Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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I have the exact same thing for two months. Two rounds of steroids and three antibiotics. Nothing seems to stop the drip other than benedryl, mucinex, and robutussin for cough which only seem to mask the problem temporarily. Waiting on my ENT appt.

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Try Azelestine spray. Works quickly and I use it as needed.


I have discovered that red bell peppers, when chewed raw, about 1" by 3" piece, dissolves and clear the mucuous build up at the back of my throat within minutes, and seems to shut down the flow. Once its chewed up, and extracted the juice from the pepper walls, rinse the small fragments of pepper from your mouth, as they will stick in places and cause later irritation..


I use Azelestine nasal spray, which you can use as needed, works wiithinh 10 -20 minutes, and shuts down the post nasal drip. Using this for several years as needed, especially in the morning as m y body wakes up and the flow starts.

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Is that a prescription nasal spray?


yes. any doctor can give you a scrip.
Check GoodRX to get the cheapest out of pocket price.
CVS is the most expemsive. Food Chain Pharmacies are cheapest.
ShopRite is about $14


Out of pocket is oftern cheaper than Insurance. Check your copay for insurance.


I know this seems strange but I’m in the uk and it’s so refreshing and gives me hope that others are suffering with these symptoms like I am.I felt like doctors don’t understand.I have contact mucus coughs,coughing up phlegm which is like a clear glue looking substance,rather thick, o get chest infections every few months which are brutal and ruining my life.I’ve tried everything,I’ve seen some recommendations on here I’m gonna try tho thanks so much everyone


YES...same as you! Is it life long?? I don't think anybody knows!


I’ve read everyone’s comments about phlegm dripping down the back of the throat. I had a really bad case of Covid (after being vaccinated and then several months later got a booster ). And since Sept of 2022 I suddenly started a blockage of my sinuses and the constant chocking and dripping of phlegm down the back of the throat. Dr. tried 2 rounds of antibiotics with no results. Also attempted Sudafed, Mucinex, nasal sprays, Nedi pot, and numerous other products (including a CT scan that showed nothing). There are days my voice gets very horse. Now I am having hair loss!! I found a website about Long Covid symptoms with over 200 Covid Long Haul symptoms listed, and hundreds of people also are also suffering from these symptoms. And Drs. are unfamiliar of how to treat them so far. Hopefully, someone can find the answers because after months of this I am physically getting worn out! Any advise would be gratefully appreciated!

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Yup I contracted covid back in 2021 and I had every single symptom you could imagine I still suffer from one or two.Hair loss I got after 6 months,it was I’m struggling with this post natal drip/mucus problem which is so annoying it’s ruining my life lol


I too was experiencing the same long covid symptoms with endless phlegm and nasal drip after recovering from my 2nd round of covid infection. My first round was March 2020 then again in Novemebr 2022. I never had allergies or any related seasonal issues my entire life so having this drip and thick mucus was all new to me. Found an interesting article about Cardamon and gave it try. After 3 weeks of steady cardamom tea I began to notice fewer and fewer instances of throat clearing and after the 4th week I haven't had any phlegm or nasal drips. Hopefully this method is helpful for others as it was for me. I can't remember any other time in my life that I drank that much tea to the point where I gave up my morning cup of coffee.

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How much cardamom tea you drink a day? I’m trying everything here lol


Yup I contracted covid back in 2021 and I had every single symptom you could imagine I still suffer from one or two.Hair loss I got after 6 months,it was I’m struggling with this post natal drip/mucus problem which is so annoying it’s ruining my life lol

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I know, it’s horrible. Sometimes I feel like I have hunks of melted cheese in my throat.

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