Mood changes after transplant

Posted by jovanna @jovanna, Mar 17, 2023

I recieved my liver transplant end of Feb. 2023. I went from ecstatic, energized, grateful to depression, guilt, pain, loss of energy, no appetite, just not at all the optimistic person I have been pre transplant. Any one else feel these symptoms of loneliness, and depression?

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When I had my transplant I was like a horse with blinders on and focused on one hurdle at a time. Last month which was one year after the 36 rounds of chemo and radiation. I was crying at everything and thought I lost my passion to dance. My doctor said that my body and mind had been through trauma a year ago and I was experiencing something like PTSD.
Tell your doctor what you are experiencing. Acknowledge the trauma and know that with the advice of the doctor the trauma will subside. Grief is also a part of the healing process.
I am back to dancing three times a week and feeling much better.
Keep the faith, Barbara

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Totally off topic, but what kind of dance do you do? I am also a dancer:)


I think you want a broad support system - those that have known & loved you for awhile, and some new people, who have been through a transplant. The old friends may not understand transplant specific things but they care about you. The new friends can help a bit with the transplant specific stuff.
Your medical team should also be a part of your support system. Let them know you are experiencing depression, anxiety, impatience, or whatever your emotions are. The meds are powerful, especially at first, and sometimes they need to be lowered or switched. They can definitely add to depression, because they are, in fact, designed to depress our system, so as not to attack our new organs.

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Great advise. I will reach out to Mayo sooner rather than later. Thanks so much


Totally off topic, but what kind of dance do you do? I am also a dancer:)

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To stephanierp
I have been on and off ballroom and social dancing for 50 years. I love Latin rhythm - so salsa, bachatta, rumba and more are my favorites and I still enjoy the smooth dances too.


I have given a great deal of thought about my donor who was deceased. I have yet to write the family. I did ask If I could and have not recieved a response as yet. I really which to share my gratitude and how this gift was a true life changing experience.

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Congratulations on your transplant! I had my liver transplant in Jan 2020. While I was still in hospital I was encouraged to write my donor family. I must have started my letter over 30 times. I was fortunate to hear from my donor family first, which made it so much easier to put my words on paper. On my 1 year anniversary we were able to meet in person. Since our meet up we've kept in contact with an occasional card or text. This experience has been wonderful! Not only am I able to express my gratitude, but my donor family can see the hope their loved one has given to the recipient families. My donor saved 5 women's lives by being an organ donor...what a gift! I wish you the best! I hope your letter gets to your donor family!


I experienced depression post-kidney transplant, and I had a live donor.

I think our minds and bodies are so focused on survival, prior to surgery, and we are energized by all the fight or flight hormones for an extended period of time. For me, when the surgery, which I had been so focused on surviving, was over; I felt lost. The recovery took longer than I thought it would. My body had gone through a pretty major trauma, and the mind is part of the body. It has to go through a healing process as well.

Then the COVID pandemic hit, I had my surgery 2/2020. And where I had once been getting weaker everyday, suddenly I was getting stronger every day. My mindset went from to survival to "Now what?" Who am I, if I am not struggling to survive? Which sounds kind of pitiful, as I read it, but it was a very real stage of recovery for me.

The good news is that it gets better. I accepted the emotions, as part of my overall recovery. And decided I had a unique opportunity. My life had been over at age 54. And then I was given a new one. What did I want to fill it with? Who did I want to fill it with? What good did I want to put in the world, with this second chance? And I started to rebuild.

Everybody's journey is different. However, the emotional rollercoaster is definitely for real. Hang in there, it get's better.

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I'm grateful for your kind response and to know I'm not alone thru this. Best to your healing and thank you so much@


Congratulations on your transplant! I had my liver transplant in Jan 2020. While I was still in hospital I was encouraged to write my donor family. I must have started my letter over 30 times. I was fortunate to hear from my donor family first, which made it so much easier to put my words on paper. On my 1 year anniversary we were able to meet in person. Since our meet up we've kept in contact with an occasional card or text. This experience has been wonderful! Not only am I able to express my gratitude, but my donor family can see the hope their loved one has given to the recipient families. My donor saved 5 women's lives by being an organ donor...what a gift! I wish you the best! I hope your letter gets to your donor family!

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I'm so happy you had a successful transplant and a meaningful meeting with the donors family. I too search for knowing more about this wonderful woman and to share gratitude to her family.
Many thanks🩷


Hi , All the above comments r so true and very informative for new TP patients. I can remember feeling all the above and now almost 3yrs. I am feeling stronger and living my best life ever. My donor family contacted me after 6months and we stay in touch thru letters, I usually write the month of April every year. April is celebration of life for donor families and recipients. My donor was only 25.
Keep strong and know it will get better. So glad u found this site.😊💚


Hi , All the above comments r so true and very informative for new TP patients. I can remember feeling all the above and now almost 3yrs. I am feeling stronger and living my best life ever. My donor family contacted me after 6months and we stay in touch thru letters, I usually write the month of April every year. April is celebration of life for donor families and recipients. My donor was only 25.
Keep strong and know it will get better. So glad u found this site.😊💚

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The most important message the Celebration Of Life is those who have made it possible, the precious gift of LIFE their families are honored..
God Bless each everyone of the families. 💚🌻


The most important message the Celebration Of Life is those who have made it possible, the precious gift of LIFE their families are honored..
God Bless each everyone of the families. 💚🌻

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Thank you for this most important message. In my prayers everyday will be Gratitude 🌸🌷🌸🌷🌸


Here are a few related discussions that relate to the evolving conversations here. I invite you to to browse the short list, and to join in the conversations.

Letters to donor family:
– Writing to Your Donor's Family Did you hear back?
– Letter to donor family: I'm not sure how to start @edwinswife ask for assistance.

Sharing your gratitude and hope:
– Snapshots of hope: Life on the other side of transplant.
All welcome to add their snapshot of hope to this discussion:

- Organ Donation and Transplant: What is Your story?
Your story will provide Hope and Inspiration to current /future donors, recipients, and caregivers.

@jovanna, @myfablife, @jacqualin, @ajdo129, @stephanierp, @ssapp1, @footballmum, @ajdo129

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