PMR and Methotrexate

Posted by paulinef @paulinef, Mar 15, 2018

I have been on prednisone for about a year and am finally down to a daily 7 mg dose. However, still feeling some stiffness and my rheumatologist has suggested a couple of times that I could could also go on Methotrexate. I'm reluctant to take yet another medication though so am wondering if anyone else has tried Methotrexate and if it helped lessen the PMR symptoms.

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I am approaching my 2 year anniversary of being on Prednisone and am down to 3 mg. We added MTX almost immediately and I heartily endorse it. Not only has it allowed me to taper more quickly but the number and severity of a few flares have been significantly reduced. Most of the negative stories you hear about MTX are from gastro problems which are completely eliminated if you self inject once a week. My only side effect is a bit of fatigue for 24 hours after the injection which you can simply plan around in your schedule. Good luck!

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I was injecting once a week. I agree that MTX was working and getting me to a lower dose of prednisone. However, I was retching every morning even when I wasn't injecting MTX. My liver enzymes were elevated and making me sick.

I have an aversion to MTX now. I retch as soon as I attempt to put it in my mouth. I won't ever take it again orally or by injection.

I'm glad it works for you and many people say that it does. I think MTX is worth a try. I wish I could take it. My rheumatologist wanted me to try it a second time. I tried but just couldn't do it orally or by injection.


I am approaching my 2 year anniversary of being on Prednisone and am down to 3 mg. We added MTX almost immediately and I heartily endorse it. Not only has it allowed me to taper more quickly but the number and severity of a few flares have been significantly reduced. Most of the negative stories you hear about MTX are from gastro problems which are completely eliminated if you self inject once a week. My only side effect is a bit of fatigue for 24 hours after the injection which you can simply plan around in your schedule. Good luck!

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Hello! I've been on methotrexate 18 months and prednisone 2 years, and able to taper down now to 4 prednisone.. I take methotrexate orally in low dose because I get eye inflammation from any more than 6-7 of the 2,5 mg methotrexate tabs. Also, word to the wise. Do not take ibuprofen or other nsaids with methotrexate or you will have a dreadful stomach ulcer-like pain... no one warned me.
all that said, the methotrexate has been very helpful.


I'm interested in hearing people's experiences with methotrexate as a steroid-sparing medication. My rheumatologist has pushed me to add methotrexate because I have been on prednisone over a year and a half and failed to successfully taper below 8 mg 4 times. Were you able to get off prednisone completely or just go to a lower dose by adding the methotrexate? Did you get off prednisone and remain on methotrexate? If so, how well did it control symptoms of PMR? Did you have any serious side effects? At my next MD visit in 2 months I agreed to add the methotrexate if my labs are OK and allow me to do it.

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I am getting the same degree of “pressure” from my rheumatologist about considering methotrexate too. I have been in treatment for PMR for 8 mos and have been unable to get below 14 mg. I am experiencing side effects but have been reluctant to add yet another drug to my treatment so I want to consider all of the side effects. Hopefully we can all get the answers we need. Blessings!


I also was leary about adding another drug to the mix. However, due to the inflammatory arthritis affecting my hands so badly, I agreed to try hydroxychloroquine. It has helped the arthritis a lot, although I still have pain. I tolerate the hydroxy well with minimal side effects. Best to you.


I was on methotrexate for Polymyalgia Rheumatica. It made me throw up every day. But others seem to handle it well.

In reply to @charlesp "7 mg or .7mg?" + (show)

7 mg or .7mg?

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I don’t remember. I am sorry.


I was put on MTX 10 mg last October which worked brilliantly initially and then gradually increased it to 20 mg. It wiped away all the PMR symptoms immediately. At the time I was taking 15 mg of Prednisone and now on 12 mg. Doesn’t sound much but took a cautious approach as it’s winter and so far so good.
I was very wary about taking it as there are so many caveats about this drug. I’m so glad I did. My daughter was diagnosed with RA just after her baby son was born and MTX put her in remission.
I take a raft of medicines but I’m so glad that I do the MTX.
Good Luck with whatever you decide. 🍀🍀🤞🏻


An update on methotrexate: been on it for about a month along with 4 mg prednisone until first I came down with a respiratory bug caught off my husband. It took ages to shake off but I had no reason to think I should come off the metro until I cut my calf quite badly on a sharp object. This evolved into a nasty infection and I had to go on heavy duty antibiotics - I wasn’t warned that Metho hinders healing so continued taking it until I finally thought to call the rheumatologist who said to come off it until the cut had healed and no longer on Cephalexin.. So the warning to people on metho is to be very careful not to catch anything or cut yourself and if so, do not continue to stay on it. Neither the pharmacist or the two Doctors had warned me to come off it when it was prescribed unfortunately. ....

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I have been weaning Prednisone, was down to 4mg with return of joint pain so Rheum increased Prednisone to 9mg. I had an office visit the following week and he encouraged starting on Methotraxate 10mg q week which I did saying it was to help wean off Prednisone.
10 days later I developed a respiratory infection with fever which was dx as pneumonia! I felt bad! But better now after ABX
I should note that I’m 71 but until PMR 1 1/2 yr ago I had no health issues, was physically active, hiking/camping etc. Cant even remember that last time I even had a cold..
I have read the study that John noted above…..while small, it was encouraging(?) so Im going to stay with MTX and see how it goes. I’m SO ready to be off prednisone!!!


My rheumy has just prescribed methotrexate to help wean off prednisone as I kept having flare-ups and have had to stay on 10 mg
of prednisone. Does the PMR ever go away and are we able to get off both drugs? I hate the thought of being on either one forever.

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