Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): Meet others & Share Your Story

Welcome to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) group on Mayo Clinic Connect.

Meet other members who are dealing with PMR. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with PMR, coping with the challenges and offering tips.We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Grab a cup of coffee or beverage of choice and let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What's your experience with PMR? How are you doing today?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


After three years of treatment, I am a female taking 2 mg. of Prednisone daily. I thought I was ready to reduce the dosage to 1 mg; however within days my back was painful and stiff. I went back to 2 mg. and I am very slowly improving.
Very concerned about being on Prednisone long term.
I have regular blood tests and they have been quite good.
I am hoping to learn from others who have taken Prednisone long term.

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Been on pred since 2013 with PMR then GCA. Take 6 for adrenals. Then got Covid. Went up to 20 now on 12.5. Still with muscle pain and fatigue. I realize this is more of an explanation than my first one. Hope this helps.


How are you protecting your bones?

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After researching and rejecting pharma solutions for their awful side effects ( what PMR suffer needs extra pain and stiffness) I found a product that uses plant based vitamins, magnesium D3, and zinc. It's widely spoken of as being the best, (I don't know if they object to product names being given). but it's called OsteoMD I am going to try it for 6 months.


After three years of treatment, I am a female taking 2 mg. of Prednisone daily. I thought I was ready to reduce the dosage to 1 mg; however within days my back was painful and stiff. I went back to 2 mg. and I am very slowly improving.
Very concerned about being on Prednisone long term.
I have regular blood tests and they have been quite good.
I am hoping to learn from others who have taken Prednisone long term.

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My doctor had me reduce by .5 mg when I got down that low.


Has anyone been diagnosed with gout while suffering from PMR? I am 15 months in and currently trying to taper down to 2 mg of Prednisone. This has been my second bout of gout, the first after only 6 weeks of diagnosis. Any ideas about a connection with PMR?


I'm still waiting to see a new rheumatologist in early March. Back at 15 mg Prednisone daily, anything else and I hurt too much. The 15 was working for a few weeks but something else (?) set off my immune system. Lots of fatigue. I wake up with the 'Tin Woodman' syndrome, very stiff from head to toe and feeling like I'm being beat with a club. I take my morning Prednisone; if I don't feel better in a few hours, I'll take some NSAID. Usually I'm hurting again by the evening.


I was diagnosed with PMR in December 2023. I'm 66 years old, and on 20 mg Prednisone. I hate it! There must be an answer. Is it stress?? I sleep only 3-4 hours a night and wake up in horrible joint pain. After I'm up 2 hours I can reach up in the cupboard. I get through my day fairly well. I try to exercise my arms. I'm quite discouraged. Will it get better in summer??


I was diagnosed with PMR in December 2023. I'm 66 years old, and on 20 mg Prednisone. I hate it! There must be an answer. Is it stress?? I sleep only 3-4 hours a night and wake up in horrible joint pain. After I'm up 2 hours I can reach up in the cupboard. I get through my day fairly well. I try to exercise my arms. I'm quite discouraged. Will it get better in summer??

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Hi @cindyjane, Welcome to Connect. You are not alone. Anyone who's ever met what I call Mr. Ugly - PMR absolutely hates it. I've had it twice but fortunately it's now in remission. Warmer weather did feel a little better when my PMR was active. You will notice that we moved your post to an existing discussion here so that you can meet other members with PMR and learn what they have found helpful:
--- Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): Meet others & Share Your Story: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/polymyalgia-rheumatica-pmr-meet-others-share-your-story/.

You may also find the following discussion helpful:
--- PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/pmr-dosages/.

@bradninchgirl, @mnmom1, @granger, @annettetompkins, @marilynredder2367, @tsc and others may have some suggestions to get you started on your journey.

I've found exercise to be helpful in my daily routine but I just focus on not over doing it and making things worse. Do you have a regular exercise routine that you use?


I'm still waiting to see a new rheumatologist in early March. Back at 15 mg Prednisone daily, anything else and I hurt too much. The 15 was working for a few weeks but something else (?) set off my immune system. Lots of fatigue. I wake up with the 'Tin Woodman' syndrome, very stiff from head to toe and feeling like I'm being beat with a club. I take my morning Prednisone; if I don't feel better in a few hours, I'll take some NSAID. Usually I'm hurting again by the evening.

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@richardab I am sorry to hear about your pain. Is your prednisone at a sufficiently high dose? I am 2 plus years in and tapered to 3 mg after being at 1 mg where I was back to Tin Man status. Chemistries went high again as well. Can you pursue discussion about trial of upping prednisone while you await your rheumatologist? There is no rhyme or reason at times to this disease. I have experienced "doing everything right" only to have things go south. Very dispiriting. One day at a time. Good luck.


I see a rheumatologist in March. I also thought to look into Balanced Life, about message, yoga, etc. I read PMR is from not loving myself enough, not being able to say "no" to others. I'm not good at putting myself first. I don't want to disappoint. My, oh my, I have a lot to learn.


@richardab I am sorry to hear about your pain. Is your prednisone at a sufficiently high dose? I am 2 plus years in and tapered to 3 mg after being at 1 mg where I was back to Tin Man status. Chemistries went high again as well. Can you pursue discussion about trial of upping prednisone while you await your rheumatologist? There is no rhyme or reason at times to this disease. I have experienced "doing everything right" only to have things go south. Very dispiriting. One day at a time. Good luck.

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Hi Mary, I'm reluctant to up my Prednisone past 15 mg. I'll wait until I see the new rheumatologist and take NSAIDs as an aid until then.

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