Every day I cough up what looks like a scab with ugly mucous and blood

Posted by needtoknow @needtoknow, Feb 10, 2016

Every day I cough up what looks like a scab with ugly mucous and tiny amounts of blood. It seems to come from the back of my throat or nose. My doctor has seen the scab but does not see anything wrong. This, to me, seems really odd. Has anyone had this problem?

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Not that I have noticed. They always come back with an infection all different kinds. they taste pretty bad. I make like a suction in back of throat to get it out. Sometimes they are there for weeks .
Had nasal surgery . That did not help. Pretty sure all the infections
Brought on fibro. I guess I have to live with it

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sterimar nasal spray gives relief as well definitely helps to get it out. I have saw bupa nhs all have no clue. Sometimes I cough them out and no taste. But when they do I know it’s infected and I get antibiotics.


Not that I have noticed. They always come back with an infection all different kinds. they taste pretty bad. I make like a suction in back of throat to get it out. Sometimes they are there for weeks .
Had nasal surgery . That did not help. Pretty sure all the infections
Brought on fibro. I guess I have to live with it

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Thanks for your reply. I think mine are due to post nasal drip/problems with drainage. Seems like the nasal drainage dries up in my nasopharynx and forms a scab there every day. But since you're mentioning infections, I think I'm going to have a nasal mucosa swab done to see if some bacteries are the cause. The scabs aren't my main problem, but the post nasal drip is driving me crazy and I guess it's all connected. Who knows someday we'll get rid of them :).


I take the actual scabs to the doctors in a jar and it’s gets tested. And treated with antibiotics. Promlem is they return a month later and it starts again. Nearly on 16 years now.


Same here. I'm glad to find out that this rather common, doesn't make it any less unpleasant. I saw my infectious disease doctor last week, also have a lung condition, and he made no comment when I showed him the picture. I also say an ENT a few months and he was more interested in selling me a hearing aid and never checked my throat or my nasal passages. Another disgusting thing to live with I suppose.


I can’t believe it! I’m not alone! I have been coughing up scabs just about every day for years. Some are tinged with blood, others are covered with mucous. But they always have this in common: they are the same size and shape, and are always hard, flat and disk like. My adenoids were removed 40 years ago, and I’ve always been confused as to what they are and where they come from. Initially I thought they were coming from my lungs because of the amount of effort needed to dislodge them. But now I can almost feel an irritation deep in my throat as soon as I cough one up. Strange little “boogers”. Thanx for all your posts and ideas. I will continue to seek answers.

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I have just joined this forum to look for answers for this exact thing. Exactly how you describe and look the same. I’ve been taking pictures at random intervals, two posted below. I asked an ENT I had seen from Vanderbilt and he offered no explanation nor seemed concerned. I guess this has been going on a few years. I’ve always had seasonal allergies so I didn’t recognize the pattern for a while. I just today have scheduled an air quality inspection for my home as I just don’t “feel good”. I’m 51, healthy BMI, no significant health concerns, but lately a lot of headaches and fatigue… which still may be unrelated but I keep coming back to possibly being environmental issues, and I see others have indicated same. Only other issues that I haven’t considered to be related 1. One ear canal is smaller and with weather changes will have earache that radiates to temple and jaw on that side. That is same side I have a deviated septum, hence why I saw the ENT. I have not yet had the surgery to correct. At one time I thought this “scab” was possibly forming at that narrowed canal, but doctor did not offer that explanation. 2. I was diagnosed with stress induced myocardia (anxiety attacks) during a stressful period of life a few years ago. Otherwise, I have definitely found myself clearing my throat much more regularly and do feel as if this “scab ” gets hung up, as you indicated. I also am unsure from where it originates. It’s been consistently same size, shape and also that “disc-like” appearance. Almost kidney shaped.
I feel amazed to see so many others have dealt with this. That alone is comforting.


My scabs appear to have disappeared after dealing with them for about 6 months. I was coughing a blood tinged scab up every 3 days - looked just like the pictures posted on this thread. We traveled to a state with high humidity for two weeks and they stopped. They never started up after returning home - it is getting warmer where we live so maybe that is why. Wondering if it is a dryness condition for me. Hoping they do not return!

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I have same condition and live in a higher humidity state… yet mine flare up it seems in fall/winter and I’m wondering if the heat is keeping interior of home too dry….? I had this thought before so thank you for sharing—
Could also explain why many are seeing some relief with sinus rinses that moisten the nasal lining…?


I just came across this thread via Reddit. Someone says the origin of the scabs might be the sphenoid ostium. Could be caused by bacterial or fungal infection (most likely bacterial). Interesting.. will discuss with my ENT later this month when I see her (mainly for my severe post nasal drip, but the scabs also come into play several times a week).


Yes but it can stop
Please stop eating oil Fry foods or gaseous foods eat fruit always Don't fight drink half a litre of water in the morning and at night it help God bless you


I know I’m late to the party. But 2023- 23 years old staying near chemical plants and I’m having the problem. My right nostril for 7-8 years now has been scabbed over inside(probably very deep too). I’ve gotten radiation surgery to shrink my nasal passages(because they were too big- which was weird to me but I’m not a doc) and it helped for a time but the same problems came back. I also wake up in the morning with the most vile and disgusting things coming out and my nose and throat- (trigger warning) I can “big sniff” and pull the mucus out to spit it out but it never seems to stay out. When I blow my nose (probably loosing up the scabs) I can breathe SO WELL. until the scabs grow back then I cannot breathe through my nose at all. I clean it every day with the nose saline stuff to keep it from getting dry BUT even by the time I finish typing I have to go blow my nose because the scabs are back. Docs tell me to stop blowing the scabs out but (I’m a musician) and it literally keeps me from effectively using my nose.

Thanks to anyone who read- I’ve accepted this as daily life and I wanted a place to rant to someone who will get it… Peace and love


Ugh, I have the same exact issue, and it looks like I took the photos you posted. I've had several ENT visits where they claimed my regular mucus wasn't draining properly, and the pooling of it was causing these weird rubber chiclets. I had surgery for a deviated septum and bilateral turbinite reduction. Post-surgery, I have gone from hacking one of these out weekly to at least once a day. The ENT surgeon told me to use a sinus wash and pop a mucinex daily. I don't want to have to do this. It sounds like a bandaid and is not a solution. My primary dr suggested it was allergies and something that I just need to deal with. I asked for and went through all of the allergy tests and came up with zero allergies. So frustrating and, honestly, quite embarrassing trying to dislodge these things.

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As I read about problems with mucus in the throat, I never see fungus mentioned. The Mayo Clinic came out with a study in 1999 that a majority of sinus infections were fungal in origin. I had sinus surgery in 2010 and had to ask the surgeon to send a specimen to a lab to check for fungus. The response from the lab was 'yes' there was fungus, but they did not specify which one. And my ENT never mentioned the word fungus. It is very difficult to completely eradicate fungus from the sinuses, but diet changes, supplements and irrigating can help control it. The fungus produces a very thick mucus that pools in the back of my throat at night while laying down. It only drains if I am upright, so I am usually up 3-4 hours in the middle of the night waiting for it to clear, so I can lay down again and get more sleep. Even the CDC came out with
"Fungal Awareness Week". From their website: "A key clue to when a sick person may have a fungal disease is that he or she is being treated with medicine for another type of infection but does not get better." So, consider fungus.

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