Anyone experienced nipple soreness post menopause?

Posted by margaret902 @margaret902, Sep 23, 2012

I am 58, post menopausal. Within about the last week my nipples have become tender, similar to how it used to feel before or on my period. They also are more flat, and the aereola is less pink than normal. They used to change with temperature, but now seem to be more flattened out in general. I don't feel sick otherwise, and am not on any medications. Anyone out there who has experienced this kind of change or tenderness?

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I have the same problem and am glad that I finally found some information after searching the internet for ever, it seems. I am 55 and have very dense breast, that were always rather sensitive. For some months, the areola of my left breast is swollen and became larger. It is also a little itchy, so might be a skin problem, I thought. The itchiness stops after putting lotion on. I am living in China and the hospitals where I live are not that good. I finally went and was told not to worry after a scan. The doctor thought it is some rare skin disease (very complicated and long name, that I forgot, where ones skin grows. apparently very rare), which I do not believe at all. Luckily, I then remembered that I used to sometimes get the same symptoms when I was much younger, but they would disappear again after a short time. So I guess that yes, it might very well be hormones and maybe it will just stay that way now after menopause? Am very glad to have found this discussion and am curious to hear from more women.


Hello to all 😊 Im 59 and been post menopausal for two years. Im sometimes also get the itchy nipples but not the soreness and somehow it mostly occurs around the time of my period if I were still having one. Does this have anything to do with hormones. I also still sometimes get mild flushes especially at night. Is this normal?
On another note Im going through a bout of acid reflux for the past 3mths. Iv had to change my diet etc and take medication. But this is something I havent had for such a length of time before. Can it also be related to post menopause...has anyone been in the same position. Any advice would be most helpful.
Thank you and be safe everyone in these trying times.

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Hello 😃 I am 57 been without my period for 14 months and just recently I started feeling symptoms as if I was getting my period again, but haven’t. My nipples are super sore and I am getting some cramping, well the first three days of this nipple soreness journey. I also had the both Pfizer shots, now I am wondering if they had anything to do with it. I have been using through out my premenopausal years progesterone cream so I can feel normal, it really did help. I always have some around when I start feeling the blues, but haven’t been feeling too bad so I forget to apply it. I heard DHEA 25 mg or the cream is actually good for leveling out hormones. Anyone get answers regarding the nipple soreness? I have no health insurance right now, I haven’t had my levels checked yet.


Hello 😃 I am 57 been without my period for 14 months and just recently I started feeling symptoms as if I was getting my period again, but haven’t. My nipples are super sore and I am getting some cramping, well the first three days of this nipple soreness journey. I also had the both Pfizer shots, now I am wondering if they had anything to do with it. I have been using through out my premenopausal years progesterone cream so I can feel normal, it really did help. I always have some around when I start feeling the blues, but haven’t been feeling too bad so I forget to apply it. I heard DHEA 25 mg or the cream is actually good for leveling out hormones. Anyone get answers regarding the nipple soreness? I have no health insurance right now, I haven’t had my levels checked yet.

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Hi I'm 54 and post menopause this week ive had the same sore tender nipples ..however mine stick out and go really hard just like if you were due your period ive been on & off hormones treated for 3 years and for the last 14 month have not taken anything and had no period 1st time wondering whether its to do with that not had it before


And another one. I’m post menopausal at 52. It’s been 3 years since my last period. I began experimenting increased vaginal discharge for 2 or 3 weeks, and for the last week, sore nipples. I’m thinking it’s hormonal since it involves both vaginal discharge and breast soreness. I’ve had this happen twice before, 6 and 8 months after I was officially considered post menopausal. The first episode resulted in spotting and the second nothing. I read at that time that the more recent menopause is, the less concerning spotting is. The 12 month recommendation for official menopause is somewhat arbitrary, not exactly hard and fast.

Anyway, these episodes remind of when I was still dealing with peri menopause. I would have hot flashes and night sweats during my longer cycles. I knew when I could expect a new cycle within a month or two when they’d diminish to nothing and the vaginal discharge started which is what has happened now. That’s another reason I suspect it’s hormonal. I don’t know how this will play out. Spotting like the first episode or the return of hot flashes like the second. I have an annual well visit next week. I’ll probably bring it up then,


Hello - I am age 60 in menopause for 5+ years and have been having nipple soreness for the past few weeks. My nipples have become tender and erect and the aereola is less pink than normal. I started taking citalopram 10 MG tablet in July 2021 and I have received 3 PFIZER-BIONTECH Covid-19 vaccines, I saw this mentioned in several other posts...
I had my annual mamogram in January 2022 - it was normal.
I 'm happy to have found the group - so sorry we are all suffering with similar issue. Fingers crossed for a resolution.


Yes I did. Someone on here suggested it was caused by my new bra and she was right. I suggest that you contact your doctor.


I was doing research to find out what I was experiencing and came across this post. I am post menopausal and and lately my nipples are so sore. I do have dense breasts and am going for a mammogram tomorrow. I too can only remember this kind of tenderness during the days of my cycle. I am 52 years old. The last mammogram I had can back normal but It was not done with the density in mind. I will be sure to specify and see if I can have a special ultrasound sone or whatever the process is for heavier, thicker breasts like mine. I pray you all are well. God Bless,


Hi, @trixie1313 - thanks for joining this discussion to offer help and support, and sorry for any confusion. @jkhambati mentioned being 54 and postmenopausal in this Connect Women's Health thread called "Nipple soreness in postmenopausal women." She mentioned having the same problems as @margaret902, the first member to post in this discussion - cited as nipples that are more sore, tender and flattened out, with the areola is less pink than normal, with no other illness and no medications being taken.

I'm hoping that @jkhambati will return and provide a few more details. @jkhambati - will you let @trixie1313 and others in this discussion know any other relevant context about your concerns about the nipples? I believe you are indicating you are post-menopausal but don't have any medical conditions currently?

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I took an almost 54. Recently postmenopausal. In the past 3 weeks I have noticed my nipples are very tender and breasts seem swollen. I never had tender breasts ever except at the very beginning of menopause, so I'm hoping this maybe the final stage? Your thoughts are welcome.


Hello. I am 52. Almost two years since I had my last period. Mammograms are always good, last I had was Aug 2022. 3 days ago one nipple only, became extra sensitive almost painful. Any ideas? I am not sick, I don't do hormones therapy or anything like that.


I am 75 and noticed the nipple in the left breast being real sensitive to touch about 2 & 1/2 weeks ago. I went to my primary care doctor who ordered a diagnostic mammogram. I have already had the mammogram which showed no structural changes. My primary care doctor ordered a hormone panel and so far the hormones look like they are in line. I have an appt. with the primary care doctor in 2 weeks but I am thinking that I need to see a breast specialist. The earliest I could get in to see one of the best surgeons was March 23. Any thoughts on this.

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