Liver transplant - Let's support each other

Posted by lmctif @lmctif, Oct 29, 2018

What topics do people who are waiting for a liver transplant want to talk about? Who has had a liver transplant and wants to talk about?

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@katebw Thank you for your response - it was really helpful. Sorry to hear about your situation and I am happy you have came out of it better. I am feeling quite well now as in I am still able to live a normal life. Fortunately, I have a lot of support. I take some tests on Wednesday and I should know more by then. My Doctor didn't go into detail about the transplant list. So... when I left the office I just thought they put me on it and they said alcohol relapse prevention could help when it comes time to make a decision about who receives the transplant. So... are you on the list only if a team says you are? Or, if your doctor says they've put you on it? My challenges are waiting which is a good thing considering. If what I needed came by other means I feel the wait - which could take years - would be less palatable. Other challenges are basically having to go to all these different doctors you mentioned. I guess my only other challenge is proving that drinking will not be an issue. Lol, the only real issue I have with drinking, is now to prove to others I don't have a drinking issue. On another note - I've increased my healthier eating and a challenge is craving donuts, tacos, enchiladas and cheeseburgers. I kind of now get jealous of watching people eat pizza in movies and TV.


Hello Everyone,

I guess I am in the beginning stages of awaiting a liver transplant. I just have to do some blood work and to see where I go from there. If anyone can help me with some questions that would be greatly appreciated:
I know - I will have to wait a long time to get a transplant but how do you avoid the anxiousness of the situation?
If one is available - how much time do you have to get to the hospital? a couple of hours, days...
And, my doctors office said that I should consider showing proof of some sort of alcohol relapse prevention program. Has anyone shown proof by giving the documents via a USB/Jump drive or email the docs? I'm looking into programs to not bother others alcohol treatment - I had alcohol in my system when I went to the hospital for a GI issue and it turned out I had cirrhosis as well. I'm sure throughout my life alcohol played a part in my situation but I'm one who really doesn't need to drink.

Anyway, I wish well to all. I've found a new appreciation for life and it's mainly because of the better angels of others that got me to, through and out of the hospital alive.

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@klm3, Welcome to the liver transplant group! I am happy to have you join in the conversation. I will not deny the fact that we who are waiting for an organ transplant have had to learn that it can be a long journey that is filled with anxiety, frustration and decreasing health...but we, all of us, are here to share our experiences and to walk with you and offer our support along way.

In my opinion and experience, the secret to getting through the long wait is to focus on one day at a time. Find something to be thankful for each day. And work with your medical team because they are the experts who know what is best for you. Be aware that well meaning friends and relatives who think they know more than the doctors.

When I lived in Kentucky, I was given 45 minutes to get to the hospital because that is how far we lived from the transplanr center. Later, when I was at Mayo Rochester, I was a few blocks away and was told to come in right away. I think that your transplant team will work with you to make a plan.

As for alcohol, you are correct that it is a factor in being eligible for a transplant. You will be providing your medical records, and be advised accordingly. Alcohol consumption is one of the screenong questions. Avoidance is essential, and in some instances there is a need for proof.

Kim - Would you share a bit about yourself if you are comfortable? Are you already a patient at a liver transplant center? Have you been scheduled for a transplant ecaluation yet? or Are you already on the active transplant list?


These symptoms are related to liver disease and advancing cirrhosis. Symptoms can come on gradually over time, or suddenly. Since you have felt an increase in symptoms in the last several weeks , I think you should contact your doctor about it. He might need to see you or do some labs to determine if your condition is worsening at a faster pace.
My symptoms and MELD were at a stable level , then suddenly dropped. That is when I was referred to the Transplant Center.
MAW- Does your doctor know about the increasing symptoms?

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Thank you- I am seeing him next Monday afternoon-did you also have blood pressure fluctuations and issues?


I need some guidance. My husband had a liver transplant in December. He was finally moved to a Rehabilitation hospital last week. He still has a feeding tube, but doesn’t eat, he will take a couple bites of his meal and he is done. He is 6 ft 2”. His lowest weight got to 149 lbs, he was weighed a couple of weeks later he was 170 lbs, last week when he was admitted to the Rehabilitation hospital he weighed 151 lbs. I think part of his problem is that his hands shake & he can’t feed himself. The hand shaking started after he was diagnosed with advanced cirrhosis of the liver in the Spring of 2022. (In 2020 he was diagnosed with NASH, the liver disease advanced in 2021 after a hip surgery & while doing outpatient physical therapy.)

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@jlvr - Welcome! I'm happy that you are joining the conversation. You have mentioned that your husband's hands shake and that you question whether that is affecting his ability to eat. I am not a medical person, just a patient like he is. At only 2 months post transplant surgery he is going to be on high doses of medications which are necessary for his new organs, but they are strong and can have some advsere effects on some people.(like trembling hands)

Since he has been moved to a rehabilitation hospital I do hope thet he is getting the nutrition via the feeding tube. I was 'threatened' with a feeding tube if I didn't eat. It was only sheer willpower and the access to nutritional shakes that I avoided it. Perhaps that might be a possibility when he is released.

It has been a couple of days since you posted. Has there been any improvement?


@klm3, Welcome to the liver transplant group! I am happy to have you join in the conversation. I will not deny the fact that we who are waiting for an organ transplant have had to learn that it can be a long journey that is filled with anxiety, frustration and decreasing health...but we, all of us, are here to share our experiences and to walk with you and offer our support along way.

In my opinion and experience, the secret to getting through the long wait is to focus on one day at a time. Find something to be thankful for each day. And work with your medical team because they are the experts who know what is best for you. Be aware that well meaning friends and relatives who think they know more than the doctors.

When I lived in Kentucky, I was given 45 minutes to get to the hospital because that is how far we lived from the transplanr center. Later, when I was at Mayo Rochester, I was a few blocks away and was told to come in right away. I think that your transplant team will work with you to make a plan.

As for alcohol, you are correct that it is a factor in being eligible for a transplant. You will be providing your medical records, and be advised accordingly. Alcohol consumption is one of the screenong questions. Avoidance is essential, and in some instances there is a need for proof.

Kim - Would you share a bit about yourself if you are comfortable? Are you already a patient at a liver transplant center? Have you been scheduled for a transplant ecaluation yet? or Are you already on the active transplant list?

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@rosemarya Hello, and thank you for the information. I live in Chandler, AZ which is right by Phoenix. But everything is spread out here so... the nearest transplant centers without traffic are about 40 minutes away. I am 41 years old and not sure if there is any other info you'd like to know - feel free to ask. I have a Hepatologist and they said that a transplant is the most likely course for me due to my cirrhosis. I am not a patient of a transplant center, we are in the evaluation stage I believe and doubt I'm on the list. So far they confirmed the hospital assessment that I have cirrhosis and have done a scan. I go in tomorrow for an ultrasound and bloodwork. My hepatologist scheduled an appointment for me in May. I guess in May I find out if the next step is going through the tests needed by the transplant center or Viola... they apologize for the mistake and everything is A-Okay, lol.


@jlvr - Welcome! I'm happy that you are joining the conversation. You have mentioned that your husband's hands shake and that you question whether that is affecting his ability to eat. I am not a medical person, just a patient like he is. At only 2 months post transplant surgery he is going to be on high doses of medications which are necessary for his new organs, but they are strong and can have some advsere effects on some people.(like trembling hands)

Since he has been moved to a rehabilitation hospital I do hope thet he is getting the nutrition via the feeding tube. I was 'threatened' with a feeding tube if I didn't eat. It was only sheer willpower and the access to nutritional shakes that I avoided it. Perhaps that might be a possibility when he is released.

It has been a couple of days since you posted. Has there been any improvement?

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There has been no improvement. He continues with his therapy sessions but today he didn’t have occupational therapy. His blood pressure was low & hardly opened his eyes. He did a little physical therapy in a chair & in bed. Tomorrow we meet with his Transplant Surgeon & cardiology. He had his transplant 2 months ago.


Thank you- I am seeing him next Monday afternoon-did you also have blood pressure fluctuations and issues?

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@maw90455, I'll be thinking of you on Monday when you have your appointment. i hope that you get some of your questions answered - Don't be shy about asking your questions while you are there!

I spent nearly 8 years with only tiredness and nausea while my liver disease progressed to cirrhosis. When I was sent to the liver transplant clinic in Kentucky, I was yellowish with jaundice, had itchy skin, nausea, and the tiredness became fatigue. My blood pressure was stead and not fluctuating, but was carefully monitored.
Gotta go - Laptop battery is about to go dead. See you tomorrow. 🤍


@maw90455, I'll be thinking of you on Monday when you have your appointment. i hope that you get some of your questions answered - Don't be shy about asking your questions while you are there!

I spent nearly 8 years with only tiredness and nausea while my liver disease progressed to cirrhosis. When I was sent to the liver transplant clinic in Kentucky, I was yellowish with jaundice, had itchy skin, nausea, and the tiredness became fatigue. My blood pressure was stead and not fluctuating, but was carefully monitored.
Gotta go - Laptop battery is about to go dead. See you tomorrow. 🤍

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All I can say is thank you


@klm3, Welcome to the liver transplant group! I am happy to have you join in the conversation. I will not deny the fact that we who are waiting for an organ transplant have had to learn that it can be a long journey that is filled with anxiety, frustration and decreasing health...but we, all of us, are here to share our experiences and to walk with you and offer our support along way.

In my opinion and experience, the secret to getting through the long wait is to focus on one day at a time. Find something to be thankful for each day. And work with your medical team because they are the experts who know what is best for you. Be aware that well meaning friends and relatives who think they know more than the doctors.

When I lived in Kentucky, I was given 45 minutes to get to the hospital because that is how far we lived from the transplanr center. Later, when I was at Mayo Rochester, I was a few blocks away and was told to come in right away. I think that your transplant team will work with you to make a plan.

As for alcohol, you are correct that it is a factor in being eligible for a transplant. You will be providing your medical records, and be advised accordingly. Alcohol consumption is one of the screenong questions. Avoidance is essential, and in some instances there is a need for proof.

Kim - Would you share a bit about yourself if you are comfortable? Are you already a patient at a liver transplant center? Have you been scheduled for a transplant ecaluation yet? or Are you already on the active transplant list?

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A number of people have commented on getting sicker over time as they waited on the list. Anyone willing to share what they got sicker with.


A number of people have commented on getting sicker over time as they waited on the list. Anyone willing to share what they got sicker with.

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@darring1, Good morning and Welcome!
I expect that others will want to join this conversation, in the meantime I have caught myself using the terms like, 'getting sicker' and 'ill' to indicate the increasing side effects/symptoms that accompany liver failure and cirrhosis. Maybe someone will share a better term.

To my understanding, there are symptoms of liver disease that are common for all liver diseases. Perhaps you have heard of some like: tiredness and fatigue, nausea, ascites (accumulation of fluid in abdomen), unintended weight loss or difficulty gaining weight, fevers, portal hypertension...

Some patients have few while others have enough to become hospitalized prior to transplant. I have been told that everyone responds differently, and if you have a several patients with the same diagnoses liver disease, each one will have a different combination of symptoms.

I want to encourage you to scroll back to Feb 1, where you can meet and read what @katebw, @katebw, @maw90455, and others have/are currently experiencing. And you can easily ask a question to anyone by replying - or by using their @name in your comment.

@darring1 - What brings you to this conversation -Are you a patient or a caregiver? How can I be of help to you?

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