet unproven" category.


Thanks for taking the time to look this over and evaluate it.
What did you mean by "Determination of how to predict response"? How to differentiate between the good and poor responders?


Thanks for taking the time to look this over and evaluate it.
What did you mean by "Determination of how to predict response"? How to differentiate between the good and poor responders?

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I think that for this to be used as a realistic treatment, they will need to predict in advance which people will respond positively to the therapy. Much like endocrinologists decide, based on age, sex, menopausal status and other factors which osteoporosis med to prescribe. Or how infectious disease docs culture a bacteria to determine which antibiotic will kill it.


Yesterday I watched some lectures in the recommended here seminars "More natural approaches to osteoporosis".
I have found very interesting the lecture of the founder of Marodyn vibration platform. It appears that vibration stimulates the activity of osteoblasts and this is how it can probably delay the loss of the bone in the osteoporosis. New research is coming about the usefulness of the vibration platform for bone formation in some pathological conditions and besides to reduce neuropathy in diabetes and cancer patients.
Another issue mentioned by Dr. Rubin is the fact that Dexa test is not sufficient as it only measures quantity but not quality of the bone. The development of a reliable test for the quality is in the future, but may be TBS test will become this test.


I was thinking the same thing about the strontium inclusion. When I get a chance, will read the actual research and see if it's mentioned. Also the DHA is news to me. It's a small sample group but potentially, maybe, interesting result.

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With strontium you need to make sure your kidneys can handle it and that you have a healthy eGFR level. From what I’ve read, 60 is the level you need to be above. I’m not talking about strontium ranalate I am talking about citrate and I don’t know if there are other forms. But something to be very aware of if you have kidney issues or your eGFR is not at a healthy number.


With strontium you need to make sure your kidneys can handle it and that you have a healthy eGFR level. From what I’ve read, 60 is the level you need to be above. I’m not talking about strontium ranalate I am talking about citrate and I don’t know if there are other forms. But something to be very aware of if you have kidney issues or your eGFR is not at a healthy number.

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Also - to be clear, what I am relating about strontium is what I have read about it from those who think strontium is helpful. There are also those who think strontium is not helpful. I am not speaking from authority or endorsing one opinion or the other. I know what was true for my body and I what I was told. I don’t know if it helps or does not as everyone’s body is unique and I have read people really benefit from it while others absolutely cannot tolerate it or should not be on it due to their particular kidney health.


How safe is Stronium.? I get conflicting information each time I read an article. I have thought about trying it but then read that rheumatologist say not to take it.


Yesterday I watched some lectures in the recommended here seminars "More natural approaches to osteoporosis".
I have found very interesting the lecture of the founder of Marodyn vibration platform. It appears that vibration stimulates the activity of osteoblasts and this is how it can probably delay the loss of the bone in the osteoporosis. New research is coming about the usefulness of the vibration platform for bone formation in some pathological conditions and besides to reduce neuropathy in diabetes and cancer patients.
Another issue mentioned by Dr. Rubin is the fact that Dexa test is not sufficient as it only measures quantity but not quality of the bone. The development of a reliable test for the quality is in the future, but may be TBS test will become this test.

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I believe this is helpful and have read a long time ago that astronauts used it after returning from space as up there they don't do weight bearing. I have one but stopped using as I have an ICD

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