PMR in cold or inclement weather

Posted by crhp194 @crhp194, Mar 2, 2020

Does any sufferer of PMR think that cold weather can kick off PMR? I have had giant cell arthritis in the chest for several years but PMR only once before. After being out in Florida cold (50-59 degrees) for about 4 hours and in 15mph wind on a boat for 1 hour I was extremely sore the next day but felt it was from walking on a beach and bending over. The pain and soreness continues and it makes sleeping difficult. Wondering if anyone has had this happen to them. Thank you to any who may respond.

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I do. This may sound funny to those of you who live up north, but I live in Florida. I am used to temperatures in the 80's. When it gets to 60 or below, I feel very cold. We keep our house at 78 degrees most of the year, when winter sets in we let it go to 73 degrees. But then we need to wear long pants and sweatshirts. I guess it is time for the down comforter. Yesterday was the first day it went into the 50's and my house was 68 degrees inside. My whole body ached almost like it did before I started prednisone. Today only my shoulders and neck are hurting, so I will try moving around more.

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Hi Bonnie.The temp in Calgary this morning is - 28 degrees.The furnace is working to keep up 71 degrees in the apt but no pain.
Who says we don't need oil and gas.Smiling.


Hello PMR Community~
I am going on 7 years with my PMR battle, and possibly another autoimmune issue. I see a Rheumatologist at Duke Hospital, and I am currently on 15mg. of injectable methotrexate, and down to 4mg. of Medrol.
Even on both meds, I had a very bad flare up the beginning of January, and it took about 2 weeks to stabilize. The weather here in NC has been cold, and rainy. Not a lot of Sun.
I feel like my body really reacts to the weather changes, and although I am never pain free, the weather definitely affects me, and seems to make things worse.
Has anyone found that living in a certain climate has helped with flare-ups and/or symptoms?
I have heard that drive warm climates are best, but wanted some feedback.
Thank you😊

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Have you never been on Prednisone in all that time?It will relieve your pain.


I am at 15 months and struggle to get below 18 mg of Prednisone daily plus methotrexate and a raft of other meds every day. I have had a very wonderful past 40 years with my second husband with good health til I hit PMR at 71. I decided I did not want to live in pain so I’m taking more prednisone than less but when tapering I seem to get steroid withdrawal pain and my inflammation markers are always higher than everyone else’s according to my internist Doctor. And then there’s the annoying infections with this and that …. But I do look forward to my time in my “hot box”. One can get toll up bed versions too of infra red saunas quite inexpensively but I cannot say how effective they are. It’s tough to be cheerful when one is in pain but smile anyway - your body does not know you are sad and will release endomorphies anyway as it responds to your muscle movement. I’m doing it all and hoping for the best. Best wishes to you. SMILE.

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Hi there.Dr. Ed on this forum recommends one half mg drop every two weeks.
Thanks Dr Ed it works am down to 4 mgs and dropping to 3.5 on March 1.



Have you never been on Prednisone in all that time?It will relieve your pain.

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Yes, I started on Prednisone, then was switched to Methylprednisolone. The Medrol works better for me, as far as for pain relief.
Now I am weaning down on my Medrol, and I am on 12.5 mg. of Injectable Methotrexate.
The only time I have been pain free was on the higher dose of Methylprednisolone.
Definitely not pain free now, but I need to get off the steroids. 😬


Hi there.Dr. Ed on this forum recommends one half mg drop every two weeks.
Thanks Dr Ed it works am down to 4 mgs and dropping to 3.5 on March 1.


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I am on my second taper. I am down to 1 1/2 mg prednisone. It's been 3 years of this PMR battle and I'm doing well with a little discomfort in one shoulder, which I can live with. As long as my blood tests are normal I'm ok with that. I found on this second taper that reducing 1/2 mg a month worked better for me, as opposed to every 2 weeks. About to drop to just 1 mg which my Rheumatologist recommended. I will stay there for a month. Taking care of bones throughout this nightmare with healthy diet, reclast infusions and calcium supplements. Long journey. Good luck to you.


PMR occasionally affects my legs slightly, but last night I sat through a 2+ hour lacrosse game in the cold and felt my legs were made of wood. It was hard to walk and I stumbled. This morning I am back to normal. So the cold didn't cause the PMR but it did intensify and change its effects for me.


PMR occasionally affects my legs slightly, but last night I sat through a 2+ hour lacrosse game in the cold and felt my legs were made of wood. It was hard to walk and I stumbled. This morning I am back to normal. So the cold didn't cause the PMR but it did intensify and change its effects for me.

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Boy can I relate to the sitting for long periods of time and having a hard time walking when I first get up even though my PMR is in remission. I also have one of PMR's ugly relatives Arthritis that makes walking fun. I'm just thankful it's starting to warm up here and hopefully into the 80s in the next week or so.


My whole life I have heard older folks say they can predict the weather with their arthritic knees. "Rain coming," they would say. I was skeptical until this morning. Diagnosed with PMR about four weeks ago, so I'm a newcomer. Pred dose finally kicked in a week or so ago (after I split the dose to morning and night) and I have been feeling very fine of late. This morning I was back to some serious hip and leg stiffness -- and, of course, it had rained last night and was colder this morning after a long hot summer with little rain in southeast Iowa -- and I now think that caused it. Maybe Grandma wasn't lying! Thanks all for contributing to these threads -- extremely helpful and well managed. Thanks Mayo!

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