MAC Big Three Side Effects

Posted by arbakr @arbakr, Mar 10, 2023

A few months ago I was diagnosed with Primary Immunodeficiency. My body has stopped producing immunoglobulin G. Next week I'll begin infusion therapy to replace it in my body and repair my immune system. About two months later, I learned I have MAC and bronchiectasis. About a month after I start my infusions I'll begin my antibiotics for MAC.

I'm interested in knowing about others' side effects from the big three. I'm also interested in how you manage your side effects. I know this information will really put my mind at ease. Thank you in advance.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.


NTM (nontuberculosis mycobacteria) of which MAC belongs to IS in the water and soil. It is in the environment and EVERYONE is exposed to it. It’s just that some of us are susceptible to getting infected with it while most people do not get infected. Many of us get the bacterial infection because of having bronchiectasis (but not always). NTMir and YouTube have some great webinars about NTM.

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I understand the mycobacteria is everywhere and in everything all of us are exposed to on a daily basis. Maybe it’s a moot point after you are already infected, but research on particulars, ie: are there clusters in specific areas, are there more verified cases in one state as compared to others, is there a way to negate reinfection-short of moving to another area, etc., these things could affect how and where you live. Should you use protection (such as a mask and gloves) when working outside, should your water be tested(as I’ve read some bacteria can thrive in certain types of water pipes), and followups on peoples’ health who have undergone treatment.
I did not join this site to express or defend my thoughts on research and it’s funding of MAC, and there is so much unknown about it, but I do believe having as much knowledge as possible is important and that is evidenced here with all of the great information shared among the many participants.


NTM (nontuberculosis mycobacteria) of which MAC belongs to IS in the water and soil. It is in the environment and EVERYONE is exposed to it. It’s just that some of us are susceptible to getting infected with it while most people do not get infected. Many of us get the bacterial infection because of having bronchiectasis (but not always). NTMir and YouTube have some great webinars about NTM.

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Other people who are susceptible (besides those with Bronchiectasis) include people with other lung diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis and Emphysema, people with compromised immune systems, and in some cases, people who have had lung surgery.

Airway clearance helps eject the mucus (and the germs it contains) from our compromised lungs to prevent colonies from growing. Normal lungs are able to do this with routine coughing and throat clearing. For me, it is the most important part of staying healthy.


I would suggest everyone who is taking the ‘big’ 3 for MAC to google each one. I have been on the big 3 for two years and just now looked each up paying close attention to the side effects. I have been experiencing severe dizziness for well over a year - I even passed out once. I mentioned it to my primary care doctor but a reason was never found. I knew Ethambutol affects our eyesight and one affects our hearing (mine is getting very bad) but ALL 3 produce ‘severe dizziness’! I’m talking about getting out of my chair and walking 6 feet when I have to quickly sit down to avoid hitting the floor. In fact I did pass out once. I have mentioned the dizziness to my primary care doctor - that it negatively affects my life more than anything. When I looked into the side effects for each med ‘severe dizziness on each jumped out at me. At least now I know why!

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I have been on the big 3 since last Aug and get light headed. I don't know if it is from the medication or what but last fall my husband and I were at a resturant and I got very sick to my stomach as happens sometimes just the smell of food and wanted to go home and got up walked 5 feet and passed out. I was only out for a few seconds but my husband says I was totally out. The funny think is I felt a lot better in just 5 minutes after. I have never experienced the fatigue but use to have the diarrhea and nausea a lot. My biggest problem now is leg swelling, but don't know if it is from the meds. Has this happened to anyone else?


Hello, and a belated Welcome to Mayo Connect and our group.

Have you also been diagnosed with Bronchiectasis? If so, has the pulmonologist started you on an airway clearance routine?

Sometimes, depending on the severity of a MAC infection, a wait and see approach, combined with daily airway clearance, often using 7% saline solution, can be used to decrease the level of MAC in your lungs and avoid the antibiotic regimen. This is not as scary as with most infections, as MAC is very slow-growing.
Good luck with your IG infusions, I hope they go well.

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Hello, Sue! Yes. Within about a three month period, first was bronchiectasis. Around 1.5 months later was Primary Immunodeficiency. I got sick, and she asked me for a sputum specimen. I had a staph infection which about 20 days later also showed MAC. It was a head spinning three months for sure. My pulmonologist (nurse practitioner figured all of this out by the way) began working me up for immunoglobulin G replacement and referred me to ID. I went to see ID. She began telling me about treatment for MAC, and the strangest thing happened. I literally started blanking out about halfway through the appointment. Probably right around the time she started talking about ethambutol vision loss side effects. I'm a nurse, so you'd think I could have listened better, but I was TOTALLY overwhelmed trying to wrap my head all around this. I have an appointment with her 4/3. My husband is going with me this time just in case. I can honestly say I remember her saying come back in 5 weeks, but I can't for the life of me say what the plan was. So strange. I do know I sent in two sputum specimens, two weeks apart, and I'm having a chest CT Thursday. She said they want to be darn sure I really have MAC before putting me through that treatment. She also said she was 90% sure I do because of the bronchiectasis, PI and the first positive culture. I had my first immunoglobulin G infusion last week. It went well. Not really any side effects to speak of. It's been a crazy few months. Nobody said anything yet to me about airway clearance, but I saw it on here, learned how to do it and have begun doing it at bedtime. I've found it REALLY helps me not wake with coughing fits in the night. This group has been so helpful! I have seen all the Florida comments on here. I did learn coastal areas are most prone, especially Florida. I live in land-locked Oklahoma, so, must be the PI. I believe the PI caused multiple infections, which caused the bronchiectasis, which both contributed to my susceptibility to MAC.


I have recently been doing a water aerobics class and read about MAC being chlorine resistant. I wrote my dr to ask if I should d/c pool activity. She said if the pool is well maintained it is okay. I just want to be sure....Does anyone know, if you are already diagnosed with MAC, can going to a pool make it worse?


Hello, Sue! Yes. Within about a three month period, first was bronchiectasis. Around 1.5 months later was Primary Immunodeficiency. I got sick, and she asked me for a sputum specimen. I had a staph infection which about 20 days later also showed MAC. It was a head spinning three months for sure. My pulmonologist (nurse practitioner figured all of this out by the way) began working me up for immunoglobulin G replacement and referred me to ID. I went to see ID. She began telling me about treatment for MAC, and the strangest thing happened. I literally started blanking out about halfway through the appointment. Probably right around the time she started talking about ethambutol vision loss side effects. I'm a nurse, so you'd think I could have listened better, but I was TOTALLY overwhelmed trying to wrap my head all around this. I have an appointment with her 4/3. My husband is going with me this time just in case. I can honestly say I remember her saying come back in 5 weeks, but I can't for the life of me say what the plan was. So strange. I do know I sent in two sputum specimens, two weeks apart, and I'm having a chest CT Thursday. She said they want to be darn sure I really have MAC before putting me through that treatment. She also said she was 90% sure I do because of the bronchiectasis, PI and the first positive culture. I had my first immunoglobulin G infusion last week. It went well. Not really any side effects to speak of. It's been a crazy few months. Nobody said anything yet to me about airway clearance, but I saw it on here, learned how to do it and have begun doing it at bedtime. I've found it REALLY helps me not wake with coughing fits in the night. This group has been so helpful! I have seen all the Florida comments on here. I did learn coastal areas are most prone, especially Florida. I live in land-locked Oklahoma, so, must be the PI. I believe the PI caused multiple infections, which caused the bronchiectasis, which both contributed to my susceptibility to MAC.

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I am brand new to this group and am wondering if you can educate me about airway clearance and how to go about doing it. I have bronchiectasis and MAC. I suspect I've had MAC a long time. It was only discovered a year ago when my Primary Care dr ordered a CT scan. My pulmanologist and I are holding off on big 3 and are taking the wait and see approach. I have 3 friends who have lost hearing due to antibiotics. I am a musician and this scares the heck out of me! I am grateful to have found this group.


I have bronchiectasis. MAC was discovered about a year ago after my Primary Care dr ordered a chest x ray. Most recently my CT scan showed mucus plugging. I am now on compression vest 2x per day. My pulmonologist wants to hold off on big 3 and is taking the wait and see approach. I have 3 friends who have lost hearing due to antibiotics. I am a musician and this scares the heck out of me! I am grateful to have found this group.


Other people who are susceptible (besides those with Bronchiectasis) include people with other lung diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis and Emphysema, people with compromised immune systems, and in some cases, people who have had lung surgery.

Airway clearance helps eject the mucus (and the germs it contains) from our compromised lungs to prevent colonies from growing. Normal lungs are able to do this with routine coughing and throat clearing. For me, it is the most important part of staying healthy.

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I was just diagnosed with MAI and my pulmonologist hasn’t told me to begin this but would you do so? I’ve also read to take short, mild showers and that is going to really suck! but should I do this also? Thank you so much Sue. You were the 1st to reply to me and I value your opinion.


Hello, Sue! Yes. Within about a three month period, first was bronchiectasis. Around 1.5 months later was Primary Immunodeficiency. I got sick, and she asked me for a sputum specimen. I had a staph infection which about 20 days later also showed MAC. It was a head spinning three months for sure. My pulmonologist (nurse practitioner figured all of this out by the way) began working me up for immunoglobulin G replacement and referred me to ID. I went to see ID. She began telling me about treatment for MAC, and the strangest thing happened. I literally started blanking out about halfway through the appointment. Probably right around the time she started talking about ethambutol vision loss side effects. I'm a nurse, so you'd think I could have listened better, but I was TOTALLY overwhelmed trying to wrap my head all around this. I have an appointment with her 4/3. My husband is going with me this time just in case. I can honestly say I remember her saying come back in 5 weeks, but I can't for the life of me say what the plan was. So strange. I do know I sent in two sputum specimens, two weeks apart, and I'm having a chest CT Thursday. She said they want to be darn sure I really have MAC before putting me through that treatment. She also said she was 90% sure I do because of the bronchiectasis, PI and the first positive culture. I had my first immunoglobulin G infusion last week. It went well. Not really any side effects to speak of. It's been a crazy few months. Nobody said anything yet to me about airway clearance, but I saw it on here, learned how to do it and have begun doing it at bedtime. I've found it REALLY helps me not wake with coughing fits in the night. This group has been so helpful! I have seen all the Florida comments on here. I did learn coastal areas are most prone, especially Florida. I live in land-locked Oklahoma, so, must be the PI. I believe the PI caused multiple infections, which caused the bronchiectasis, which both contributed to my susceptibility to MAC.

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I’m from North Carolina. What’s PI please?


I have been on the big 3 antibiotics now for 8 months, which in the beginning I was very hesitant on starting keeping in mind that I am 76 years old. I have been somewhat lucky that I have mostly only had nausea often and diarrhea which is mostly gone now. However, I went to my vitroretinal specialist this past week and fail my second visual field test. Because of that and I am susceptible to getting glaucoma as my mother had it and went blind she took me off rhe ethambutol as that can cause glaucoma and eye problems. I checked with my infection disease Dr and he was OK with it. This is not that common but always something to be aware of. It is scary to think about the long road ahead on the antibiotics, but it is the best way to go unfortunately. It is much better then having to take the IV course.

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Can you please tell me what you know about the “IV course”? I would reason the IV would also be better but you imply it isn’t? Any help is much appreciated.

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