Constant tinnitus: Are there any solutions?

Posted by kimjensch @kimjensch, Jun 14, 2020

It there any solution for constant tinnitis?

I have high pitched tones constantly though I have learned to ignore it mostly.

It can become louder at times, even loud enough to make me wince!

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,,,,my tinnitus mixed up with hyperacusis and bit of hearing loss; tmj; eustachian tube pain nothing can be done, and now burning cheeks/face/ears on top.... also my bedroom is over furnace room which comes on and rumbles up to half hour...sometimes I dont know if its the rumbling tinnitus or the furnace, or the neighbour's furnace exhaust. and then got musical ear last few months so the runmbling accompanies chanting, music, various odd sounds, now this is enough to send you right around the bend, not half a list of other things feel quite sorry for myself sometimes, i admit it!! sometimes IF I hear no noise i almost panic thinking I have gone deaf... so much stress, so hope you find some masking devices, use relaxation or meditation or anything that lessens the constant reminder of tinnitus and all its off-spring.


Many of the more expensive hearing aids have a noise cancelling feature, but also have a white noise generator built-in. You might want to talk to an audiologist or a ENT. (Not Walmart or Sam's or Costco or Belltone...) This might give you some relief. I am still waiting for the VA to approve my claim. Prayers for you and your quest for relief.


,,,,my tinnitus mixed up with hyperacusis and bit of hearing loss; tmj; eustachian tube pain nothing can be done, and now burning cheeks/face/ears on top.... also my bedroom is over furnace room which comes on and rumbles up to half hour...sometimes I dont know if its the rumbling tinnitus or the furnace, or the neighbour's furnace exhaust. and then got musical ear last few months so the runmbling accompanies chanting, music, various odd sounds, now this is enough to send you right around the bend, not half a list of other things feel quite sorry for myself sometimes, i admit it!! sometimes IF I hear no noise i almost panic thinking I have gone deaf... so much stress, so hope you find some masking devices, use relaxation or meditation or anything that lessens the constant reminder of tinnitus and all its off-spring.

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There is a website where you can get a lot of good information. Go to or there is an app. You can find your pitch of your tinnitus and from there a treatment plan. Also a lot of good information on Ben Thompson Aud.’s youtube channel Treble health.


@kimjensch Hi. I do not have what you describe, but can point you to 2 areas for help or information. One is for the American Tinnitus Association of America. I belong and it is worth joining. The other is a symposium being sponsored by the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) next Friday from noon - 1:30 as part of HLAA's Virtual Convention next week. There will be 3 experts in tinnitus talking about the latest research and info on tinnitus. The link is There also is a Q & A that afternoon after the online symposium, I believe starting at 2:30 where you can submit any questions you have. Good luck with it.

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I have constant tinnitus for years and no doctor has ever done anything about it. Not even ordered a hearing test. So this is very helpful. Thank you.


Tinnitus suffer's the only thing I have found that quiets it is Mullein Drops I put this in water or any liquid and drink this really helps I ,be had tinnitus for over 30 yrs ENT told me there is no cure but Mullein helps

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Thank you Lioness, will give that a try. I do find that extra sodium and caffeine make my tinnitus worse. How about you?


I’m Carole. I’m 81 yo and have had tinnitus for about two years. Came out of the blue it srems. Some really stressful stuff about that time. The sound s experienced are. Mostly “hissing “ but some banging and rarely music I’ve been HOH for years:possibly from my Mom who was very HOH
I have a great audiologist and wearing hearing aids does defer the tinnitus. It’s audible even with tv and no sound but hasn’t prevented falling asleep. With aids removed.Surprised it didn’t occur until late in life. Yes loads of research and CBT masking
I meditate every AM and I find I have less awareness. Same for some yoga movs. Only 1cup of coffee per day I have never heard of mullein drops

Would so appreciate hearing from othrrs and if they found some “magic “ that helps. Thanks Carole


Bless you. I have it too. I have had it for about 5 years. I am blessed in that my brain "tunes it out". My hearing has declined greatly due to it and it looks like my next investment is hearing aids. Watching my caffeine and sodium intake helps. Too much of either and the tinnitus gets louder. My right ear is a high pitched sound and my left ear at times sounds like "Morse Code"! I am so sorry you have this. It is no fun. God bless.


Bless you. I have it too. I have had it for about 5 years. I am blessed in that my brain "tunes it out". My hearing has declined greatly due to it and it looks like my next investment is hearing aids. Watching my caffeine and sodium intake helps. Too much of either and the tinnitus gets louder. My right ear is a high pitched sound and my left ear at times sounds like "Morse Code"! I am so sorry you have this. It is no fun. God bless.

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Thank you for sharing your experiences with tinnitus. This condition does remain quite a mystery. It helps to know that research is being done to find ways to eliminate it. Still, nothing that seems to work for everyone. Many say that eliminating caffeine, sodium, nicotine, etc. from their diet helps. Others say it doesn't. Many say that excess noise triggers it. Stress is also blamed as a trigger.

Tinnitus and hearing loss are the two most common disabling conditions diagnosed in veterans returning from combat zones.

Tinnitus often accompanies progressive hearing loss, so hearing aids can be helpful. Some hearing aids can mask the sounds tinnitus brings. Be sure to seek help from a skilled audiologist.

The Hearing Health Foundation is doing research on tinnitus. It pays to keep up with what they are learning.

Are you able to mask the tinnitus sounds by listening to something you enjoy listening to?


Thank you for sharing your experiences with tinnitus. This condition does remain quite a mystery. It helps to know that research is being done to find ways to eliminate it. Still, nothing that seems to work for everyone. Many say that eliminating caffeine, sodium, nicotine, etc. from their diet helps. Others say it doesn't. Many say that excess noise triggers it. Stress is also blamed as a trigger.

Tinnitus and hearing loss are the two most common disabling conditions diagnosed in veterans returning from combat zones.

Tinnitus often accompanies progressive hearing loss, so hearing aids can be helpful. Some hearing aids can mask the sounds tinnitus brings. Be sure to seek help from a skilled audiologist.

The Hearing Health Foundation is doing research on tinnitus. It pays to keep up with what they are learning.

Are you able to mask the tinnitus sounds by listening to something you enjoy listening to?

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Thank you so much. Yes about listening to something else masking it out. Bless you.


Bless you. I have it too. I have had it for about 5 years. I am blessed in that my brain "tunes it out". My hearing has declined greatly due to it and it looks like my next investment is hearing aids. Watching my caffeine and sodium intake helps. Too much of either and the tinnitus gets louder. My right ear is a high pitched sound and my left ear at times sounds like "Morse Code"! I am so sorry you have this. It is no fun. God bless.

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I appreciate you sharing. When I am wearing my hearing and watching tv or chatting with friends I am not aware so I remove them close to going to sleep. I have a main sound in both ears but a slight banging can also occur. I started meditating ever am about 20minutes and spend about ten minutes doing some yoga stretches. Seems my sinusitis also is a factor. I am so happy to have connected with some nice people. Carole

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