Epilepsy medication side effects - hair loss and weight gain

Posted by D @zeljko, May 27, 2019

My son 16,5 y, recently (2 months) got epi diagnoses and started taking drugs for his therapy.
(each day: Valproic acid – Depakine, Tegretol (carbamazepinum) and Vimpat (lacosamide)).
He is experiencing:
1. Hair loss
2. Weight gain
Is there good suggestion - experience how to stop hair loss and enhance hair growth, without therapy changes?
What about weight gain? Anyhow speeding the metabolism?
I’ll be thankful for any useful advice.

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I have experienced hair loss with Vimpat. I also lost much weight with this medication, had much nausea and had difficulty eating.


I have experienced hair loss with Vimpat. I also lost much weight with this medication, had much nausea and had difficulty eating.

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I am having a good experience with Vimpat (so far 5 months). I have too good of an appetite, no nausea and energy level up. The awful hair loss I had with Keppra has completely stopped. Strange how different meds affect folks-


Hi @baa
I am very happy to hear that you have adapted well to Vimpat :-).
Everyone's experience with those medications is quite particular. And as I have already shared with you, I am a very sensitive person to any medication.
Have a nice week!


Hair loss and weight gain are common side effects of epilepsy medication and can be frustrating to deal with.

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