Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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I have been having internal vibrations since June of 2022. They usually start in the head/neck and when I am either falling asleep or waking up.
When they move to the body they are very gentle.
I generally feel quite at peace when they’re happening.
They don’t bother me other than concern for my health and curiosity.
I was thinking about 5G exposure as well. 🤔

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Your comments are very much the same as mine. Vibrations begin only when lying down, to fall asleep or waking up. Quite gentle, no pain whatever, and it lasts for sometime until I get up out of bed. I saw a neurologist for a different reason. When I mentioned these vibrations she hadn’t a clue what I was talking about. I need no answer really and certainly no meds. Just like you, curious and concern that this could lead to something else??


I have been having internal vibrations since June of 2022. They usually start in the head/neck and when I am either falling asleep or waking up.
When they move to the body they are very gentle.
I generally feel quite at peace when they’re happening.
They don’t bother me other than concern for my health and curiosity.
I was thinking about 5G exposure as well. 🤔

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I had the same thought, that all the transmissions in the air could be affecting the CNS, but people have talked about this for about a decade. Still, it could be related to new technology. Mine started after Covid so I assumed it was a side-effect, but I am not so sure anymore. Have found nothing that changes the vibrations, I too am curious.


I noticed on waking a fluttering like butterflys in my chest
Maybe A fib or anxiety?

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It is something that many folks are experiencing. Myself included. My cardiologist rules out any heart problems, was not A fib. GP put me on anti-anxiety meds, did not stop the fluttering. I found references to 'internal tremors' so that is what I am calling it now. The Mayo Clinic has a video on Central Nervous System Syndrome that might be helpful to you. Read back through the comments and you find a link. Good luck.


I have them in the soles of my feet and legs. Doesn’t bother me much. Would prefer they disappear but there is nothing I can do about it. I only worry about things I can change and how to make that happen.


I have been having internal vibrations since June of 2022. They usually start in the head/neck and when I am either falling asleep or waking up.
When they move to the body they are very gentle.
I generally feel quite at peace when they’re happening.
They don’t bother me other than concern for my health and curiosity.
I was thinking about 5G exposure as well. 🤔

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Hi, I have this exact thing since September 2021 ..right side of head neck joining area internally when laying down falling asleep but has slowly increased to more often and sometimes rather scary I will have to sit up for hours (never ever had a problem with sleep before) as it stops me sleeping… slowly also spread to some other surrounding areas of body but more mildly. So strange

I have read that some people are getting this also after covid. I have no idea what or why


Hi, I have this exact thing since September 2021 ..right side of head neck joining area internally when laying down falling asleep but has slowly increased to more often and sometimes rather scary I will have to sit up for hours (never ever had a problem with sleep before) as it stops me sleeping… slowly also spread to some other surrounding areas of body but more mildly. So strange

I have read that some people are getting this also after covid. I have no idea what or why

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I think I can point you in the right direction. There is a website that’s called Targeted Justice.com that will explain that to you.


It is something that many folks are experiencing. Myself included. My cardiologist rules out any heart problems, was not A fib. GP put me on anti-anxiety meds, did not stop the fluttering. I found references to 'internal tremors' so that is what I am calling it now. The Mayo Clinic has a video on Central Nervous System Syndrome that might be helpful to you. Read back through the comments and you find a link. Good luck.

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One thing that I may have failed to mention is that I've Have Diabetes Type 2 and I have neuropathy in my feet and legs I have degenerative disc and sciatica so these are all nerve-related things


Your comments are very much the same as mine. Vibrations begin only when lying down, to fall asleep or waking up. Quite gentle, no pain whatever, and it lasts for sometime until I get up out of bed. I saw a neurologist for a different reason. When I mentioned these vibrations she hadn’t a clue what I was talking about. I need no answer really and certainly no meds. Just like you, curious and concern that this could lead to something else??

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Have the exact same thing. Only happens when lying down to fall asleep. I wake up a few times during the night and I always get these vibrations each time I wake up. It started in March 2022. So it’s been a year and no answers from 3 doctors. I wore a heart monitor for 2 weeks also wore a 24 hr. blood pressure monitor( have white coat hypertension) . The blood pressure monitor did show that my heart rate jumped really high and my blood pressure remained low when I woke up and had the vibrations. He was stumped and had no answer. Mine is not related to COVID since this was happening 7 months before I got COVID. Also no answers by my endocrinologist( I have nodules on my thyroid but no medication is needed) or neurologist. My CT scan and MRI showed nothing.


Have the exact same thing. Only happens when lying down to fall asleep. I wake up a few times during the night and I always get these vibrations each time I wake up. It started in March 2022. So it’s been a year and no answers from 3 doctors. I wore a heart monitor for 2 weeks also wore a 24 hr. blood pressure monitor( have white coat hypertension) . The blood pressure monitor did show that my heart rate jumped really high and my blood pressure remained low when I woke up and had the vibrations. He was stumped and had no answer. Mine is not related to COVID since this was happening 7 months before I got COVID. Also no answers by my endocrinologist( I have nodules on my thyroid but no medication is needed) or neurologist. My CT scan and MRI showed nothing.

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Thanks…I’ve also had an MRI and catscan for other reasons. I wore a halter monitor for 7 days, no problems with any of that. My buzzing could be related to Covid as I might have had it in the first few months it was around. I really think a team of neurologists should get together to compare notes!

Good luck to you and we can hope there is no pain and there is just nothing more to it…


I had them starting in early February… started like a gentle buzzing in my tailbone area, that gradually became more consistent. I had COVID last April, and again in September before that. I was diagnosed MS in December 2022, neuro felt my buzzing was anxiety. In my case I think he was partially right. I have noticed that if I don’t get good sleep and then I do something physically exerting, it tends to pop back up - but in my case it recedes after laying down for a while.

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