Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?

Posted by cricketlips @cricketlips, Jun 2, 2022

After many google searches for the reason I feel vibration in my head, shoulder and arm just before falling asleep and waking, I found nothing that satisfactorily explained it. Of course anxiety seems to be a common explanation but there was nothing specific enough to help me. I am currently reading Incognito by David Eagleman. It discusses the functioning of the brain as an organ. This morning, going through my routine to get ready for work, I thought of a way to understand the vibrations. Similar to the hypnic jerks we experience occasionally just before we fall asleep, I think the vibrations are intended to arouse me to stay vigilant. Which is the fight or flight mechanism in action. So there is the anxiety connection. Originating in the amygdala. I was thinking Parkinson's or MS but my symptoms don't indicate those conditions, thankfully. It seems counterintuitive to be anxious and sleeping at the same time but the brain can do that. The cerebral cortex sleeps but the life support systems of the brain must stay online, obviously. If you thought you were in danger, sleeping would put you at risk but at some point sleep becomes absolutely necessary. I think the vibrations I have been experiencing are caused by my sympathetic nervous system and not a neurologic disease. Thankfully !

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Does anyone take melatonin? I used to take 20 mg./night for cancer prevention. Did that for at least 10 years and had minimal body vibrations. Then a new doc told me to quit. Wondering if there is a relationship.
I’m just getting off Xanax although was only on a very small dosage. I was down to .0625 mg. But even stopping that amt. has been difficult. I refuse to believe these symptoms are anxiety related. I do believe there is a metabolic cause that we have not discovered. I’m curious about blood sugar and as someone else suggested, oxygen levels. I’m working with a PT to more efficiently breath especially on the exhale. In general, during exercise and meditation I feel much better, and conscious breathing is a part of both those activities. Anyone else ?
Thanks for the input. Just read a great article in NYTimes about cognitive therapy for sleep and it mentioned many strategies like going to bed and waking up at the same time every day and the 25-min. rule which I know about but do not follow. I’m going to add these and see if they help.
Cheers to all!


Does anyone take melatonin? I used to take 20 mg./night for cancer prevention. Did that for at least 10 years and had minimal body vibrations. Then a new doc told me to quit. Wondering if there is a relationship.
I’m just getting off Xanax although was only on a very small dosage. I was down to .0625 mg. But even stopping that amt. has been difficult. I refuse to believe these symptoms are anxiety related. I do believe there is a metabolic cause that we have not discovered. I’m curious about blood sugar and as someone else suggested, oxygen levels. I’m working with a PT to more efficiently breath especially on the exhale. In general, during exercise and meditation I feel much better, and conscious breathing is a part of both those activities. Anyone else ?
Thanks for the input. Just read a great article in NYTimes about cognitive therapy for sleep and it mentioned many strategies like going to bed and waking up at the same time every day and the 25-min. rule which I know about but do not follow. I’m going to add these and see if they help.
Cheers to all!

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I'm getting off my xanax. I was taking only 1 mg daily. They are .05 which is 1/2 mg tablets and I took one in am and one in pm. For about 6 weeks I have been taking one in am and 1/2 in pm which makes it 3/4mg now. I'm ready to go to just 1/2 daily so I'll break tablet in half and take half in am and other half in pm. Then after doing that for about 6 weeks I'll just go to the half tab. I don't want anything else that screws with my central nervous system.


Ty, good insight. I'm curious,how long have your symptoms?


Ty, good insight. I'm curious,how long have your symptoms?

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If that question is for me the vibrations have been going on since 2019. I honestly believe it's from injury to phrenic nerve but using cpap machine has all but stopped them. 4 nights in a row now no vibrations. My neurologist thinks I'm crazy but it makes sense to me since the vibrations are from injury to phrenic nerve and phrenic nerve controls diaphragm and diaphragm controls breathing and having air forced into lungs with cpap somehow does something for the vibrations. I use the cpap for 4 hour BEFORE I go to bed. I slept with it at first but wanted to see if there were similar results like with sleep study, didn't have vibrations for a week and a half after 2nd half of study with the cpap.


If that question is for me the vibrations have been going on since 2019. I honestly believe it's from injury to phrenic nerve but using cpap machine has all but stopped them. 4 nights in a row now no vibrations. My neurologist thinks I'm crazy but it makes sense to me since the vibrations are from injury to phrenic nerve and phrenic nerve controls diaphragm and diaphragm controls breathing and having air forced into lungs with cpap somehow does something for the vibrations. I use the cpap for 4 hour BEFORE I go to bed. I slept with it at first but wanted to see if there were similar results like with sleep study, didn't have vibrations for a week and a half after 2nd half of study with the cpap.

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I really love to hear that, brings hope. I was curious about the breathing to, I notice when I take a big breath the vibrations stops. So it's interesting to me about the cpap machine. I haven't been diagnosed, or seen by a provider. It's been 11 days for me. Praying for continued success, you never know, could be a break though. Thank you


I really love to hear that, brings hope. I was curious about the breathing to, I notice when I take a big breath the vibrations stops. So it's interesting to me about the cpap machine. I haven't been diagnosed, or seen by a provider. It's been 11 days for me. Praying for continued success, you never know, could be a break though. Thank you

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What's even weirder though is they happen only AFTER I have been asleep. I have bouts of vertigo and can lay on bed for anywhere from 3-5 hours and not have the first one but, as it is now, it's 3:30 and I can go to sleep at 8 or 9 and they will wake me very early like this. Sometimes I wake as early as 2 but can go back to sleep sometimes, others I just get up. I did sleep until 6:00 2 nights in a row last week only because I think I was exhausted but it's usually 3-5 hours and I'm up. It's just crazy that they only happen after I have slept. That makes me think it may be related to my central nervous system, like my neurologist said. It's puzzling and I wish there was someone that would take it seriously enough to find out what's going on. I've got to finish paperwork to donate my body to science so if nothing can be done about it while I'm alive, maybe they'll find that "ah hah" moment after I'm gone.


What's even weirder though is they happen only AFTER I have been asleep. I have bouts of vertigo and can lay on bed for anywhere from 3-5 hours and not have the first one but, as it is now, it's 3:30 and I can go to sleep at 8 or 9 and they will wake me very early like this. Sometimes I wake as early as 2 but can go back to sleep sometimes, others I just get up. I did sleep until 6:00 2 nights in a row last week only because I think I was exhausted but it's usually 3-5 hours and I'm up. It's just crazy that they only happen after I have slept. That makes me think it may be related to my central nervous system, like my neurologist said. It's puzzling and I wish there was someone that would take it seriously enough to find out what's going on. I've got to finish paperwork to donate my body to science so if nothing can be done about it while I'm alive, maybe they'll find that "ah hah" moment after I'm gone.

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That is interesting, that sounds about the same for me, no vertigo, but upon awaking, I get that internal vibrations. Its a less than what it was, not sure if the deep breathing is helping, or I'm just trying to relax more. However, what's odd is I now have this buzzing off and on like a phone on my left foot. Doesn't matter if, I'm standing or sitting.
Curious, do you get or see a little shaking in your hands, or getting this mystery buzz in your foot?
I'm thinking about going to see acupuncturist, hypnosis sometime.
Anyways, the donation to science is interesting, I will continue to pray, and hope for the best. Good to hear, cpap has worked out.


That is interesting, that sounds about the same for me, no vertigo, but upon awaking, I get that internal vibrations. Its a less than what it was, not sure if the deep breathing is helping, or I'm just trying to relax more. However, what's odd is I now have this buzzing off and on like a phone on my left foot. Doesn't matter if, I'm standing or sitting.
Curious, do you get or see a little shaking in your hands, or getting this mystery buzz in your foot?
I'm thinking about going to see acupuncturist, hypnosis sometime.
Anyways, the donation to science is interesting, I will continue to pray, and hope for the best. Good to hear, cpap has worked out.

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If my vibrations are at a level 8 or 10 then yes I shake inside. I have to sit on edge of bed a minute. The hand shaking I do get periodically almost like that funny bone nerve is being pressed and it shakes uncontrollably.
Yes, I think the body donation is interesting too. It is done at no cost and they will return remains to whoever I designate at no cost either. I get to choose whether they keep me for 6 months or 2 years. I told my daughter I would not be alone, I'd be with others that had done the same thing. I'd be do my part to try and help the living by them seeing all the things going on with me. Medicine can't advance if they don't know what to look for. My mom has alzheimers and I wish she would do that. In order for them to find out and possibly find a cure for it, they need people with those specific issues to do research. I told my daughter I could not see spending all that money on something to just put in the ground to sit there, taking up space. is website. It is interesting.


If my vibrations are at a level 8 or 10 then yes I shake inside. I have to sit on edge of bed a minute. The hand shaking I do get periodically almost like that funny bone nerve is being pressed and it shakes uncontrollably.
Yes, I think the body donation is interesting too. It is done at no cost and they will return remains to whoever I designate at no cost either. I get to choose whether they keep me for 6 months or 2 years. I told my daughter I would not be alone, I'd be with others that had done the same thing. I'd be do my part to try and help the living by them seeing all the things going on with me. Medicine can't advance if they don't know what to look for. My mom has alzheimers and I wish she would do that. In order for them to find out and possibly find a cure for it, they need people with those specific issues to do research. I told my daughter I could not see spending all that money on something to just put in the ground to sit there, taking up space. is website. It is interesting.

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That's awesome, and I agree, thank you for your insight, I like your idea and thoughts.


My neurologist said he thought mine were from an over active central nervous system. I think they are from injury to phrenic nerve from swallowing huge gulp of air taking my meds in 2019. They only occur AFTER I have slept so this would be a very interesting case for the right person to take on. There are more people than I thought that have this and there HAS to be a medical explanation, it's just a matter of finding someone that thinks it worth investigating.

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