Anyone else experience Weight Gain with long COVID?

Posted by RMS @rinadbq, Oct 8, 2021

I have had ~30 pound weight gain since November 2020 when I initially had COVID. It seems disproportionate to my calorie intake. Any one else with this?

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I definitely will!! Keep us posted on him as well!! We’re all in this together!

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Thank you


I can’t tell you how much this reply means to me! The greatest thing Noom has given me was teaching me to be mindful of my behaviors surrounding food and the choices I make. It taught me to be aware of what and why I was making the food decisions I was. It has been very educational!

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Thanks for the info. I’m going to check into Noom. My weight gain/loss sounds a lot like yours. I admire you for sticking with it like you have. I’ve never been through anything like long Covid. It’s like something attacked my body and won’t let go. I was stunned when I found this web site and read what people are going through. I felt I was reading about myself.
Go easy on yourself. It’s a tough thing to deal with! Like I said before, you are no failure. It takes a lot of strength to deal with all of this and to lose weight ,too. That sounds pretty heroic to me.


Thanks for the info. I’m going to check into Noom. My weight gain/loss sounds a lot like yours. I admire you for sticking with it like you have. I’ve never been through anything like long Covid. It’s like something attacked my body and won’t let go. I was stunned when I found this web site and read what people are going through. I felt I was reading about myself.
Go easy on yourself. It’s a tough thing to deal with! Like I said before, you are no failure. It takes a lot of strength to deal with all of this and to lose weight ,too. That sounds pretty heroic to me.

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I’m terrified to catch it again. All I can think is I’m dealing with post COVID issues I can’t even imagine what the potential stacking effects could be. Thank you for your kind words! We’re in this together!!


I had covid 3/2020 and had some longer symptoms (painful breathing, digestive issues, tachycardia) but recovered by June. Had a second mostly mild covid infection 8/2021. Third infection was 7/2021. Fully vaccinated, each jab done when recommended.

After the 3rd infection, my base calorie need (before exercise as measured with a Fitbit) dropped about 15%. I have years of calorie records using myfitnesspal and weigh all food in grams.

I also have been dealing with fatigue that comes and goes - which seems to improve somewhat with mitochondrial support supplements.

This is the first time I've seen others talk about weight gain post covid, so I wanted to share my experience. After a small initial gain, I adjusted my calories down and avoided more, but it's no fun to eat less calories than I was used to.

I had the basic thyroid test (TSH) done in August and it was normal. I mostly only see doctors for the 100% covered appointments so I haven't explored other causes.


Has anyone weight gain after discharge from the hospital. I was ventilated for 30 days. It's been 2 years, I'm having difficulty losing weight. The brain fog is still a problem?.


My wife had covid early on. Within a month of the pandemic shutting things down. She was extremely sick but did not end up in the hospital even though I begged her to go. She seemed to recover. Then things started going wrong a few months later. Severe swelling, joint pain, brain fog, blood clots in lungs and EXTREME WEIGHT GAIN! I have known my wife for over 30 yrs. I have watched her go up and down but this weight gain is unnatural and excessive. Just the last week she weighed in at 9lbs heavier than the week before and that was the weight taken by the doctors office not just my wife at home. Verified 9lbs in one week! She has gained a total of 70lbs since covid. She doesn’t and cannot eat enough to gain that kind of weight. And she is physically active for more than ten hours a day at work. Physical labor. Her latest appt had a 90lb Doctor telling her that she’s 50 now so weight gain is normal and that she should eat more salad and see a nutritionist and a dietitian. That is insulting. And it’s become a theme. She is already a bigger person. Not excessively but she’s not a thin petite woman at her best. But all people who know her can see just how unnatural this is. We don’t know what to do. I don’t want to lose her and she is falling into depression and is giving up.


My wife had covid early on. Within a month of the pandemic shutting things down. She was extremely sick but did not end up in the hospital even though I begged her to go. She seemed to recover. Then things started going wrong a few months later. Severe swelling, joint pain, brain fog, blood clots in lungs and EXTREME WEIGHT GAIN! I have known my wife for over 30 yrs. I have watched her go up and down but this weight gain is unnatural and excessive. Just the last week she weighed in at 9lbs heavier than the week before and that was the weight taken by the doctors office not just my wife at home. Verified 9lbs in one week! She has gained a total of 70lbs since covid. She doesn’t and cannot eat enough to gain that kind of weight. And she is physically active for more than ten hours a day at work. Physical labor. Her latest appt had a 90lb Doctor telling her that she’s 50 now so weight gain is normal and that she should eat more salad and see a nutritionist and a dietitian. That is insulting. And it’s become a theme. She is already a bigger person. Not excessively but she’s not a thin petite woman at her best. But all people who know her can see just how unnatural this is. We don’t know what to do. I don’t want to lose her and she is falling into depression and is giving up.

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to @#$%^&* with that doctor...i am so sick and tired of any, a, and some doctors blaming any problems on age!!!!! we know our bodies better than anyone, we know when something is not normal and when it started....i once had a problem with my left arm/shoulder, couldn't put it behind my back and was in pain, this doctor took an xray and said he didn't see anything and said "i understand some women don't always get enough attention at home so they feel a need to get that seeing a doctor" i almost kicked him between the legs!!!!! it ended up that a disk in my back was pinching a nerve...i too have had things since covid blamed on my age...BULL, oh and i gained 35lbs and did not eat to get it, my whole body is so out of i'm just working on getting my immune system good, that means eating clean and miranda esmonde white workouts, i will get better...


Have her thyroid levels checked by a naturopath. Tsh, free t3, free t4, adrenals, reverse t3.


My wife had covid early on. Within a month of the pandemic shutting things down. She was extremely sick but did not end up in the hospital even though I begged her to go. She seemed to recover. Then things started going wrong a few months later. Severe swelling, joint pain, brain fog, blood clots in lungs and EXTREME WEIGHT GAIN! I have known my wife for over 30 yrs. I have watched her go up and down but this weight gain is unnatural and excessive. Just the last week she weighed in at 9lbs heavier than the week before and that was the weight taken by the doctors office not just my wife at home. Verified 9lbs in one week! She has gained a total of 70lbs since covid. She doesn’t and cannot eat enough to gain that kind of weight. And she is physically active for more than ten hours a day at work. Physical labor. Her latest appt had a 90lb Doctor telling her that she’s 50 now so weight gain is normal and that she should eat more salad and see a nutritionist and a dietitian. That is insulting. And it’s become a theme. She is already a bigger person. Not excessively but she’s not a thin petite woman at her best. But all people who know her can see just how unnatural this is. We don’t know what to do. I don’t want to lose her and she is falling into depression and is giving up.

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All three of us in my household gained a lot of weight after covid between 25 and 40 lbs


Had a mild case of COVID 5/2022. Within a month, I gained twenty pounds that I can not get rid of. I am now basically only eating a properly balanced and sized dinner in the evenings, with a small breakfast item in the morning. If anything, I have gained four pounds recently. It's driving me crazy. Just waiting for more research on virus replication in fat, which probably disables existing fat cells, thus body creates more fat cells, which then get infected with COVID and cycle continues. Sorry, seems like a possibility with COVID found brewing up in fat cells. All we can do is wait.

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