Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.


Thanks for your reply Rachel.
I do indeed do stretches and specific exercises for leg strength,in the standing is a big problem for me.
Hoping someone on this forum has experience of Nevro implant....

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You might be interested is the following discussion about comparisons of spinal cord implants such as Nevro.

Comparison Of Spinal Cord Stimulators From Boston Scientific to Nevro -

Members like @hbourg, @glenjunderwood and @martyk may have current information.

Does exercising in a pool feel pretty decent to you? Are you able to stand unassisted in the pool?


I’m new to this group. I have every day chronic migraine in the back of my head due to disc degeneration disease. Anyone else experiencing the headaches?

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Welcome @beaniejc, There are a couple of discussions specifically on migraine headaches that you might find helpful:
--- Migraine:
--- Migraine headache: What helps you cope?:

How long have you had the headaches? Has your doctor suggested any treatments?


Welcome @beaniejc, There are a couple of discussions specifically on migraine headaches that you might find helpful:
--- Migraine:
--- Migraine headache: What helps you cope?:

How long have you had the headaches? Has your doctor suggested any treatments?

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I see a Brain and Spine specialist. My migraines started to be every day in July 2021. No medication seems to help ease the daily pain.


I'm Carolyn. I have a chronic, mild pain in the right side of my head. My face on that side is somewhat puffy. I have had a CT and an MRI of my head. Nothing is seen on those tests. Also had dental x-rays, also normal. This is not severe, but it is a bit worrisome that it continues.


I'm Carolyn. I have a chronic, mild pain in the right side of my head. My face on that side is somewhat puffy. I have had a CT and an MRI of my head. Nothing is seen on those tests. Also had dental x-rays, also normal. This is not severe, but it is a bit worrisome that it continues.

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I’m Tim, I have chronic pains in my pelvic area caused by the pudendal nerve. I originally did not know what was causing pain in both sides above the penis and had burning in what felt like the tip of the penis. I went to six different urologist about 10 years ago taking test, urological, MRI, ultrasound, blood test etc finally having surgery on the left side which did not help. I learned to live with the pain which would come and go. About four years ago when the nerve became active I had urinary frequency, urge/ reflex incontinence and started to get spiking pains in the rectum and pelvic areas. In March of last year the nerve activated and has not gone away. The pain that was in the left front became very bad, this occurred when I had a retrograde ejaculation. At times I did not want to walk. In August I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had a radical prostatectomy which also removes the seminal vesicles. The bad pain on the left side was gone. I had pain in the rectum area and urethral area after the surgery. The pain in the rectum area got so bad I could not sit and the pain would go through the roof when I had to go causing fecal incontinence The pain in the urinary/sphincter/ureatha area made me feel I had to urinate all the time and I was having bladder spasms with the catheter in and when it was out. If I coughed electrical pain spikes would emanate into my legs and chest. The nerve is hypersensitive it appears to sensing pressure. I have gone through pelvic Pt, and the fecal incontinence is gone and I am able to sit on a donut with minimal pain The pain in the urinary area has become less and I do not get the spiking pain. The nerve is still active in I feel tingling on my buttocks skin, burning in the urinary area but I feel I have the bladder spasms as well as stress incontinence from the surgery and have to wear full protection all the time. Overall with the low pain level I have now I feel better than I have in ten years and it has helped me get rid of my anxiety. I did not realize how much the pain was impacting me. Best wishes to everyone.


Hello ,I live with chronic pain due to moderate djd in my right hip and stages 3 to 4 of ddd in my spine .plus rheumatoid arthritis in my lower back ,with a compression fracture too .
Osteoarthritis is in all my joints and at various stages of degenerative damage .
I also suffer with osetopenia in both hips,my entire left arm ,wrist and hand .Some of which is in my left foot,ankle and in my spine .
So I full well know what being in chronic pain feels like 24/7 .
And have flare ups when in increased stress times and with damp chilly cold weather.


Hello. I have had debilitating pain in my right arm and hand for 20 weeks. ( not a long time compared with other people)
I thought it was RSI and would improve.
After lots of visits to my doctor and a physio I have been told I have a trapped nerve I my vertebrae, which cannot be operated on.
My doctor had asked me to take 100mg 3x a day, of Gabapentin.
This now has been increased to 200mg 3x a day and I am to start shortly taking 300mg 3x a day.
I worry about the side effects and I also take 40mg citalopram daily.
I am 72 years old.
Has anyone had similar problems.
Many thanks


Hello. I have had debilitating pain in my right arm and hand for 20 weeks. ( not a long time compared with other people)
I thought it was RSI and would improve.
After lots of visits to my doctor and a physio I have been told I have a trapped nerve I my vertebrae, which cannot be operated on.
My doctor had asked me to take 100mg 3x a day, of Gabapentin.
This now has been increased to 200mg 3x a day and I am to start shortly taking 300mg 3x a day.
I worry about the side effects and I also take 40mg citalopram daily.
I am 72 years old.
Has anyone had similar problems.
Many thanks

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Hello @elaine321, Welcome to Connect. I know it can't be easy dealing with the debilitating pain for even 20 weeks. While we wait for other members with experiences to share on trapped nerves in the vertebrae, you might want to read through another discussion started by @jenniferhunter here:
--- Answers about Controversial Trends in Spine Care:

Have you discussed your concerns with your doctor to see if there are any alternative treatments?


Hello @elaine321, Welcome to Connect. I know it can't be easy dealing with the debilitating pain for even 20 weeks. While we wait for other members with experiences to share on trapped nerves in the vertebrae, you might want to read through another discussion started by @jenniferhunter here:
--- Answers about Controversial Trends in Spine Care:

Have you discussed your concerns with your doctor to see if there are any alternative treatments?

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Hello John and thank you.
My doctor has only mentioned gabapentin for my pain. She has said it is still a low dose and should be fine with citalopram.
Upon saying that, I had to speak to her today and she issued 100mg tablets for me. When I asked why not now 300mg 3x a day instead of 9 per day, she said just in case you have any side effects, you can reduce them.
This does not give me much confidence.
I did ask about other tablets and she said these would suit me best.
I have a physio session next week. Hoping this will help me too.
Many thanks


Thanks for your reply Rachel.
I do indeed do stretches and specific exercises for leg strength,in the standing is a big problem for me.
Hoping someone on this forum has experience of Nevro implant....

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I just finished the Nevro trial and can’t wait to get the permanent implant. It worked! It reduced my pain so much. I posted about it elsewhere. I hope you can get to my posts under my username so I don’t have to do redundant posts. But let me know! Gayle

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