Severe pain 1 yr after colon resection

Posted by kets @kets, Dec 12, 2021

My husband has Severe pain 1 year after 4 inches of colon removed because of diverticulitis. He Feels fine sleeping but when upright and going throughout the day, pain returns. When he eats, pain. When he goes to the restroom, pain. Nothing helps. He has had multiple CT scans with and without contrast. Nothing reported. Blood work shows elevation in neutrophils but everything else is normal. What could this be? He is becoming more and more discouraged.

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I’m new to this group I’m having “Laparoscopic biologic graft ventral rectopexy with possible posterior dissection” next month due to rectal prolapse and mild fecal incontinence. My biggest reason for wanting the surgery is to correct the incontinence. Your post are giving me cause for concern.
Are their any success stories out there?
Thank you


I had resection 1 month ago I have pain in lower stomach also everyday i am noticing if I walk more it relieves some my husband rubs my back and it relieves it too It’s gas on me everything gives me gas and I don’t just pass it without rubbed or something


I’m new to this group I’m having “Laparoscopic biologic graft ventral rectopexy with possible posterior dissection” next month due to rectal prolapse and mild fecal incontinence. My biggest reason for wanting the surgery is to correct the incontinence. Your post are giving me cause for concern.
Are their any success stories out there?
Thank you

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I think it’s success considering the choice but your stomach and bowels are used for everything It’s hard but it’s a sensitive place that is messed with


I think it’s success considering the choice but your stomach and bowels are used for everything It’s hard but it’s a sensitive place that is messed with

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Hi @kets !! Is it possible your husband has adhesions that have developed from the colon resection surgery and are causing pain? I have severe bowel adhesions and I can’t sleep on my side, lay on my side without pretty much immediate constant pain, I can’t bend over without pain, I can’t lay on my stomach without pain. It may be something to look into although adhesions normally aren’t seen on any scan or blood work.


I’m new to this group I’m having “Laparoscopic biologic graft ventral rectopexy with possible posterior dissection” next month due to rectal prolapse and mild fecal incontinence. My biggest reason for wanting the surgery is to correct the incontinence. Your post are giving me cause for concern.
Are their any success stories out there?
Thank you

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I had a partial Sigmoid Colon resection because of Diverticulitis. The main rules for my recovery were Walk, Walk, Walk and drink plenty of wafter. Lack of activity is not your friend. You will end up with painful gas. And, don't forget 8-9 glasses of water a day.


Hi @kets !! Is it possible your husband has adhesions that have developed from the colon resection surgery and are causing pain? I have severe bowel adhesions and I can’t sleep on my side, lay on my side without pretty much immediate constant pain, I can’t bend over without pain, I can’t lay on my stomach without pain. It may be something to look into although adhesions normally aren’t seen on any scan or blood work.

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I’ve had the same result after multiple small bowel obstructions and resections. Complications from RNY bypass


I’ve had the same result after multiple small bowel obstructions and resections. Complications from RNY bypass

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@nova1976 hi!!
You’re in pretty much constant pain too from bowel obstructions and resections?


Maybe have him stay on creamy liquid diet for a few weeks. Purée food as well. Maybe it's a diverticulitis attack of which I was very familiar with until my bowel burst, colostomy placed, sigmoid colon removed during resect and huge hernia repair. I take little gas pills almost every night and sometimes even Lactaid. Ginger ale too. But if something really small may be caught in the diverticula then that might be a reason. Eat all the same just purée and stay away from nuts, seeds and the rest of those pesky little things. And drink a lot of water!


Hi @kets !! Is it possible your husband has adhesions that have developed from the colon resection surgery and are causing pain? I have severe bowel adhesions and I can’t sleep on my side, lay on my side without pretty much immediate constant pain, I can’t bend over without pain, I can’t lay on my stomach without pain. It may be something to look into although adhesions normally aren’t seen on any scan or blood work.

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Hi @llcc8800, how do you know that you have adhesions? Following a resection in 9/19 , I’ve had a lot of pain when standing, like what I assume adhesions would feel like, but , as you say, they can’t be seen on a scan, so how were yours diagnosed?


Hi @llcc8800, how do you know that you have adhesions? Following a resection in 9/19 , I’ve had a lot of pain when standing, like what I assume adhesions would feel like, but , as you say, they can’t be seen on a scan, so how were yours diagnosed?

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Hi @pistolpete !!
I’ve had multiple abdominal and pelvic surgeries where the adhesions were seen.

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